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Bryan Haywood, M.S.

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1 Bryan Haywood, M.S.
OSHA 1910 Standards Bryan Haywood, M.S.

2 Federal vs. State OSHA is broken into Federal and State Programs
Federal Program City and State workers not covered by OSHA State Approved Plans 24 States with own Plan (as well as Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico) MN is a State Plan State Employees are covered by OSHA 3 States have Plans for Local Government Employees ONLY and private sector is covered by Federal-OSHA

3 Subpart A This part is for Definitions, Petitions, Applicability of Standards, What “incorporated by reference” means, and definition of “nationally recognized testing lab”

4 Subpart B This part defines construction work in General Industry facilities

5 Subpart D Walking-Working Surfaces (1910.22 - .30)
General Requirements ( ) Guarding of Floor and Wall Openings and Holes ( ) Fixed Stairs ) Portable Ladders Wooden (.25) Metal (.26) Fixed Ladders (.27) Scaffolding (.28) Manually Propelled Mobile Ladder Stands and Scaffolds (.29) Other Working Surfaces (.30) Bridge Plates, Forging Machine Area, Veneer Machinery

6 Subpart E Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans, & Fire Prevention Plans
Coverage and Definitions (.34) Compliance with NFPA (.35) Design and Construction requirements for exit routes (.36) Maintenance, Safeguards, and operational features of exits (.37) Emergency Action Plans (.38) Fire Prevention Plans (.39) Do NOT forget about State Fire Codes which are ALSO a requirement and many times MUCH MORE restrictive than OSHA standards.

7 Subpart F Powered Platforms, Manlifts, and Vehicle Mounted Work Platforms Powered platforms for building maintenance (.66) Vehicle-Mounted Elevating and Rotating work Platforms (.67) Manlifts (.68)

8 Subpart G Occupational Health and Environmental Control
Ventilation (.94) Blasting operations, Grinding, polishing, and buffing operations Noise Exposure (.95) Non-Ionizing Radiation (.97)

9 Subpart H Hazardous Materials
Compressed Gases –General Requirements (.101) CGA Pamphlet P Acetylene (.102), Hydrogen (.103), Oxygen (.104), Nitrous Oxide (.105) Flammable and Combustible Liquids (.106) Spray Finishing use flammable and combustible materials (.107) Reserved (.108), Explosives (.109), Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases (.110), Storage and Handling of Anhydrous Ammonia (.111), Reserved (.112 & .113), Process Safety Management (.119), Hazardous Wastes Operations and Emergency Response (.120) Reserved (.121), Table of Contents (.122), Dipping and Coating Ops (.123), General Requirements for Dipping and Coating (.124), Additional requirements for Dip and Coating (.125), Special Dip and Coat (.126)

10 Subpart I Personal Protective Equipment General Requirements (.132)
Eye and Face (.133) Respiratory Protection (.134) Head Protection (.135) Foot Protection (.136) Electrical Protective Equipment (.137) Hand Protection (.138) Appendices A & B are BOTH non-Mandatory

11 Subpart J General Environmental Controls Sanitation (.141)
Temp Labor Camps (.142) Nonwater Carriage Disposal Systems (.143) Safety Color Code and marking of physical hazards (.144) Specification for accident prevention signs and tags Permit-Required Confined Spaces (.146) Control of Hazardous Energy –LOTO (.147)

12 Subpart K Medical and First Aid Medical Services and First Aid (.151)
Includes EW/SS’s

13 Do NOT forget about the State Fire Codes!!!
Subpart L Fire Protection Fire Brigades (.156) Fire Extinguishers (.157) Standpipe and Hose Systems (.158) Automatic Sprinkler Systems (.159) Fixed Systems General (.160), Fixed Systems Water (.161), Fixed Systems Dry Chemical (.162), Fixed Systems Gaseous Agent (.163), Fixed Systems Water Spray and Foam (.163) Fire Detection Systems (.164) Employee Alarm Systems (.165) Appedices A-E Do NOT forget about the State Fire Codes!!!

14 Subpart M Compressed Gas and Compressed Air Equipment
Air Receivers (.169)

15 Subpart N Materials Handling and Storage
Handling Materials – General (.176) Servicing Multi-piece and single piece rim wheels (.177) Powered Industrial Trucks (.178) Overhead and Gantry Cranes (.179) Crawler, locomotive and truck Cranes (.180) Derricks (.181), Helicopters (.183) Slings (.184)

16 Subpart O Machinery and Machine Guarding Definitions (.211)
General Requirements for all machines (.212) Woodworking Machinery Requirements (.213) Abrasive wheel machinery (.215) Mills and calendars in the rubber and plastics industry (.216) Mechanical Power Presses (.217) Forging Machines (.218) Mechanical power-transmission apparatus (.219)

17 Subpart P Hand and Portable Powered Tools and Other Hand-held equipment Definitions (.241) Hand and Portable powered tools and equipment – general (.242) Guarding of portable powered tools (.243) Other portable tools and equipment (.244)

18 Subpart Q Welding, Cutting, and Brazing Definitions (.251)
General Requirements (.252) Oxygen-fuel gas welding and cutting (.253) Arc Welding and Cutting (.254) Resistance Welding (.255)

19 Subpart R Special Industries NOT applicable to the site

20 Subpart S Electrical Intro (.301) Electric Systems (.302)
General Requirements (.303) Wiring Design and Protection (.304) Wiring Methods, components, and equipment for general use (.305) Specific Purpose Equipment and installations (.306) Hazardous Locations (.307) Special Systems (.308), Reserved ( ) Scope (.331) Training (.332) Continue on next slide

21 Subpart S Electrical Scope (.331) Training (.332)
Selection and use of work practices (.333) Use of Equipment (.334) Safeguards for personnel protection (.335) Reserved ( )

22 Subpart T-Y Commercial Diving Operations Subparts U-T are RESERVED
NOT applicable to site Subparts U-T are RESERVED

23 Subpart Z Toxic and Hazardous Substances Air Contaminants (.1000)
Asbestos (.1001) Coal tar pitch volatiles (.1002), 13 Carcinogens ( ), Inorganic Arsenic (.1018) Access to Employee exposure and medical records (.1020) Lead (.1025), Chromium (VI) (.1026), Cadmium (.1027) Benzene, Coke Oven emissions, cotton dust, ….. Hazard Communication (.1200) Retention of DOT Markings, Placards and Labels (.1201) Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories (.1450)

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