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Published byAngel Bryan Modified over 7 years ago
1.Though his captors tormented him, he refused to abjure his faith.
Abjure - verb Parts: ab(away, from); jur(swear) Educated Guess: Definition: to remove under oath; to give up Synonyms: abandon, abdicate, recant, spurn Antonyms: embrace, proclaim Variant forms: abjuration (n) Context Phrase:
2.The speaker’s clever anecdote quickly won him the attention and respect of the audience.
Anecdote - noun Parts: an (not, without) ec (out) dot (give) not published Educated Guess: Definition: a short account of an interesting or humorous incident, An account regarded as unreliable or hearsay Synonyms: story, joke Antonyms: na Variant forms: anecdotal (adj) Context Phrase:
3. I am averse to freedom of the press if it damages or threatens our national security.
Averse (adj) followed by to Parts: a (apart, away); vers (turn) Educated Guess: Definition: Strongly disinclined. Having a strong dislike or opposition to something (not people) Synonyms: reluctant, disinclined, unwilling, opposed Antonyms willing, inclined, wanting, supportive Variant forms: avert (v) aversion (noun) Context Phrase:
4. Experience has taught her to be circumspect when making such an important decision.
Circumspect: Adjective Parts: circum: (around) spect: (look, see) Educated Guess: to look around Definition: Heedful of potential consequences; prudent Synonyms: wary, prudent, careful, heedful, cautious Antonyms: careless, non-chalant, foolish, reckless Variant forms: circumspectly (adv), circumspection (n) Context Phrase:
5.How many states are contiguous to North Carolina?
Contiguous - adjective Parts: con (together, with); tig (touch); ous (full of) Educated Guess: Definition: Sharing a common border, Immediately preceding or following. Synonyms: touching, adjacent, neighboring: Antonyms: disconnected, separate Variant forms: contiguity (noun) Context Phrase:
6. The Soviet Union is now defunct, and many new countries have been created in that area.
Word/Part of speech - adj Parts: de (down, from) un (not) Educated Guess: not from a place Definition: no longer in existence, operation, or use Synonyms: dead, vanished, extinct, obsolete, expired Antonyms: alive, functioning, operative Variant forms:na Context Phrase:
7. The defendant hopes that the jurors are dispassionate, that they will listen carefully to the evidence, and that their verdict will be fair. Dispassionate: adjective Parts: dis(apart, away, not); passus(suffer, feel, endure); ate (that which) Educated Guess: not feeling Definition: not influenced by emotion or bias, free from passion, prejudice, or personal interest Synonyms: abstract, colorless, detached, unemotional Antonyms partial, biased, prejudiced Variant forms:dispassion (n), dispassionately (adj.) Context Phrase:
8. War tends to engender feelings of cooperation and patriotism among the citizens.
Engender-verb Parts:en(inside, within); gen (begin, race, family) Educated Guess:inside family Definition:to beget; to bring into being; bring about; cause; produce Synonyms:breed, cause, produce, create, propagate Antonyms:destroy, eliminate Variant forms:N/A Context Phrase:
9. Collaboration will facilitate our completing the task on time.
Facilitate (verb) Parts: facil (easy); ate (make, cause) Educated Guess: to make easy Definition: to make easy or easier Synonyms: assist, easy Antonyms: complicate Variant forms: facilitation, facilitator Context Phrase:
10. If a parent can appear imperturbable during a child’s tantrum, the child will soon choose another way to seek attention. Word/Part of speech: Adj. Parts: im(not); per (thoroughly); turb (agitate); able (capable of) Educated Guess: Not capable of agitation Definition: Unshakably calm and collected. Synonyms: Calm, Unruffled, Collected Antonyms: Shaken, Bothered Variant forms: Imperturbability; Imperturbably Context Phrase:
11. Accused of being infidels, the missionaries were tortured and executed.
Infidel - noun Parts:in(in, into, not) fid(faith, trust) Educated Guess: Definition: an unbeliever with respect to a particular religion especially Christianity and Islam; one with no religious beliefs Synonyms:faithlessness, sterility, atheism Antonyms faithful, religious Variant forms: Context Phrase:
12. As Jem walked down the street, Mrs
12. As Jem walked down the street, Mrs. Dubose sat on her porch and shouted invectives about his father. Invective - noun Parts: in (in, into) vect (carry) literally something carried into the heart that wounds it Educated Guess: insult Definition: Harsh and insulting language used to attack or denounce Synonyms: verbal abuse, insult, vituperation Antonyms praise, encouragement, euphemism Variant forms: N/A Context Phrase:
13. A megalopolis such as New York City offers many diverse opportunities, but the crime rate is usually high. Megalopolis- noun Parts: mega(large), polis(city). Educated Guess: a large city Definition:a large city Synonyms: boomtown, metropolis, municipality Antonyms Variant forms: Context Phrase:
14. The incumbent had considered the new candidate a political nonentity; therefore the upset victory was a shock. Nonentity: Noun Parts: non (not); esse (to be); ity (state, condition Educated Guess: Definition: a person of no importance or significance, non existence Synonyms: nullity, zippo, nobody, unknown Antonyms: celebrity, dignitary, luminary, priority Variant forms: na Context Phrase:
15.Information is readily available to make teenagers aware of the pernicious effects of smoking.
Pernicious/adj Parts: per(through, thoroughly); nic (death); ious (full of) Educated Guess: Definition: Having a harmful effect; usually in a gradual or subtle way Synonyms: destructive, ruinous, fatal, deadly Antonyms: constructive, beneficial, advantageous Variant forms: perniciously (adv) , perniciousness (n) Context Phrase:
16. High school graduation should be the prelude to many other accomplishments.
Prelude - noun Parts: pre(before), lud(play) Educated Guess: a play before Definition: something that serves as a preceding event or an introduction to what follows, an introductory piece of music Synonyms: introduction, preamble, prologue, precursor Antonyms closing, conclusion, finale, postlude Variant forms:na Context Phrase:
17. After the fire destroyed their home, the prostrate family received help from many strangers.
Prostrate/adj Parts: pro(before, forth); sternere(lie flat) ate cause, make Educated Guess: Definition: to put or throw flat with the face down (lie flat) lying stretched on the ground with one’s face downward, completely overcome or helpless, submission Synonyms: abject, bowed low, abase, grovel, overcome Antonyms: upright Variant forms: prostration (n) Context Phrase:
18. The CIA arrested the renegade as he passed classified information to the enemy.
renegade/noun Parts: re (back, again) negare (to deny) Educated Guess: Definition: one who rejects a religion, cause, allegiance, or group for another; deserter; one who gives up conventional or lawful behavior Synonyms: traitor, infidel, outlaw, dissident, defector Antonyms loyalist, patriot, conformist, chauvinist Variant forms: na Context Phrase:
19. Because there was so much publicity about the case, the judge decided to sequester the jury.
sequester/verb Parts: se (apart, away) quest (seek) Educated Guess: Definition: To isolate or hide something or someone; to isolate a jury from outside influences, to take temporary possession of property as security against legal claims Synonyms: seclude, segregate, isolate, confiscate Antonyms: include, integrate Variant forms:sequestration (n) sequestrate (v) Context Phrase:
20. Hoping to be asked by someone more popular, she decided to temporize when the new student invited her to the prom, saying that she needed her parents’ permission before accepting. temporize/ verb Parts: tempor (time), ize (cause, make) Educated Guess: Definition: to gain time or avoid argument, as by postponing an action or decision; to yield to current conditions; to comply temporarily Synonyms: compromise, procrastinate, suspend, delay Antonyms: decide, commit Variant forms: temporization (noun) Context Phrase:
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