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… that she will visit her family at last

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1 … that she will visit her family at last
CLAUSE (CÜMLECİK) A. Form: İngilizce’de cümlecik, bağlaçlarla (that, which, after, since, so that …) veya fiil formuyla (Ving, V3, toV) oluşturulur. Örneğin: … who live in Germany … that she will visit her family at last … when the walls were painted blue … the sisters living in Germany … to visit her family at last … painted blue Bir cümlecik “tense” içerip içermemesine göre ikiye ayrılır. “Tense” içeren, “finite”; içermeyen ise “non-finite”tır. Örneğin, yukarıdaki cümleciklerin ilk üçünde “tense” varken, diğerlerinde yoktur.

2 CLAUSE B. Meaning: Cümlecik, cümle içindeki görevine göre üçe ayrılır:
A.Adjective Clause (Sıfat Cümleciği) Celebrations such as weddings are often times when families gather together. Düğün gibi kutlamalar ailelerin bir araya geldikleri zamanlardır. The girl eating ice-cream is my daughter. (non-finite) Dondurma yiyen kız benim kızım. B.Noun Clause (İsim Cümleciği) In a society when families gather together is what sociology is interested in. Bir toplumda ailelerin ne zaman biraraya geldikleri sosyolojinin ilgi alanıdır. Eating ice-cream on a hot day is delightful. (non-finite) To eat ice-cream on a hot day is delightful. Sıcak bir günde dondurma yemek çok hoştur.

3 CLAUSE C.Adverb Clause (Zarf Cümleciği) When families gather together, there is either a wedding or a funeral. Aileler biraraya geldiklerinde ya bir düğün ya da bir cenaze vardır. Eating ice-cream, she nearly got chocked. (non-finite) Dondurma yerken neredeyse boğuluyordu.


İNGİLİZCEDE İSMİ NİTELER İSİMDEN SONRA GELİR The people who live next to us have 16 children. N adj.cls.

TÜRKÇEDE NİTELEDİĞİ İSİMDEN HEMEN ÖNCE GELİR Yanımızda oturan insanların 16 çocukları var Sıf.cüm isim


1. SUBJECT FOCUS (-en / - an) 1. The thief is my colleague. ( main clause ) 2. The thief broke the window. ( adj clauses) S V O 1-2 : The thief who broke the window is my colleague. S ADJ. CLS V O. (SUBJ. İ NİTELEDİ) Türkçesi: Pencereyi kıran hırsız benim iş arkadaşım.

9 2. The thief broke the window.
1. Jane saw the thief. 2. The thief broke the window. 1-2 : Jane saw the thief who broke the window. S V O ADJ.CLS. (OBJECT İ NİTELEDİ) Türkçesi : Jane pencereyi kıran hırsızı gördü.

Sıfat cümleciği MAIN CLAUSE un subject’ini veya object’ini niteleyebilir. 2. Sıfat cümleciği bir bağlaçla başlayabilir. 3. Bağlacın ardından VERB gelir. 4. Bağlaç sıfat cümleciğinin öznesi yerine geçer. Yani sıfat cümleciğinin öznesi atılıp yerine bağlaç kullanılmıştır. WHO – HUMAN WHICH –OTHERS THAT - HUMAN AND OTHERS

11 1.The camping site is incredible.
2. The camping site is my favorite. 1-2: The camping site which is my favorite is incredible. s Adj cls V o 1. We went to a camping site. 2. The camping site is my favorite. 1-2 : We went to a camping site which is my favourite. S V O.

12 2. OBJECT FOCUS (-ın / - dık)
1. The thief is my colleague. 2. John stabbed the thief. 1-2. The thief whom John stabbed is my colleague. S V O. Türkçesi: John’un bıçakladığı hırsız benim iş arkadaşım. 1. Jane saw the thief. 1-2. Jane saw the thief whom John stabbed. S. V O. Türkçesi: Jane John’un bıçakladığı hırsızı gördü.

Object focus da sıfat cümleciği MAIN CLAUSE un subject ini veya object ini niteleyebilir. Bağlaç sıfat cümleciğinin nesnesi yerine geçer . Yani sıfat cümleciğinin nesnesi atılıp yerine bağlaç kullanılmıştır. Sıfat cümleciği bir bağlaçla veya bağlaçsız başlayabilir. Bağlaçtan sonra “SUBJECT” gelir.

14 ÖRNEK 1. We went to a restaurant . 2. I saw the restaurant last year.
1-2. We went to a restaurant which I saw last year. S V O. 1. The restaurant was very big . 2. I saw the restaurant last year. 1-2. The restaurant which I saw last year was very big. S V O.

15 Sesame Street, which BBC has been producing for years, is a highly instructive and entertaining programme. The leading Sesame Street characters , whom everybody loves, are Ernie & Bert. Parents should ask the kids about the programs which they watch. They should limit the number of hours that their child watches tv. Kids are usually not happy with the limitations their parents give them.


VİRGÜLSÜZ VİRGÜLLÜ İsmi tanımlar/sınıflar (defining) isim hakkında bilgi verir non- defining who-which kullanılır sayısı önemli karşı taraf bilmiyorsa My brother who is in İstanbul is coming back. My brother, who is in İstanbul, is coming back. The students who want to go on a picnic are organizing the event. The students, who want to go on a picnic, are organizing the event. Professor johnson, whom I have long admires, is to visit the university next week.

Object Focus olan bu tür Sıfat cümleciğinin fiili bir edat ile birlikte kullanılıyorsa, ‘whom’ ve ‘which’li cümle de edat sıfat cümleciğinin başına çekilir. ‘That’ ve ‘0’ kullanıldığında ise edat sıfat cümleciğinin sonunda kalır. 1. The employer was rich. 2. Jane borrowed money from the employer. 1-2.The employer whom Jane borrowed money from was rich. from whom Jane borrowed money that Jane borrowed money from Jane borrowed money from TÜRKÇE: Jane’in borç aldığı patron zengindir.

19 1. Sue slapped the boy. 2. Jane borrowed money from the boy. 1-2.Sue slapped the boy that Jane borrowed money from whom Jane borrowed money from from whom Jane borrowed money 1. Katty is reviewing for Chemistry. 2. I know very little about Chemistry. 1-2. She is reviewing for Chemistry which I know very little about. about which I know very little. 1-2. Mr. And Mrs Morris, with whom we went on holiday, live in Bristol. 1. Mr. And Mrs Morris live in Bristol. 2. We went on holiday with Mr. And Mrs Morris.

Steinbeck’s novels, ____ as naturalistic, are best seen as allegories of man’s struggles to create a better world. which erroneously regard which are erroneously regarded A. B.

21 The conditions ____ miners are forced to work are appalling.
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES SUBJECT & OBJECT FOCUS TEST-1 2. The conditions ____ miners are forced to work are appalling. under which that A. B.

22 Many surfers regard the sport as an aesthetic and spiritual
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES SUBJECT & OBJECT FOCUS TEST-1 3. Many surfers regard the sport as an aesthetic and spiritual experience ____ the mind as well as the body. that involves which they involve A. B.

23 The Ottoman Empire, ____ the Byzantine Empire in Anatolia,
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES SUBJECT & OBJECT FOCUS TEST-1 The Ottoman Empire, ____ the Byzantine Empire in Anatolia, was the political achievement of the Oghuz Turkish tribes. which was replaced in which replaced 4. A. B.

TEST-1 5. According to Freud, the sex drive, ____ the “libido”, could trigger mental illness. that was termed which he termed A. B.

TEST-1 6. By analysing the ocean beds, ____, scientists are trying to see the future of our seas. from which samples of deep-sea sediments can be collected which can collect samples of deep-sea sediments A. B.

TEST-1 7. Turquoise is a semi-translucent to opaque gem ____ since ancient times for its intense light blue colour. whom people highly prize that has been highly prized A. B.

TEST-1 8. Japan and South Korea, ____ by words for innovation, are one to two years ahead of the world. which are considered whom they consider A. B.

28 9. A. B. We need to keep our eyes covered with a film of tears, ____
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES SUBJECT & OBJECT FOCUS TEST-1 9. We need to keep our eyes covered with a film of tears, ____ would dry out and become infected. which they without which they A. B.

29 Germany, ____ from around the world, is now funding and
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES SUBJECT & OBJECT FOCUS TEST-1 10. Germany, ____ from around the world, is now funding and promoting a brain drain - instead of effectively solving the underlying economic problems. which once Gastarbeiters flocked that was once flocked by Gastarbeiters A. B.

30 11. A. B. People ____ from schizophrenia typically experience
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES SUBJECT & OBJECT FOCUS TEST-1 11. People ____ from schizophrenia typically experience hallucinations, and have difficulty with activities ____ planning. that suffered / which they require who suffer / that require A. B.

31 The means ____ to solve the problem is still a mystery.
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES SUBJECT & OBJECT FOCUS TEST-1 12. The means ____ to solve the problem is still a mystery. that was tried with by which he tried A. B.

32 13. A. B. Antiviral drugs and money ____ for the 2,5m people ____ with
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES SUBJECT & OBJECT FOCUS TEST-1 13. Antiviral drugs and money ____ for the 2,5m people ____ with HIV have begun to turn the tide. are poured by western governments and foundations / who infect western governments and foundations pour / that are infected A. B.

33 14. A. B. Scientists have uncovered links between living organisms and
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES SUBJECT & OBJECT FOCUS TEST-1 14. Scientists have uncovered links between living organisms and clouds ____ a key role in making our planet fit for life. that play for which they play A. B.

34 Marine sources, ____ Japan heavily relies, are not unlimited.
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES SUBJECT & OBJECT FOCUS TEST-1 15. Marine sources, ____ Japan heavily relies, are not unlimited. upon which which A. B.

35 It is a fact that babies ____ typically develop 40% more cells in
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES SUBJECT & OBJECT FOCUS TEST-1 16. It is a fact that babies ____ typically develop 40% more cells in the hippocampus, which is vital for learning and memory. that deliver active mothers whom active mothers deliver A. B.

36 The feelings ____ by vague threats are of course different from
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES SUBJECT & OBJECT FOCUS TEST-1 17. The feelings ____ by vague threats are of course different from the ones ____ in a burning building or a hijacked plane. that are inspired / you would experience you would inspire / that are experienced A. B.

37 The massive wind farm ____ will have 270 turbines and be
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES SUBJECT & OBJECT FOCUS TEST-1 18. The massive wind farm ____ will have 270 turbines and be capable of generating 1000 megawatts - one percent of the UK’s energy needs, or enough for 750,000 homes. that a private consortium will build will be built by a private consortium A. B.

38 Many autistic people, ____ there is no cure at present, argue
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES SUBJECT & OBJECT FOCUS TEST-1 19. Many autistic people, ____ there is no cure at present, argue that autism is just a normal part of human diversity and that the society should accept them as they are. for whom which A. B.

TEST-1 20. Malignant tumours show an aggressive behaviour ____ in benign tumours. which is not seen that it doesn’t see A. B.

40 The peoples of the world differ in their culture, ____ their
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES SUBJECT & OBJECT FOCUS TEST-1 21. The peoples of the world differ in their culture, ____ their language, religious beliefs, ways of thinking and so on. which is meant by which means A. B.

41 White blood cells, ____ obesity and smoking have dramatic
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES SUBJECT & OBJECT FOCUS TEST-1 22. White blood cells, ____ obesity and smoking have dramatic effects, can never be restored once they are damaged. by whose on which A. B.

TEST-1 23. George Chapline says the objects ____ as black holes so far could in fact be dead stars. that everybody has thought of whom everybody has thought A. B.

TEST-1 24. Broccoli and cauliflower taste and smell much like cabbage, ____. that they were developed from from which they developed A. B.

44 The £5 congestion charge, ____ from all daytime motorists that
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES SUBJECT & OBJECT FOCUS TEST-1 25. The £5 congestion charge, ____ from all daytime motorists that enter the busiest areas of the city, decreased the traffic by 25% in the first week. which London municipality demands which demands London municipality A. B.

45 An infection sometimes results when the body is attacked
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES SUBJECT & OBJECT FOCUS TEST-1 26. An infection sometimes results when the body is attacked by a bacteria ____ the body has little resistance. to which that A. B.

TEST-1 27. Thoughts are the result of electrical signals ____ through the brain’s vast network of brain cells, or neurons. which pass that are passed A. B.

47 Wearing fur in public, ____ once _____ with contempt, is
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES SUBJECT & OBJECT FOCUS TEST-1 28. Wearing fur in public, ____ once _____ with contempt, is fashionable again, and in a big way. which / was looked at which / many looked A. B.

48 The bill ____ to introduce will help the country cut domestic
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES SUBJECT & OBJECT FOCUS TEST-1 29. The bill ____ to introduce will help the country cut domestic waste and meet its Kyoto protocol commitment. is planned by Japan Japan plans A. B.

TEST-1 30. The 100 million or so people ____ southern Africa face a very disturbing situation: several studies predict a 10% cut in rainfall across the region by 2050. that live in in which they lived A. B.

4. ADJECTIVE CLAUSES WITH: ‘WHOSE + NOUN V O’ ‘WHOSE + NOUN S V’ ‘THE NOUN OF WHICH V O’ ‘THE NOUN OF WHICH S V’ (the man – others) (others) takılar: özne: i,ı yüklem : en/ an İSMİ İSMİN SAHİP OLDUĞU BİRŞEYLE TANIMLAMAK İÇİN KULLANILIR. SUBJECT-OBJECT FOCUS OLABİLİR. 1. The man is sophisticated. 2. The man’s sister is Prime Minister. 1-2. The man whose sister is Prime Minister is sophisticated.

51 1. They want to work in an organization.
2. An organization’s values are coherent. 1-2. They want to work in an organization whose values are coherent. 1-2. They want to work in an organization the values of which are coherent. 1. Lots of people liked the film . 2. The plot of the film was very simple. 1-2. Lots of people liked the film the plot of which was very simple. 1-2. Lots of people liked the film whose plot was very simple.

52 Iraq’s main attraction is oil.
Iraq, whose main attraction is oil, doesn’t seem to attain peace in the short run. The main attraction of Iraq is oil. Iraq, the main attraction of which is oil, doesn’t seem to attain peace in the short run. Bush’s real aim was to lay hands on the petrol. Bush, whose real aim was to lay hands on the petrol, used Saddam as a pretext.

(-en –an) ( ki bu – ve bu) Half All Some whom Most of Many which Both The best The smaller 1. The passengers were rich. 2. Only two of them were British. 1-2. The passengers, only two of whom were British, were rich .

54 1. The professor gave us information.
2. Most of the information was useless. 1-2. The professor gave us information, most of which was useless. 1. I tried on several boots. 2. I liked two of them. 1-2. I tried on several boots, two of which I liked.

55 1. There are four reading passages.
2. The shortest of the reading passages is about 200 words. There are four reading passages, the shortest of which is about 200 words. 1. He bought two jars. 2. The larger of the jars will be used for water. He bought two jars, the larger of which will be used for water. Shaquille Rashaun O'Neal has several nicknames, most of which he conferred upon himself, such as "the Diesel", "the Big Aristotle", and "Superman."

PREPOSITION + QUANTITY, PREPOSITION +AMOUNT, PREPOSITION +PROPORTION PREPOSITION + COMPARISON 1. My salary is not enough. 2. I can only buy a suit with half of my salary. 1-2. My salary, with half of which I can only buy a suit, is not enough. 1. The supermarkets are reliable. 2. My father orders goods from two of them. 1-2. The supermarkets, from two of which my father orders goods, are reliable.

57 The company, the shareholders ____ are mainly mid-class
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES PROPORTION-QUANTITY-POSSESION-COMPARISON TEST-1 1. The company, the shareholders ____ are mainly mid-class people, is in a crisis. of which whose most whom all of whom A. B. C. D. E.

58 Consumers are advised to send letters of complaint to
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES PROPORTION-QUANTITY-POSSESION-COMPARISON TEST-1 2. Consumers are advised to send letters of complaint to manufacturers ____ products are below standard. all of which of whose of which whose whom A. B. C. D. E.

59 Iran has 32 producing oil fields, ____ 25 are onshore and 7 offshore.
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES PROPORTION-QUANTITY-POSSESION-COMPARISON TEST-1 3. Iran has 32 producing oil fields, ____ 25 are onshore and 7 offshore. which whose in which through which of which A. B. C. D. E.

60 The country tried different ways to get out of the bottleneck,
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES PROPORTION-QUANTITY-POSSESION-COMPARISON TEST-1 4. The country tried different ways to get out of the bottleneck, ____ worked. none of which either of which of whom one the better of whom the worse of which A. B. C. D. E.

61 In Greek mythology, Atlas was a kneeling man ____ shoulders
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES PROPORTION-QUANTITY-POSSESION-COMPARISON TEST-1 5. In Greek mythology, Atlas was a kneeling man ____ shoulders the world rested. on whose both of which whose both on which all of which A. B. C. D. E.

62 The company has recently hired five employees, _____ are
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES PROPORTION-QUANTITY-POSSESION-COMPARISON TEST-1 6. The company has recently hired five employees, _____ are computer programmers. both of whom all of whom of whom one whose both some of which A. B. C. D. E.

63 This time there emerged from within seven candidates for
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES PROPORTION-QUANTITY-POSSESION-COMPARISON TEST-1 7. This time there emerged from within seven candidates for party leadership, ____ is a 30-year-old woman member. whose youngest the youngest of whom the younger of whom of whose younger the younger of which A. B. C. D. E.

64 The new head of the department, ____ one can barely stand, is
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES PROPORTION-QUANTITY-POSSESION-COMPARISON TEST-1 8. The new head of the department, ____ one can barely stand, is trying everyone’s patience. the condescending behaviour of which the most condescending of whom whose condescending behaviour the more condescending of whom at the condescending behaviour of which A. B. C. D. E.

TEST-1 9. IBM has developed a new laptop computer, ____ is expected to make it attractive even to students. the lowest cost of which whose lowest cost of which, the lower cost with the low cost of which the low cost of which A. B. C. D. E.

TEST-1 10. In the valley are being built two canals, ____ local farmers will use for irrigation. whose longest one of which the longest the longer of whom the longer of which by whose longest one A. B. C. D. E.

TEST-1 11. In this part of the test you are required to read four texts, ____ is about 200 words. of which the shorter the shorter of whom the second of whose all of which the shortest of which A. B. C. D. E.

68 Concerning the sky-rocketing prices, the PM gave several
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES PROPORTION-QUANTITY-POSSESION-COMPARISON TEST-1 12. Concerning the sky-rocketing prices, the PM gave several reasons, ____were far from convincing the public. both of which the first one of which all of which none of whom was some of whom A. B. C. D. E.

TEST-1 13. These villagers, ____ are at the skirts of a volcano, pray all the time that it should leave them in peace. the more modest homes of which whose modest homes in whose modest homes at the most modest homes of which the modest homes of which A. B. C. D. E.

TEST-1 14. From India to Australia and all over the US blow storms, ____ is the tornado reaching 300m/hr. whose violence the more violent of which the violence of which of whom the most violent the most violent of which A. B. C. D. E.

TEST-1 15. Oak and pine are among the plants ____ has been curbed by the current heat wave in Europe - this raises fears over the impact of climate change on crops. all of which grow the growth of whom of whose growth with the growth of which whose growth A. B. C. D. E.

TEST-1 16. The apparatus contains two pistons, ____ is one hundred times as powerful as the other. whose which all of which one of which the first of which A. B. C. D. E.

73 The tourist, ____ the police discovered gold coins, was detained.
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES PROPORTION-QUANTITY-POSSESION-COMPARISON TEST-1 17. The tourist, ____ the police discovered gold coins, was detained. the suitcase of which in the first suitcase of which in whose suitcase of whose small suitcase whose suitcase A. B. C. D. E.

74 There are two very common types of calendars, according to
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES PROPORTION-QUANTITY-POSSESION-COMPARISON TEST-1 18. There are two very common types of calendars, according to ____, the solar calendar, a year lasts 365 days. the longer one which the longer of which the longest of which which the longer one whose longer one A. B. C. D. E.

75 Last night the orchestra played three symphonies, ____ was
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES PROPORTION-QUANTITY-POSSESION-COMPARISON TEST-1 19. Last night the orchestra played three symphonies, ____ was Beethoven’s Seventh. the better of which one of which whose best one the second of whom all of which A. B. C. D. E.

76 The infant ____ are met readily develops a sense of trust.
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES PROPORTION-QUANTITY-POSSESION-COMPARISON TEST-1 20. The infant ____ are met readily develops a sense of trust. with whose needs whose needs the first needs of which the most important need of whom whose more urgent need A. B. C. D. E.

TEST-1 21. Share prices of biotech companies have been plummeting since the first quarter of the year for various reasons, ____ is the overall economic conditions. the most important of whom of whom one one of which of which two the more important of which A. B. C. D. E.

78 Hypertension occurs frequently in individuals ____ of salt and
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES PROPORTION-QUANTITY-POSSESION-COMPARISON TEST-1 22. Hypertension occurs frequently in individuals ____ of salt and water is excessive. the intake of which of whose intake whose intake that the intake the intake that A. B. C. D. E.

TEST-1 23. The Basque separatist group ETA has announced a permanent ceasefire again. ETA called ceasefires before, ____ turned out to be permanent. each of which whose first one the later of which the earlier of whom none of which A. B. C. D. E.

80 Women ____ have stories of breast or ovarian cancer highly
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES PROPORTION-QUANTITY-POSSESION-COMPARISON TEST-1 24. Women ____ have stories of breast or ovarian cancer highly benefit from genetic tests. the families of which whose families most of them all of which some of whose A. B. C. D. E.

81 EU places 92 foreign air carriers on black list, ____ they define
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES PROPORTION-QUANTITY-POSSESION-COMPARISON TEST-1 25. EU places 92 foreign air carriers on black list, ____ they define as “flying coffins”. all of which some of whom the first one of whom the larger of which of which A. B. C. D. E.

82 Neptune is the fourth largest planet and has at least 8 moons,
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES PROPORTION-QUANTITY-POSSESION-COMPARISON TEST-1 26. Neptune is the fourth largest planet and has at least 8 moons, ____ of which is Triton. larger the large the largest the larger large A. B. C. D. E.

TEST-1 27. The cluster contains hundreds of stars, ____ only a handful are commonly visible to the naked eye. of which which many of which whose of whom A. B. C. D. E.

84 Two tribes settled in this area, ____ was primarily agricultural.
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES PROPORTION-QUANTITY-POSSESION-COMPARISON TEST-1 28. Two tribes settled in this area, ____ was primarily agricultural. both of which two of whom the earlier of which whose one the largest of whom A. B. C. D. E.

TEST-1 29. Dr. Robin Coombs, a British immunologist ____ blood test is widely used to diagnose anaemia, died on January 25, 2006, at the age of 85. by which that of whom whose of whose A. B. C. D. E.

86 At the European Fine Art fair in Maastricht this year, eight Italian
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES PROPORTION-QUANTITY-POSSESION-COMPARISON TEST-1 30. At the European Fine Art fair in Maastricht this year, eight Italian paintings stand out in all their glory, ____ present a strong emotional content and a strong Italian identity. whose of whom one the more famous of which none of whom all of which A. B. C. D. E.

OBJECT FOCUSTUR in on which = when/ where for which = why at during 1. The Second World War was the most severe war in human history. 2. Many people were killed in The Second World War. 1-2. The Second World War which many people were killed in was the in which many people were killed when many people were killed most severe war in human history.

88 1. We visited a town called Şirince.
2. We had lunch in Şirince. 1-2. We visited a town called Şirince which we had lunch in. in which we had lunch. where we had lunch. The house in which Jenny was born was in London. where Jenny was born Bill Gates attended Lakeside School, Seattle's most exclusive prep school, where he was able to develop his programming skills on the school's minicomputer . Shaq spent some of his childhood in Germany in Wildflecken, Bavaria, where his step-father Harrison was stationed with the U.S. Army.

89 1. Do you know the date? 2. We have to submit the first essay on that day. Do you know the date on which we have to submit the first essay? when NOT: whence : from where No one ordered him back whence he came. I walked to Tunalı, whence I could complete the journey by car. whereby: by means of which / according to which (technique, method, system, plan den sonra) The system whereby Britons choose their family doctors pays those doctors. In a just society there must be a system whereby people can seek justice through the courts. where : situation, stage, level, point, case, position, interaction, association You feel tearful in situations where you feel terrible. I got to the point where I was so ill.

90 1. The reason is unkown. 2. Jane went to İstanbul for that reason. 1-2. The reason for which/why Jane went to İstanbul is unknown. This is the reason why he lost the match. for which he lost the match.

91 8. COORDINATE ADJECTIVE CLAUSES which (=and this) ki bu / ve bu / ve bunu
The car was going fast, which was very dangerous. France, Britain and Germany have warned that they will impose economic sanctions against Iran, which does not deter Iran in the least. The western world fears that Iran will use its nuclear program to make nuclear bombs, which Iran says is groundless.

92 Ki böyle bir durumda case/event
Ki bu süre içinde preposition + which time Ki bu noktada point Ki bu tarihe kadar time They may refuse the offer , in which event you can beat down the seller to the price that suit them. Adam and Eve sat under the tree for an hour or so, during which time they stared at the apples. Then Eve said she was too hungry to stick to the rule of God, at which point Adam picked an apple.

93 Many EU members regard energy as a crucial national security
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES WHEN-WHERE-WHY CO-ORDINATE TEST-1 1. Many EU members regard energy as a crucial national security issue, ____, according to Spain, is an exaggerated point of view. which to which when whereby why A. B. C. D. E.

CO-ORDINATE TEST-1 2. Ethiopia’s lava lake neither rests nor erupts, but is in a constant state of volcanic flux, ____ makes the site an ideal place of study for scientists. when where into which which why A. B. C. D. E.

CO-ORDINATE TEST-1 3. A veto is a constitutional procedure _____ the President refuses to approve a bill or joint resolution and thus prevents its enactment into law. by which of which whose whom to which A. B. C. D. E.

96 Divers raise the wreckage of Bluebird, the boat ____ Donald
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES WHEN-WHERE-WHY CO-ORDINATE TEST-1 4. Divers raise the wreckage of Bluebird, the boat ____ Donald Campbell died during his 1967 world water speed record attempts. by which why which where whence A. B. C. D. E.

97 Soviet space probe Venera 3 crashed somewhere on the right
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES WHEN-WHERE-WHY CO-ORDINATE TEST-1 5. Soviet space probe Venera 3 crashed somewhere on the right side of Venus, ____ disrupted its communication totally. when where why upon which which A. B. C. D. E.

CO-ORDINATE TEST-1 6. Within two years, 6,000,000 hectares of land will be used for wildlife reserves in Madagascar, ____ thousands of species of plants and animals are found exclusively but population pressure is putting strain on habitats. which why where over which whence A. B. C. D. E.

99 The UK government retreated from banning smoking in all public
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES WHEN-WHERE-WHY CO-ORDINATE TEST-1 7. The UK government retreated from banning smoking in all public places in its forthcoming Health Bill, ____ is the reason ____ it is under heavy attack. why / when which / why for which / which where / in which when / that A. B. C. D. E.

100 By the time the bomb exploded 550m above Hiroshima, the
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES WHEN-WHERE-WHY CO-ORDINATE TEST-1 8. By the time the bomb exploded 550m above Hiroshima, the Enola Gay was about 15 km away, at a point ____, despite the jolts, the plane could safely fly back to its base. where which when why by which A. B. C. D. E.

101 The language ____ we derive most of our modern cooking
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES WHEN-WHERE-WHY CO-ORDINATE TEST-1 9. The language ____ we derive most of our modern cooking terms is French. where that in which whence at which A. B. C. D. E.

102 Last week, ____ North Korea was told to dismantle its nuclear
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES WHEN-WHERE-WHY CO-ORDINATE TEST-1 10. Last week, ____ North Korea was told to dismantle its nuclear programmes in accordance with a 1994 deal, witnessed a pick up in the pace of diplomatic moves as regards the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. why on which whereby when which A. B. C. D. E.

103 A divided island, Cyprus has a blissfully Byzantine past, ____
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES WHEN-WHERE-WHY CO-ORDINATE TEST-1 11. A divided island, Cyprus has a blissfully Byzantine past, ____ makes it such a delightfully rich destination. which where in which whereby whence A. B. C. D. E.

104 On June 21st, 2004, Intel, the world’s largest chipmaker,
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES WHEN-WHERE-WHY CO-ORDINATE TEST-1 12. On June 21st, 2004, Intel, the world’s largest chipmaker, launched two new lines of chips, ____ it says are the most compelling changes in over a decade. why when which where in which A. B. C. D. E.

105 In the last few months, there have been a few instances ____
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES WHEN-WHERE-WHY CO-ORDINATE TEST-1 13. In the last few months, there have been a few instances ____ the President has expressed pleasure at how well he has been able to work with this Congress. which where that with which why A. B. C. D. E.

CO-ORDINATE TEST-1 14. Since 1999, ____ its around € 14bn debt to Germany was rescheduled, Russia has made most of its payments right on time. when which for which why where A. B. C. D. E.

107 Drivers across Europe now use a single credit-card sized,
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES WHEN-WHERE-WHY CO-ORDINATE TEST-1 15. Drivers across Europe now use a single credit-card sized, counterfeit proof driver’s licence, ____ the 110 different versions have been done away with. which whereby why whence under which A. B. C. D. E.

108 A lunation is a lunar month, ____ time the Moon completely
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES WHEN-WHERE-WHY CO-ORDINATE TEST-1 16. A lunation is a lunar month, ____ time the Moon completely circles the Earth in its orbit. of which when whose during which to which A. B. C. D. E.

109 The government may have to withdraw the contaminated
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES WHEN-WHERE-WHY CO-ORDINATE TEST-1 17. The government may have to withdraw the contaminated products from sale, ____ anyone who has purchased one of those products can ask for a refund. during which time on which in which case of which by which A. B. C. D. E.

110 Socialization is the process ____ an individual learns to adjust to
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES WHEN-WHERE-WHY CO-ORDINATE TEST-1 18. Socialization is the process ____ an individual learns to adjust to a group or society and behave in a manner approved by the group or society. whereby which whence to which whose A. B. C. D. E.

111 In the 9th and 10th centuries, Vikings sold East Slavic slaves to
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES WHEN-WHERE-WHY CO-ORDINATE TEST-1 19. In the 9th and 10th centuries, Vikings sold East Slavic slaves to Arab and Jewish traders, who took them to Verdun and Leon, ____ they were sold throughout Moorish Spain and North Africa. which to which whence whereby when A. B. C. D. E.

CO-ORDINATE TEST-1 20. Like amaranth, quinoa is a nutritious seed crop that resembles cereal grains in flavour and the methods ____ it can be cooked. to which why by which whence which A. B. C. D. E.

113 One reason _____ drug tests are routine in America is that
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES WHEN-WHERE-WHY CO-ORDINATE TEST-1 21. One reason _____ drug tests are routine in America is that addicted workers who are seeking treatment count as disabled, so firms cannot fire them. through which whereby which when why A. B. C. D. E.

114 The city council is working on a plan to ban smoking in all
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES WHEN-WHERE-WHY CO-ORDINATE TEST-1 22. The city council is working on a plan to ban smoking in all pubs, _____ pubs may lose their regulars in the long term. all of which in which case whereby during which time of which A. B. C. D. E.

115 By the end of 2015 AIDS will have killed nearly 50 million
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES WHEN-WHERE-WHY CO-ORDINATE TEST-1 23. By the end of 2015 AIDS will have killed nearly 50 million people, _____ it the worst outbreak of infectious disease in recorded history. which makes why they were making that is making they have made whose number made A. B. C. D. E.

116 There is an interaction between two animal or plant species
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES WHEN-WHERE-WHY CO-ORDINATE TEST-1 24. There is an interaction between two animal or plant species that habitually live together, _____ one species benefits from the association, but the other is not significantly affected. why where which when between which A. B. C. D. E.

117 A team led by the University of California, San Diego biochemists
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES WHEN-WHERE-WHY CO-ORDINATE TEST-1 25. A team led by the University of California, San Diego biochemists has discovered the mechanism _____ a simple organism can produce 10 trillion varieties of a single protein. which whence by which for which whose A. B. C. D. E.

118 9. DISCONTINOUS ADJECTIVE CLAUSES -özneyi niteler -ana cümlenin object’i olmadığı durumlarda kullanılır - ana cümlenin fiilinden sonra gelir 1. No systemic abnormality has been detected. 2. No systemic abnormality could modify this disease. 1-2 No sytemic abnormality has been detected that could modify this disease. The system has been introduced that uses a technique known as biometrics to create a digital map of a person’s face.

119 10. Belgisiz Zamirleri niteleyen Sıfat Cümlecikleri
Someone/ anyone / everything / everyone/ … Subject focus === that object focus ==== 0 / that We have got everything (that) you need. Don’t trust him. He is someone (that) you can hate. b. that/ the one+ adj. cla. ( tekil isimler / çevrilmez ) those/ the ones + adj. cla. ( çoğul isimler/ çeviri:‘ler-lar’) There are lots of books but the one/ that you should read is this. The one who came late was Ali. Those/the ones who lead my brother to the valley will receive no mercy.

120 C. all/ much/ some/ many / several
all ve much dan sonra that diğerlerinde sınırlama yok . For me love is all that matters. She likes movies. There are many which have been directed by Hitchcock .

121 The Foreign Minister, ____ was besieged by reporters when his
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 1. The Foreign Minister, ____ was besieged by reporters when his plane landed, held a short press conference at the airport. whom whose who that of whom A. B. C. D. E.

122 first completely new tube for 60 years. who that whom which whose A.
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 2. The Victoria Line, ____ the Queen opened in 1969, was London’s first completely new tube for 60 years. who that whom which whose A. B. C. D. E.

123 The IMF representative, ____ the minister of finance discussed
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 3. The IMF representative, ____ the minister of finance discussed the future of his country’s currency last week, is still for letting it fluctuate for some more time. of whom with whose who when with whom A. B. C. D. E.

124 You still don’t have an e-mail address, ____ makes it difficult to
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 4. You still don’t have an address, ____ makes it difficult to get in touch with you at times. which who that whom whose A. B. C. D. E.

125 She showed no sign of emotion till she reached home, ____ she
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 5. She showed no sign of emotion till she reached home, ____ she broke down. where when which whom that A. B. C. D. E.

126 The producers say they cannot remember a time ____ the
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 6. The producers say they cannot remember a time ____ the harvest was worse than this year. where which that why at which A. B. C. D. E.

127 There doesn’t seem to be one good reason ____ we should not
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 7. There doesn’t seem to be one good reason ____ we should not start building a nuclear power station just like other countries. which who whom why to which A. B. C. D. E.

128 Today there is software ____ can tell you who stole your phone
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 8. Today there is software ____ can tell you who stole your phone and help you hunt them down. by which whom which in what whose A. B. C. D. E.

129 We came within sight of Mt Everest, ____ summit has attracted
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 9. We came within sight of Mt Everest, ____ summit has attracted so many climbers. whose which of which who where A. B. C. D. E.

130 In this part of the world there are several problems, one ____ is
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 10. In this part of the world there are several problems, one ____ is border security. which of which of whom in which whose A. B. C. D. E.

131 The government encourages the hotels in the south for what is
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 11. The government encourages the hotels in the south for what is called “conference tourism” during winter ____ there is little or almost no touristic activity. when which where why for which A. B. C. D. E.

132 The whole world admired the way ____ the UN envoy mediated
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 12. The whole world admired the way ____ the UN envoy mediated between the two countries and led them to the peace table. why which where what in which A. B. C. D. E.

133 Member countries of the International Whaling Commission,
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 13. Member countries of the International Whaling Commission, ____ want to be sure abuses do not occur, must ensure that whaling is done by the book. when whose who that whom A. B. C. D. E.

134 The presidential candidate shook hands with a lot of people,
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 14. The presidential candidate shook hands with a lot of people, most ____ he had not met before. of which that with whose of whom whom A. B. C. D. E.

135 There are several items on today’s agenda, ____ of which is
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 15. There are several items on today’s agenda, ____ of which is significant. most each both either neither A. B. C. D. E.

136 The representative of one party vehemently opposed to Article
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 16. The representative of one party vehemently opposed to Article 3, ____ delayed the signing of the protocol. that with whom which of which where A. B. C. D. E.

137 The lecture was on psychology, a subject ____ first year students
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 17. The lecture was on psychology, a subject ____ first year students were not the slightest bit interested. for whom which whom in which that A. B. C. D. E.

138 The new constitution of the country allows for establishment
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 18. The new constitution of the country allows for establishment of regions, the governing bodies of ____ could be autonomous. who whose which whom that A. B. C. D. E.

139 They act mostly on suggestions from present members, ____
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 19. They act mostly on suggestions from present members, ____ of whom are women. a little neither any much four A. B. C. D. E.

140 Our representation agency has ten branch offices all over the
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 20. Our representation agency has ten branch offices all over the country, only a few ____ are in Ankara. which of whom of which whom that A. B. C. D. E.

141 Land owners ____ properties the municipality expropriate are
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 21. Land owners ____ properties the municipality expropriate are paid according to some criteria. of which whose when where which A. B. C. D. E.

142 Ladies and gentlemen, the aims ____ our foundation is pursuing
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 22. Ladies and gentlemen, the aims ____ our foundation is pursuing are worthy of praise. that of which whose what why A. B. C. D. E.

143 Those of you ____ will attend Professor Law’s class are to do
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 23. Those of you ____ will attend Professor Law’s class are to do 5 hours of laboratory work every week. what which whom whose who A. B. C. D. E.

144 The Beatles, ____ are known as the best pop group of the
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 24. The Beatles, ____ are known as the best pop group of the 20th century, will never be able to play together again. who whom which whose what A. B. C. D. E.

145 The negotiators ____ are expected to settle the water dispute
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 25. The negotiators ____ are expected to settle the water dispute between the two countries meet next Monday. who whose with whom which whom A. B. C. D. E.

146 The Straits of Magellan, ____ is within the waters of Chile, is
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 26. The Straits of Magellan, ____ is within the waters of Chile, is named after the famous sailor. who whom that of which which A. B. C. D. E.

147 Researchers have found the reason ____ cancer incidences in
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 27. Researchers have found the reason ____ cancer incidences in the region are rising: the radioactive waste secretly deposited beneath the rocks in the North-west. which how that why what A. B. C. D. E.

148 In our solar system there are nine planets ____ we are familiar.
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 28. In our solar system there are nine planets ____ we are familiar. both of whom neither of which for whom for some of which with most of which A. B. C. D. E.

149 The personnel manager warned all the employees, one of ____
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 29. The personnel manager warned all the employees, one of ____ problems was punctuality. whose whom which where why A. B. C. D. E.

150 In the north-west, Turkey has two check points, ____ of which
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 30. In the north-west, Turkey has two check points, ____ of which is Kapıkule on the Greek border. the largest larger the larger large largest A. B. C. D. E.

151 The poet _____ love poems we’ll be dwelling on this week is an
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 31. The poet _____ love poems we’ll be dwelling on this week is an 18th century romantic. who whose which on which that A. B. C. D. E.

152 I guess I found the article ____ you were referring; here it is.
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 32. I guess I found the article ____ you were referring; here it is. at which that where which to which A. B. C. D. E.

153 Altogether 1888 people were prosecuted, ____ 1628 were convicted.
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 33. Altogether 1888 people were prosecuted, ____ 1628 were convicted. of whom whom when for which whose A. B. C. D. E.

154 According to Richard Jackson, _____ latest book was published
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 34. According to Richard Jackson, _____ latest book was published on Thursday, most diseases are avoidable. which whose who whom when A. B. C. D. E.

155 I have at last met the distinguished scientist Jim Mason, ____
ADJECTIVE CLAUSES FINITE TEST TEST-1 35. I have at last met the distinguished scientist Jim Mason, ____ I have heard and read so much. whom when about whom whose that A. B. C. D. E.

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