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Movements of Earth.

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Presentation on theme: "Movements of Earth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Movements of Earth

2 Vocabulary Rotation Lunar eclipse Revolution Nutation –will cover
Precession Perihelion Aphelion Perigee Apogee Solar eclipse Lunar eclipse Nutation –will cover Barycenter-will cover Ellipsoidal Model-will cover Kepler’s 1st Law Kepler’s 2nd Law Kepler’s 3rd Law Lunar Cycle

3 Revolution Period of REVOLUTION= one complete elliptical orbit around the sun or planet (moon). Earth= Why do we need a leap year? Mercury=88 days Pluto=248 Earth years Planets revolve in a counterclockwise direction around the sun.

4 Rotation The period of ROTATION= movement of planet around its axis.=1 day/night cycle. Earth=24 hours Mercury=59 Earth days Pluto=6 Earth days

5 Tilt The Earth is tilted on a 23.5 o angle on it’s axis
The tilt of Earth is the reason day and night are not 12 hours each and why we have seasons. The side of the planet tilted towards the sun, is receiving more direct sunlight and longer days=summer. The side of the planet tilted away from the sun, is receiving less direct sunlight and shorter days=winter.

6 Tilt
Any planet that is tilted on its axis will have seasons. Seasons are marked by specific dates: Summer solstice June20/21 –sun is at highest point in the sky and longest day of the year. Winter solstice Dec.21/22-the Northern hemisphere is at full tilt away from the sun and shortest day of the year. Autumnal equinox Sept. 22/23-day and night are equal Vernal eqiunox March 20/21 day-day and night are equal.

7 Precession Change in the direction of the axis but there is not change in the 23.5o tilt. Changes the stars near the pole-Polaris (current) or Vega. Does not affect seasons.

8 Barycenter
The balance between the masses of the planets as they orbit. In the case of the moon and the Earth-the moon doesn’t orbit the Earth’s exact center, but a point 1,710 km below the surface. This is where the masses balance each other. Causes the sun to wobble-it is not stationary in the solar system. As planets tug on it with their gravity it wobbles, but never goes far from its barycenter.

9 Nutation A wobble around the Earth’s axis 1/2o change/18 year period.
Due to the moon and tides.

10 Ellipsoid Earth The Earth’s diameter is wider at the equator than at the poles-not a perfect sphere. Caused by the rotation of the Earth and the centrifugal force perpindicular to it. The earth has a molten core, tectonic plates, and a thin crust that can move; therefore there is a slight flattening.

11 Ellipsoidal Model Flatten at the poles Bulging at the equator

12 Phases of the Moon Oreo activity
The amount of the moon lit up by the sun. ½ of the moon is lit at all times. The amount visible depends on the location of the moon with respect to the sun and Earth. The same side of the moon faces the Earth because its period of rotation about its axis and its revolution around the Earth are about the same. This is callllled… a sync

13 Eclipses Solar eclipse-when the moon moved between the Earth and the sun. New moon phases Lunar eclipse-the moon is eclipsed when it moves it moves within the Earth’s shadow. Full moon phases

14 Solar eclipse

15 Lunar eclipse

16 Why don’t we always see them?
Moon’s orbit is inclined 5% so most of the phases its shadow misses Earth. Must cross the plane of ecliptic for an eclipse to take place.


18 Vocabulary Teaching Posters
Rotation Revolution Precession Perihelion Aphelion Perigee Apogee Solar eclipse Lunar eclipse Nutation Barycenter Ellipsoidal Model- Kepler’s 1st Law Kepler’s 2nd Law Kepler’s 3rd Law Lunar Cycle - Phases of the moon

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