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A game designed to help you learn how to use homophones correctly!

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Presentation on theme: "A game designed to help you learn how to use homophones correctly!"— Presentation transcript:

1 A game designed to help you learn how to use homophones correctly!
Let's play... Name that Homophone! A game designed to help you learn how to use homophones correctly! Definition Gameboard How do I play? Take me to the game board! What’s a homophone?

2 Gameboard Introduction Here's how to play: Good Luck!
Begin by selecting a category and question point value. Choose the homophone that correctly completes the sentence by clicking directly on it. Need a hint? Click on the rotating question mark on the lower-left side of your screen. Use the flashing arrow to return to the question. To return to the gameboard, simply click on the word Gameboard. The game will not work correctly if you left-click through as you normally view a PowerPoint. Be sure to use the links described above. You will need a sheet of paper and a pen or pencil to keep score. To keep score, give yourself full credit for the question only if you answer it correctly on the first try. Give yourself half-credit if you answer correctly after receiving a hint. Need these directions again? Click Mrs. Smith on the game board. Good Luck! Gameboard Introduction

3 such as night and knight, that are pronounced the same
A homophone is... One of two or more words, such as night and knight, that are pronounced the same but differ in meaning, origin, and sometimes spelling. Introduction Gameboard

4 Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 Exit

5 close/clothes up off of the floor!
What is clothes? Be sure to pick your close/clothes up off of the floor! Gameboard 100 points

6 Need a hint? Close: the opposite of open
Clothes: items such as shirts, pants, socks, and shoes worn to cover the body

7 Close: the opposite of open
Sorry! Close: the opposite of open

8 clothes up off of the floor!
Correct! Be sure to pick your clothes up off of the floor!

9 the correct answer should be?
What is know? How do you no/know what the correct answer should be? Gameboard 100 points

10 Know: to have an understanding of
Need a hint? No: negative, opposite of yes Know: to have an understanding of

11 Oops!! No: negative, opposite of yes

12 correct answer should be?
Fantastic! How do you know what the correct answer should be?

13 What is new? What is the knew/new student’s name? Gameboard 100 points

14 Need a hint? Knew: past tense of know New: having recently come
into existence

15 You’ve got it! What is the new student’s name?

16 Knew: past tense of know
Try again! Knew: past tense of know

17 A homonym/homophone is what we call one of two or more
What is a homophone? A homonym/homophone is what we call one of two or more words that are pronounced the same but differ in meaning, origin, or spelling. Gameboard 100 points

18 Need a hint? Homonym: one of two or more words
that have the same sound and often the same spelling but differ in meaning Homophone: one of two or more words that are pronounced the same but differ in meaning, origin, or spelling.

19 Awesome! A homophone is what we call one of two or more
A homophone is what we call one of two or more words that are pronounced the same but differ in meaning, origin, or spelling.

20 more words that have the
Are you sure? Homonym: one of two or more words that have the same sound and often the same spelling but differ in meaning

21 where/wear to Brandon’s
What is wear? What are you going to where/wear to Brandon’s party Friday night? Gameboard 200 points

22 Need a hint? Where: at, in, or to what place Wear: to bear or
have on a person

23 Give yourself a pat on the back!
What are you going to wear to Brandon’s party Friday night?

24 Uh-oh! Where: at, in, or to what place

25 To make the best biscuits,
What is knead? To make the best biscuits, knead/need the dough before rolling it out. Gameboard 200 points

26 Need: to be in want of something
Need a hint? Knead: to work or press into a mass with the hands Need: to be in want of something

27 To make the best biscuits,
Very good! To make the best biscuits, knead the dough before rolling it out.

28 Need: to be in want of something
Whoops! Need: to be in want of something

29 Hurry! You are missing the beginning of the game.
What is they’re? Hurry! You are missing the beginning of the game. They’re/there/their kicking off right now. Gameboard 200 points

30 especially as in possession
Need a hint? They’re: contraction for “they are” There: in or at that place Their: of or relating to them, especially as in possession

31 Hurry! You are missing the beginning of the game.
You’ve got it! Hurry! You are missing the beginning of the game. They’re kicking off right now.

32 Their: of or relating to them, especially as in possession
Shucks! There: in or at that place Their: of or relating to them, especially as in possession

33 Bridges must be able to bear/bare heavy loads. Gameboard 200 points
What is bear? Bridges must be able to bear/bare heavy loads. Gameboard 200 points

34 usual, or appropriate covering
Need a hint? Bear: to hold up or support the weight of Bare: lacking a natural, usual, or appropriate covering

35 You’re on a roll! Bridges must be able to bear heavy loads.

36 usual, or appropriate covering
Too bad! Bare: lacking a natural, usual, or appropriate covering

37 How many write/right/rite answers did you score on the quiz?
What is right? How many write/right/rite answers did you score on the quiz? Gameboard 300 points

38 Rite: a ceremonial action
Need a hint? Write: to form characters on a surface with an instrument such as a pen Right: conforming to facts or truth Rite: a ceremonial action

39 did you score on the quiz?
Superstar! How many right answers did you score on the quiz?

40 Rite: a ceremonial action
So sad! Write: to form characters on a surface with an instrument such as a pen Rite: a ceremonial action

41 What is pore? I plan to pour/poor/pore over the study guide tonight so I will do well on the test. Gameboard 300 points

42 Need a hint? Pour: to cause to flow in a stream Poor: lacking
material possessions Pore: to read or study attentively

43 I will do well on the test.
Hooray! I plan to pore over the study guide tonight so I will do well on the test.

44 Poor: lacking material possessions
Think again! Pour: to cause to flow in a stream Poor: lacking material possessions

45 I need a black pair/pare/pear
What is pair? I need a black pair/pare/pear of shoes to wear to the dance Friday night. Gameboard 300 points

46 Need a hint? Pair: to corresponding things designed for use together
Pare: to trim off an outside, excess, or irregular part Pear: a pome fruit of a tree

47 I need a black pair of shoes to wear to the dance Friday night.
Super job! I need a black pair of shoes to wear to the dance Friday night.

48 Pare: to trim off an outside, excess, or irregular part
Not this time! Pare: to trim off an outside, excess, or irregular part Pear: a pome fruit of a tree

49 Please plan to stay hear/here
What is here? Please plan to stay hear/here until the storm passes. Gameboard 300 points

50 Need a hint? Hear: to receive sound waves in one’s ear
Here: indicating a specific place, usually where the speaker currently is

51 Please plan to stay here
You did it again! Please plan to stay here until the storm passes.

52 Keep trying! Hear: to receive sound waves in one’s ear

53 built on that site/sight?
What is site? What do you think will be built on that site/sight? Gameboard 400 points

54 Sight: the ability to see
Need a hint? Site: the spatial location of an actual or planned structure Sight: the ability to see

55 Sight: the ability to see
No deal! Sight: the ability to see

56 What do you think will be
Terrific! What do you think will be built on that site?

57 cents/scents/sense when making important decisions.
What is sense? You must use common cents/scents/sense when making important decisions. Gameboard 400 points

58 Need a hint? Cents: coins or tokens representing one cent
Scents: particular odors that are usually agreeable Sense: the ability to effectively use your brain

59 when making important decisions.
Shazam! You must use common sense when making important decisions.

60 Scents: particular odors that are usually agreeable
Shoot! Cents: coins or tokens representing one cent Scents: particular odors that are usually agreeable

61 It’s/Its going to rain today.
What is it’s? It’s/Its going to rain today. Gameboard 400 points

62 especially as a possessor
Need a hint? It’s: contraction for it is Its: of or relating to it, especially as a possessor

63 You’ve got your brain in gear!
It’s going to rain today.

64 That’s not the answer we’re looking for!
Its: of or relating to it, especially as a possessor

65 meat/meet at the mall on Saturday?
What is meet? What time do you want to meat/meet at the mall on Saturday? Gameboard 400 points

66 Need a hint? Meat: animal tissue considered especially as food
Meet: to come together at a particular time or place

67 What time do you want to meet at the mall on Saturday?
Yahoo! What time do you want to meet at the mall on Saturday?

68 Meat: animal tissue considered especially
Bummer! Meat: animal tissue considered especially as food

69 “One day, I will rain/rein/reign over the entire universe,”
What is reign? “One day, I will rain/rein/reign over the entire universe,” predicted the alien. Gameboard 500 points

70 Need a hint? Rain: water falling in drops condensed from vapor
Rein: a restraining influence Reign: the time during which one, as a sovereign, rules

71 “One day I will reign over
Sensational! “One day I will reign over the entire universe,” predicted the alien.

72 Rein: a restraining influence
Almost! Rain: water falling in drops condensed from vapor Rein: a restraining influence

73 Weather/Whether or not
What is whether? Weather/Whether or not you choose to study hard is up to you. Gameboard 500 points

74 Need a hint? Weather: relating to various conditions of the atmosphere
Whether: indicating a choice, as in whether or not

75 Let’s face it… you’re good!
Whether or not you choose to study hard is up to you.

76 Weather: relating to various conditions
Let’s look at it again! Weather: relating to various conditions of the atmosphere

77 stationary/stationery in
What is stationary? Very few things are stationary/stationery in a Category 5 hurricane. Gameboard 500 points

78 Need a hint? Stationary: unchanging in condition
Stationery: materials for writing or typing

79 Very few things are stationary in a
You rock! Very few things are stationary in a Category 5 hurricane.

80 Stationery: materials for
Not quite! Stationery: materials for writing or typing

81 Please accept/except my apology.
What is accept? Please accept/except my apology. Gameboard 500 points

82 Except: excluding something
Need a hint? Accept: to receive something Except: excluding something

83 Please accept my apology.
Are you good or what? Please accept my apology.

84 Except: excluding something
Oopsy-daisy! Except: excluding something

85 How did you do? Add up your score, giving yourself full credit for the question only if you answered it correctly on the first try Give yourself half-credit if you answered correctly after receiving a hint. points: Wow!! You’re a pro! points: Pretty good, but you’ve not mastered homophones yet! 1000 – 2900 points: You could use a little more practice! 0 – 990 points: Did you even use the tutorial?!?!?  Click me!

86 Way to go!! You have completed the Name that Homophone game!
Thanks for playing! I hope you learned something along the way! Click anywhere on Mrs. Smith to return to the tutorial’s home page.

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