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Dmitri Kotchetkov University of Hawaii at Manoa

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1 Electronic Readout System for the Belle II Imaging Time- Of-Propagation Detector
Dmitri Kotchetkov University of Hawaii at Manoa for the Belle II iTOP Detector Group March 3, 2017

2 Barrel Particle Identification at Belle II
Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB electron-positron collider (KEK, Tsukuba, Japan): asymmetric collisions of 7 GeV electron beam with 4 GeV positron beam (program’s total integrated luminosity = 50 ab-1) studies of CP-violating physics processes from decays of U(4S) resonances need for improved barrel particle identification to detect rare and previously unobserved phenomena and to mitigate beam backgrounds in the pT range from 1 GeV/c to 4 GeV/c pions have to be separated from kaons with the efficiency of 85-90%, while the misidentification efficiency has to be less than 5% new 8192-channel Cherenkov radiation imaging Time-Of-Propagation Detector (iTOP)

3 Imaging Time of Propagation Detector
16 modules placed between the Central Drift Chamber and the Electromagnetic Calorimeter iTOP Central Drift Chamber Electromagnetic Calorimeter in each module: 2.5 m long quartz bar glued from two 125 x 45 x 2 cm2 pieces Central Drift Chamber Electromagnetic Calorimeter a spherical mirror is glued to one end and a prism is glued to another end of the bar iTOP

4 Cherenkov Radiation in Quartz
y z x quartz charged particle Cherenkov photon from a pion Cherenkov photon from a kaon Hamamatsu microchannel plate photomultiplier tube (MCP-PMT) R M16(N) 16-channels (4 x 4 pixel matrix) 5.275 x mm2 pixels 32 MCP-PMTs are attached to each prism measurement of Cherenkov photon x-y position at the prism surface (MCP-PMT pixel coordinate) and in-quartz propagation time

5 Ice Radio Sampler Ice Radio Sampler version X (IRSX) ASIC
adaptation from designs for neutrino experiments in Antarctica 0.25 mm TSMC CMOS process 8 channels switched capacitor array with 32,768 storage cells for each channel sampling buffer operational sampling speed is 2.714 gigasamples per second

6 Sample and Hold Cell Vin Csample Vpedestal Write Strobe Trigger T1 T2
to ADC basic unit or a Switched Capacitor Array trigger or write strobe closes an analog switch and an input signal gets stored in a 14 fF capacitor charge remains held in the capacitor until it is overwritten or until discharge occurs through leakage

7 Wilkinson Analog-to-Digital Conversion
common voltage ramp connected to a positive input of a comparator 11-bit Gray code counter increments while the ramp voltage increases when the voltage ramp level exceeds the stored sample voltage, the comparator latches the Gray code value 12th bit is for the phase Vin Vramp Vcomp time Comparator Register Vin Vcomp D (0:11) Vramp 12 Ramp Generator Clock Gray Code Counter stored voltage → time interval → ADC value

8 Subdetector Readout Module
128-channel standalone front-end electronic readout unit assembly of four ASIC carrier Boards and one Standard Control Read-Out Data (SCROD) board ASIC carrier board: four 8-channel IRSX ASICs and one Xilinx Zynq Z-7030 System on a Chip SCROD board: one Xilinx Zynq Z-7045 System on a Chip

9 SCROD debugging trigger link programming and clock data RAM Zynq
low voltage power connectors to ASIC carrier

10 ASIC Carrier Board connectors to ASIC carrier Zynq Z-7030 IRSX
pogo pin assemblies amplifiers pogo pin assemblies amplifiers IRSX connectors to ASIC carrier or SCROD

11 Front Boards sockets for MCP-PMT anode and HV contacts (one board per four MCP-PMTs) contact pads for ASIC carrier pogo pins contact pads for HV divider board

12 High Voltage Board 8 channels (one channel per one MCP-PMT)
each channel: 400 MOhm resistive divider coupled with high voltage transistors aluminum enclosure attached to a Subdetector Readout Module and to a water cooled aluminum plate pogo pins are pressed against the HV contact pads on two front boards MCP-PMTs: operational voltage: from 2100 V to 3100 V charge gain: from 2 x 105 to 3 x 105

13 Single-Photon Laser Signal Data Taking
data fiber link programming and clock high voltage board water cooled plate laser fiber MCP-PMT

14 iTOP Readout Scheme one iTOP module: 32 MCP-PMTs 4 Subdetector Readout
ASIC carrier 4 IRSX ASICs SRM one iTOP module: 32 MCP-PMTs 4 Subdetector Readout Modules (SRMs) 16 ASIC carrier boards 64 IRSX ASICs 512 channels

15 SCROD Firmware Device: Xilinx Zynq Z-7045 PL: Programmable Logic
T/T 508.9/4 MHz Trigger Data PS Device: Xilinx Zynq Z-7045 PL: Programmable Logic Kintex-7 FPGA 350,000 cells 218,600 look-up tables PS: Processing System dual-core ARM Cortex-9 constrained at 668 MHz T/T: Trigger and Timing GTX: Gigabit Transceiver PL B2TT Feature extraction System Trigger GTX GTX AXI-Lite Bus Trigger Stream (Aurora) Register Data Output Data Buffering Local Registers PS Main DDR Trigger Buffer and Sorter Register Input Data Buffering Pedestal calculation Data Serial Serial Serial Serial GTX GTX GTX GTX mezzanine connectors

16 ASIC Carrier Board Firmware
mezzanine connectors Device: Xilinx Zynq Z-7030 PL: Programmable Logic Kintex-7 FPGA 125,000 cells 78,600 look-up tables PS: Processing System dual-core ARM Cortex-9 668 MHz T/T: Trigger and Timing GTX: Gigabit Transceiver PL PS Clock Trigger Register PS Main – Status Monitoring Serial T/T GTX AXI-Lite Bus Data Output Data Buffering ASIC Master Control Sequencer Control Readout Buffering IRSX control (x 4) Auxiliary Monitoring Register Interface Trigger Monitoring Analog Memory Digitization Data Readout ASIC (x 4) Serial Data Interface Channel-Level Triggers Memory Addressing Digitization (Gray Code) Serial Data Interface

17 ASIC Carrier Timing Performance
measurement of 20 ns time delay between leading edges of a reconstructed 1.5 V pulse of 7 ns width and its delayed copy overall time resolution is ps

18 Timing Performance with MCP-PMTs
measurement of a time between leading edges of a reconstructed pulse from MCP-PMT signal and a reconstructed calibration reference pulse single photon laser signal laser trigger is independent from the calibration pulse overall time resolution at the laser test bench is from 60 ps to 90 ps (MCP-PMT transit time spread = 30 ps; laser test bench TDC time resolution = 25 ps)

19 global clock and trigger
Back-End DAQ System High Speed Link Board 1.6 GHz Intel Atom Z530 CPU Common Pipelined Platform for Electronic Readout (COPPER) version III 9U VME format one High Speed Link Board collects data from one SRM one COPPER-III board serves one iTOP module 16 COPPER-III boards serve the iTOP detector COPPER-III board global clock and trigger

20 Integration at the iTOP
Assembled Subdetector Readout Modules: 78 Installed at iTOP (8192 channels): 64 Installed at a spare iTOP module: 4 Uninstalled spare SRMs: In-situ data taking from calibration laser and cosmic muon ray events without magnetic field demonstrated performance comparable to or surpassing the in-lab performance DAQ tests with 1.5 T magnetic field have started and will be continued through several campaigns Ongoing development of online and offline calibration software Time resolution measured in the calibration laser events is less than 50 ps

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