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Presentation on theme: "Respiration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Respiration

2 Fish respiration experiment
Question: How does temperature affect fish respiration rates? New questions: What did your data look like? Did your data support your hypothesis? Was your data accurate?

3 How did fish respond to the difference in temperature?
Colder reduced respiration Warmer increased respiration Why?

4 Oxygen solubility of water at different temperatures

5 What did your data look like?



8 Which one of these graphs matching the procedure the best?
How do we know which type of graph to use? Line graphs- display data that changes continuously over time. Bar graphs- visual display for comparing quantities in different categories or groups.

9 Fish respiration experiment
Question: How does temperature affect fish respiration rates? New questions: Does your data accurately measure respiration rates? How could your experiment be modified to better answer the initial question?

10 More trials

11 If we did a similar experiment with a human, would it field the same result?
What do humans and fish have in common?


13 Animals use different modes of thermoregulation to maintain homeostatic body temperatures.
Ectotherm Endotherm Relies on environment to regulate body temperature “cold blooded” Live in environments where temperature is constant or consistent Regulates body temperature through metabolic processes “warm blooded” Heat generated by metabolism Maintain narrow range of temperature Which one are we?


15 What factors affect human respiration rates?
Which of these factors can we easily test in the classroom?

16 How could we test for respiration rates?
CO2 acidic Oxygen basic pH

17 Bromomethyl blue pH test


19 Homeostasis is maintaining a stable internal environment.


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