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Physical Geography of the United States

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1 How has tectonic activity helped create so many of the landforms in the United States?

2 Physical Geography of the United States
Landforms At over 3.5 million square miles, the United States is the third-largest country in the world. Glacial activity and tectonic plate movement created the many landforms of the United States. The Pacific Ranges and the Rocky Mountains mark the western region, with some elevations over 20,000 feet. The flat landscape of the Great Plains lies in the center. Going east, the geologically older, but shorter Appalachian Mountains extend to the Piedmont’s fertile plateau, then the Atlantic Coastal Plain hems the shore.


4 The Columbia Plateau & rain shadow -display image from book

5 Current Tectonic Movement in the US

6 Physical Geography of the United States
Water Systems The many lakes, rivers, and tributaries helped encourage economic develop along their shores. The Mississippi River in the east and the Colorado River and Rio Grande in the west form two major waterways. The Continental Divide, a high ridge in the Rockies, determines the direction of river flow. Formed when glacier basins filled with water, the Great Lakes are part of the St. Lawrence Seaway System, a series of waterways that connect to the Atlantic Ocean.

7 Southwest water video Should humans radically change their lifestyles to make life in Las Vegas sustainable? What lifestyle changes are needed?

8 Tributaries & Headwaters

9 Physical Geography of the United States
Climate, Biomes, and Resources The large size of the United States leads to many variations in climate and vegetation. The oceans moderate temperature in coastal regions, while the interior experiences more extreme conditions. Rich in natural resources such as water, timber, fish, minerals, and fossil fuels, the United States helped speed industrialization and become one of the most prosperous countries in the world.


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