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Presentation on theme: "MANAJEMEN PERSEDIAAN DAN LOGISTIK POKOK BAHASAN : MODUL 15"— Presentation transcript:

MANAJEMEN LOGISTIK DOSEN PENGAMPU : HARTRI PUTRANTO, SE.,MM. FAKULTAS EKONOMI UNIVERSITAS MERCUBUANA JAKARTA 2012 ‘12 Manajemen Inventori dan Logistik Hartri Putranto, SE. MM. Pusat Bahan Ajar dan Elearning Universitas Mercu Buana 1

2 The Alternative Channels:
Manufacturer Direct To Retail Store. The manufacturer or supplier delivers direct from the production point to the retail store. As a general rule, this channel is only used when full vehicle loads are being delivered. Manufacturer Via Manufacturer's Distribution Operation To Retail Store. The manufacturer or supplier holds its products in a finished goods warehouse, a central distribution centre (CDC) or a series of regional distribution centres (RDCs). The products are trunked (line-hauled) in large vehicles to the sites, where they are stored and then broken down into individual orders that are delivered to retail stores on the supplier's retail delivery vehicles. Manufacturer Via Retailer Distribution Centre to Retail Store. Manufacturers supplying their products to National Distribution Centres (NDCs), which are sites run by the retail organizations. The retailers then deliver full vehicle loads of all the different manufacturers products to their own stores. Most retailers now use third parties to run these final delivery operations. Manufacturer to Wholesaler to Retail Shop. Wholesalers acted as the intermediaries in distribution chains, providing the link between the manufacturer and the small retailers' shops. Manufacturer to cash-and-carry wholesaler to retail shop. These are usually built around a wholesale organization and consist of small independent shops collecting their orders from regional wholesalers, rather than having them delivered. The increase in cash-and-carry facilities has arisen as many suppliers will not deliver direct to small shops because the order quantities are very small. ‘12 Manajemen Inventori dan Logistik Hartri Putranto, SE. MM. Pusat Bahan Ajar dan Elearning Universitas Mercu Buana 3

3 Factory direct to home. It can occur by direct selling methods, often as a result of newspaper advertising. It is also commonly used for one-off products that are specially made and do not need to be stocked in a warehouse to provide a particular level of service to the customer. Internet and shopping from home. Initial physical distribution channels were similar to those used by mail order operations - by post and parcels carrier. The move to internet shopping for grocery products has led to the introduction of specialist home delivery distribution operations. These are almost all run by third-party companies. In addition, it is now possible to distribute some products, such as music, software and films, directly, computer to computer. Factory to factory/business to business. The factory-to-factory or business-to-business channel is an extremely important one, as it includes all of the movement of industrial products, of which there are very many. This may cover raw materials, components, part-assembled products, etc. Options vary according to the type and size of product and order, may range from full loads to small parcels, and may be undertaken by the manufacturers themselves or by a third party. The Main Differences Among Channel Structures Are: The types of intermediaries (as shown above); the number of levels of intermediaries (how many companies handle the product); the intensity of distribution at each level (ie: are all or just selective intermediaries used at the different levels?). ‘12 Manajemen Inventori dan Logistik Hartri Putranto, SE. MM. Pusat Bahan Ajar dan Elearning Universitas Mercu Buana 5


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