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KY Seed Identification Contest Study Slides

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1 KY Seed Identification Contest Study Slides
Developed by Cameron White

2 Grasses ID

3 Kentucky Bluegrass

4 Orchard Grass Keel shaped; lemma pointed and twisted; rachilla long and slender.

5 Tall Fescue resembles ryegrass; no awn; broadest midways, long pointed at apex

6 Timothy Wedge-shaped; bare seed round with thin, silvery lemma attached. Light tan

7 Redtop

8 Sudan Grass Brown-tan; often covered by lemma and palea. Oblong; pointed at one end.

9 Grain Sorghum Dark brown-purple; glossy black glumes. Oblong; pointed on one end.

10 Bromegrass, Smooth Grayish-tan lemma and palea tightly adheres to brown to purple caryopsis. Flat and oblong with brodest area toward one end.

11 Ryegrass, Perennial has an awn or remains; awn end tapers; other end wide, rounded, flared

12 Red Fescue

13 Weed ID

14 Johnson Grass brown, light to black with gradiations, smooth and shiny

15 Ox-eye Daisy

16 Giant Foxtail

17 Curly Dock triangular, sharp-edged, glossy red-brown seed

18 Dandelion

19 Morning Glory black to brown; shaped like sections of an orange

20 Cheat (Chess) elliptic, long, smooth brown; short awn

21 Ragweed

22 Small Grain ID

23 Wheat has a “brush” on one end; a deep groove found on the ventral side

24 Oats may vary in color from reddish to white

25 Barley straw-colored; very chaffy; several spikelike projections

26 Rye, Winter brown to metallic green seed, cylindrical, pointed

27 Buckwheat

28 Triticale

29 Legumes ID

30 Red Clover mitten-shaped; color varies from yellow to brown to purple in the same sample

31 Korean Lespedeza larger than Kobe; little or no hairs on pods; veins in pod darker; hulled seed, purplish

32 Alsike Apple-green to greenish-black, browing with age. Nearly heart-shaped except notch slightly off center.

33 Crimson Clover large when compared to other clovers; light tan color; oval-shaped; smooth to smooth-glossy

34 Hairy Vetch seed size variable; smooth, dull black color

35 Alfalfa kidney-shaped; yellowish-brown, sometimes with a green tinge

36 Soybean variable in size and color; usually yellow, can be brown or black; smooth, hilun color will vary

37 Birdsfoot Trefoil Olive-brown, buff, purple mottled, and purplish black. Oval.

38 Sweet Clover Greenish-yellow (yellow blossom seed may be flecked with purple). Mitt shaped

39 Kobe Lespedeza usually unhulled, hairy, brown pods; hulled seed, purplish

40 Sericea Lespedeza seed usually hulled; light brown to green flecked with purple; dark reddish pod

41 Crown Vetch Yellowish-red to reddish brown. Cylindrical rod shaped.

42 White Clover seed small, heart-shaped; color ranges from yellow to dark brown in the same sample

43 Vegetables ID

44 Comparison of Seed Sizes

45 Popcorn pearl-shaped

46 Carrots ribbed with oval shap convex backside 2 - 3 mm

47 Sweet Corn

48 Turnip resembles cultivated varieties

49 Spinach

50 Radish

51 Cabbage

52 Tomato flat, mostly rounded seed rough seedcoat 2 - 3 mm

53 Squash flat, more rounded seed rough seedcoat 11-12 mm

54 Parsnips

55 Eggplant

56 Dill

57 Parsley

58 Peas rounded, rough seed coat; gray to black color

59 Beans (pole & bush)

60 Cucumber flat, narrow seed smooth seedcoat 8 - 9 mm

61 Lettuce

62 Kale

63 Endive

64 Cantaloupe

65 Peppers flat, mostly rounded seed smooth seedcoat 3 mm

66 Beans (lima)

67 Other ID

68 Cotton

69 Tobacco

70 Sunflowers flattened, brown in colour, 5 – 7 mm long. The outer seeds in the head are wingless and the inner seeds winged

71 Sugar Beets

72 Resources Seed Identification – Mississippi State Extension

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