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Alaska’s Only Tribal College

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1 Alaska’s Only Tribal College
Barrow, Alaska Alaska’s Only Tribal College

2 Location Barrow, Alaska – North Slope Borough

3 Context/TCU North Slope Borough, Alaska Area: 89,000 sq. miles
Population: 6800 people in 8 communities Communities accessible only by plane Iñupiaq Culture: Seasonal whaling and subsistence life style

4 Ilisagvik College, Barrow, Alaska
College name means “A place to learn” Two-year, accredited community college Alaska’s only Tribal College Serves in excess of 1500 students annually We offer classes such as: General Studies Programs; including Allied Health and Business Administration. WFD/Certificate/Training Programs (½ of our students are seeking degrees, ½ are WFD)

5 Unique Challenges We Face
Ilisagvik College is a very small tribal college serving a focused, dispersed and diverse population in a harsh environment over a wide geographic area which creates challenges in a finite budget.

6 Remote Location and Unique Populations
Ilisagvik is the only post secondary institution in the North Slope Borough(NSB) Bordered by the foothills of the Brooks Range to the South and the Arctic Ocean to the North. NSB has a population of 6,828 (2009 DCCED Certified Population) In 2009 the ethnicity was 70.2% Alaska Native, 21.3% Caucasian, 1.3% African American, 7.1% Asian and Pacific Islander and 2.9% Hispanic (this data is based on the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development) Students enrolled at Ilisagvik are primarily first generation college students, representing with 66% of students identifying themselves as American Indian/Alaska Native There is also a transient population of 5,000-plus non-residents employed by the North Slope Oilfields.

7 College Readiness
Statistically, Native American students have the highest dropout rate of any racial or ethnic group in the United States, exceeding 65% nationally (Shield,2004). Ilisagvik aims to serve a demographic plagued with unforgiving statistics: High post secondary education dropout rates Low proficiency rates on standardized tests Low persistence and retention rates at the post secondary level The North Slope Borough School District(NSBSD) reported a 62.3% graduation rate but an undisclosed number of these students failed to pass the State required High School Graduation Qualifying Exam (SBA) to receive a true diploma. American Indian/Alaska Native NSBSD students tested in the Spring 2010 SBA did not perform adequately to meet the graduation requirement. 48.0% tested “below proficient or “far below proficient” in Reading 47.3% tested “below proficient or “far below proficient” in Writing 46.8% tested “below proficient or “far below proficient” in Math

8 Financial Resources
Ilisagvik utilizes funding for persistence and retention primarily within the student services department . This department assists students in the GED program, certification, and workforce development. The student services department annual expenditures are $640,000. This provides students with: Counseling and tutoring services Residence hall management and supervision Weekly and monthly activities Program materials Out of the classroom educational and cultural learning opportunities The college pays these costs from general fund money, which is supplemented with small community grants from the Autaaqtuq Fund to retention and persistence efforts.

9 Personal & Cultural Barriers
Inupiat values and cultures are important to Ilisagvik College; the college consistently strives to incorporate Inupiat Values, however the subsistence hunting and cultural values take time from reaching modern societies view of educational attainment. Attending and focusing on academics and excelling can be difficult for students dealing with moving to a larger community. Homesickness and underlying mental health conditions are factors in low student retention. Even if there was an emergency, a student would be unable to return home due to severe weather in the winter and thick fog in summer months

10 Personal & Cultural Barriers
A majority of North Slope villages are considered “dry” communities, which means the community does not sell, distribute, or import alcohol. The college is located in Barrow which is considered a “damp” community where alcohol can be imported. This change in access to alcohol often effects village students who are at higher risk because of the increased ability to consume alcohol, this creating problems with alcohol abuse. These students are seen by the student counselor who is tasked in assisting them in obtaining drug and alcohol education services.

11 Retention and Persistence Plan
Current Procedures Ilisagvik strives to increase and maintain Retention and Persistence via: Student Services Student Counselor Check-Ins. -Student Services contacts each program active student, throughout the semester to encourage attendance, and to provide information about upcoming dates and events. Instruction utilizes Faculty Advisors to help students choose appropriate courses, assist students when they would like to add or drop a class and check-in with students regarding classes regularly.

12 Changes to Retention and Persistence Plan
Graduation rates at Ilisagvik College through the last 3 years have increased significantly. The number of full time students is also down from previous years, with slight growth in overall credit student enrollment. This shows that the number of students that maintain and complete their program of study could be improved.

13 Changes to Retention and Persistence Plan
Ilisagvik could improve the Retention and Persistence of students with a few small, but important changes. These changes include: • Encouraging students to utilize campus resources • Recognizing when students are having difficulty in classes • Continual contact from Student Services

14 Changes to Retention and Persistence Plan
• A focus on students midterm grades to ensure focus on those students that need to complete assignments and attain better grades on tests and reports • Ilisagvik will create a Student Resource Board within Student Services which includes information regarding the incentive program, child care within Barrow, athletic opportunities, scholarships, campus events, career and college guidance, and recreational center.

15 Quyanaq! Thank you to AIHEC and Walmart for this opportunity!

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