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Rotary 101… What’s that all about?

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1 Rotary 101… What’s that all about?
                                                         Rotary 101… What’s that all about?

2 So you are about to be club president?
                                                         So you are about to be club president?

3 History Programs Terminology Organizational structure Rules

4 First, a little history…

5 What was the date of the first Rotary meeting?

6 The first Rotary meeting ever was held on:
February 23, 1905 Yes… 112 years ago, Silvester Schiele, Paul Harris, Hiram Shorey and Gustavus Loehr met in room 711 of the Unity Building on Dearborn Street in downtown Chicago for the first Rotary meeting. That first meeting was the beginning of the world’s first service organization. Rotary is now 1,222,115 men and women in 34,557 Rotary clubs in over 200 countries and territories…and aren’t you proud to be part of it all!!!

7 Which of these events happened first?
Rotary membership reached one million Women first allowed to join Rotary

8 1985 a. Rotary membership reaches one million
Rotary Membership reached 1 million with Jean-Paul Moroval of France.

9 1987 b. Women first allowed to join Rotary
For 82 years, Rotary was a men’s club. But The idea of women in Rotary is not new. In 1910, at the first international convention, the president of the Rotary Club of Los Angeles was asked if they had a women’s auxiliary. He said “I think it’s a hard enough job handling two or three hundred men without having anything to do with ladies.” At the 1912 convention, Ida Buell of Duluth MN was allowed to address the group. She told them about the Women’s Rotary Club of Duluth and asked for support in starting them around the country. The Rotarian magazine described her speech as interesting and entertaining…but took no action. In 1920 the bulletin of the Rotary club of Edinburgh Scotland said “…we might give them an organization of their own and let them be Rotarianettes”. Wives were not generally invited to Rotary conventions, however at the 1914 convention, the president of the San Francisco club brought his wife. Because Rotarians were supposed to call each other by their first name, they asked hers and she replied Ann. During the entire event, she was referred to as their “Rotary Ann”. This term was used for the wives of Rotarians into the 1980s. In England, during the 1920s, the womenfolk of Rotarians formed a group to do community service and called themselves Inner Wheel. This idea grew and Inner Wheel clubs formed around the world and still exist in many areas. The turning point came in 1978, when the Rotary club of Duarte, CA admitted 3 women and Rotary International revoked the club’s charter. This was taken into the courts and reached the US Supreme Court in May 1987 resulting in a 7-0 vote against Rotary International and for the Rotary Club of Duarte. From that moment on, Rotary and all similar service organizations had to allow women to join. At the Council on Legislation, the rule making body of Rotary, in 1989, the rules were officially changed to allow women members.

10 Which of these events happened first?
Four-Way Test was written First Rotary Youth Exchange Student

11 Between Denmark and France
b. First Youth Exchange Student 1927 Between Denmark and France Rotary clubs in Copenhagen Denmark and Nice France sent the first youth exchange students to visit each other’s countries. Over 7,000 high school students every year travel to live in over 100 different countries as youth exchange students. They live in Rotarians homes, go to school and become part of the culture.

12 a. Four-Way Test Was Written

13 Who wrote the Four-Way Test?

14 Herbert Taylor Herb Taylor – wrote the Four-Way Test in 1932 when he was hired by a bank to save the Club Aluminum Company from bankruptcy. He felt that if employees used this simple test each time they made a decision in the business, it would improve the way they did business and ultimately improve the business…and it did. The company turned around and began making profit. As President of Rotary International, Taylor gave it to Rotary in The four way test is now printed in over 100 languages and is used in Rotary clubs around the world.

15 Where was Herbert Taylor born?

16 The author of the Four-Way Test was born in Pickford, Michigan in District 6290
Herb Taylor was born in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan in the small rural town of Pickford – in the heart of District He went to high school in Sault Ste. Marie and later moved to Chicago. At the time he wrote the Four-Way Test, he was a Chicago Rotarian.

17 Who was Arch Klumph?

18 Arch Klumph started what would become The Rotary Foundation
Arch Klumph started what would become the Rotary Foundation when at the 1917 Rotary Convention he said “Carrying on as we are, a miscellaneous community service, it seems eminently proper that we should accept endowments for the purpose of doing good in the world”. That statement became the purpose of the Foundation…to do good in the world. This year is the centennial celebration for Our Rotary Foundation.

19 The Official Motto of Rotary is which of the following?
a. He Profits Most Who Serves the Best b. Service Above Self c. Celebrate Rotary d. What is lunch without chicken?

20 The Official Motto of Rotary is which of the following?
He Profits Most Who Serves the Best Service Above Self c. Celebrate Rotary d. What is lunch without chicken? He Profits Most who Serves the Best was the original motto of Rotary, approved at the International Convention in In 1950, both this and Service Above Self were approved mottos of Rotary. The 1989 Council on Legislation officially named Service Above Self as the principal motto of Rotary.

21 Who is the President Elect of Rotary International?

22 Ian Riseley Ian Risely, President of Rotary International for , is from the Rotary Club of Sandringham, Victoria, Australia. He is a chartered accountant and his wife Juliet is also a Past District Governor.

23 What is the Rotary International theme for 2017-18?

24 Rotary International President-elect Ian H. S
Rotary International President-elect Ian H.S. Riseley made the case on Monday that protecting the environment and curbing climate change are essential to Rotary’s goal of sustainable service. Riseley, a member of the Rotary Club of Sandringham, Victoria, Australia, unveiled the presidential theme, Rotary: Making a Difference, to incoming district governors at Rotary’s International Assembly in San Diego, California, USA. Environmental degradation and global climate change are serious threats to everyone, Riseley said. “They are having a disproportionate impact on those who are most vulnerable, those to whom Rotary has the greatest responsibility. Yet environmental issues rarely register on the Rotary agenda,” he said. Environmental degradation is one of the major threats listed by the UN’s High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges, and Change. Riseley added, “The time is long past when environmental sustainability can be dismissed as not Rotary’s concern. It is, and must be, everyone’s concern.” The president-elect challenged every Rotary club to make a difference by planting a tree for each of its members between the start of the Rotary year on 1 July and Earth Day on 22 April Trees remove carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from the air, which slows global warming. “It is my hope that the result of that effort will be far greater than the environmental benefit that those 1.2 million new trees will bring,” Riseley said. “I believe the greater result will be a Rotary that recognizes our responsibility not only to the people on our planet, but to the planet itself.”

25 Terminology

Past District Governor – each District Governor serves for a period of 1 year, but they are a past district governor forever. District Governor Nominee – the person who has been nominated by the district to serve as district governor two years out. Vocational Training Team – TRF Global Grant…. President Elect – that’s you and John Germ, as the president elect of RI. You and he will become president on July 1. Rotary International Director – the Rotary world is divided into clubs, who are grouped into Districts, who are then grouped into zones. There are 34 zones around the world and each pair of zones has representation on the Rotary International Board of Directors..therefore there are 17 directors plus the President and President Elect that serve on the Board. Each zone chooses their director by having one representative from each district on a committee that makes that decision. A Rotary director serves a term of 2 years and is responsible for working with the president in keeping this great organization operating smoothly. Governor Elect Training Seminar – Every incoming District Governor is required to have training, both at the zone level and at the RI level. The zone training is called the Governor Elect Training Seminar Rotary Public Image Coordinator – Zone level position of individual serving as a resource for Rotary public image and public relations. Paul Harris Fellow – Actually a Paul Harris Fellow is someone who has given an accumulation of $1,000 to the Rotary Foundation, or someone in whose name $1,000 was given. Some clubs in the past (but hopefully not any more) have considered a Paul Harris Fellow a way to honor people - and that’s all. Those clubs discouraged individual Rotarians from donating toward that $1000 amount, saying that they were “buying” the award. In fact, a Paul Harris Fellow is given by TRF to recognize someone who has supported the Rotary Foundation with the $1000. Rotary Leadership Institute – RLI Training Program Rotary International Britain and Ireland – Rotary in Britain and Ireland has there own kind of sub-Rotary organization, operated under RI. Rotary Coordinator – Zone Coordinator trained at the international level on membership and Rotary programs to train the districts and provide seminars for membership and Rotary programs. Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator – just like the membership coordinator, this person is trained at the rotary international level to again train the districts who then has the seminars for your Foundation committee. Please try to see that your club is represented at both of these seminars (or webinars that are becoming more common) Rotary Youth Leadership Awards - RYLA is a district by district program for high school and college students training them in leadership skills. Some districts have it as a camp. In some districts it is known as Life Leadership Camp. There is an international organization of RYLA students and they participate in the International Convention. Council on Legislation - The Council on Legislation is the group that makes all the rules that Rotary Clubs operate under. These rules are printed every three years after the council meets and are called the Manual of Procedure. Every club president should be familiar with what is in this manual. [Hold up manual] It tells for instance how often a club must meet and under what circumstances a meeting can be cancelled. The council is made up of one representative from every district in the Rotary world (about 537 of them). Proposals for rule changes are proposed by Rotary clubs like yours. COL RPIC RC

27 DDF stands for what? a. Distinguished District Fellowship
b. District Designated Funds c. District Disability Fund d. District Directory Fund

28 DDF stands for what? Distinguished District Fellowship
District Designated Funds District Disability Fund District Directory Fund DDF, or District Designated Funds are that portion of Foundation contributions from your clubs that are allocated back to your District to spend on projects they specify. Part of every dollar of general Foundation giving is in DDF. This means that for every dollar that is donated to the annual fund of the foundation by someone in your district, a good part of that is under your control as to how it is spent (with some limitations).

29 Which one of the following is required to become a District Governor?
a. Two years perfect attendance b. Attend an International training event c. Five years membership in Rotary d. Must have attended at least one International Convention I think we all know that DG stands for District Governor. Which one of these things do you think is required to be a DG?

30 Which of the following is required to become District Governor?
Two years perfect attendance Attend an International training event Five years membership in Rotary Must have attended at least one International Convention There is no special attendance requirement other than the district governor must be a member in good standing. b. Every District Governor must attend GETS (Governor Elect Training Seminar) and the International Assembly. These are intense training sessions giving the DG the tools to do the job. c. The DG must have completed at least 7 years membership in Rotary. d. There is no requirement for having attended an International Convention, although the experience gives the incoming governor many new ideas and helps build enthusiasm for the position. To become a District Governor, one must: Be a member of a Rotary club in good standing Have served as club president Must have been in Rotary 7 yrs Must attend required training Have lots of stamina and patience!!!! 

31 Jane Smith is a real estate broker, works for ABC Company, a developer of residential communities and has an MBA… her classification is?

32 MBA Real Estate Development Broker ABC Company

33 Real Estate Development Broker ABC Company
MBA Real Estate Development Broker ABC Company A person’s classification is his or her area of work, not educational level, not title and not company name. A club can have the greater of 5 members or 10% of its members from the same classification – a change from the early days of Rotary, when only one person of each classification was allowed. The purpose of this rule was to make sure the clubs were diverse and not just a club of bankers, or a club of attorneys. It is this classification rule that has made Rotary such a strong organization.

34 What does MOP stand for:
a. Metrics of Performance b. Membership of Provisional Clubs c. Manual of Procedure d. Manual of Projects

35 What does MOP stand for:
Metrics of Performance Membership of Provisional Clubs Manual of Procedure Manual of Projects The Manual of Procedure offers a concise version of Rotary’s policies and procedures. The manual is geared to Rotary club and district leaders and features information that’s most relevant to their roles. It is published every three years to reflect adopted legislation and decisions of the RI conventions, the Council on Legislation, the Rotary International Board of Directors, and the Trustees of The Rotary Foundation. The MOP is published every three years when the Council on Legislation meets. Who can tell me in what year is the next COL? 2019

36 Next…...Some of the Programs of Rotary

37 The Rotary organization of high school aged students is called:
a. Rotaract b. Interact c. Youth Exchange d. STRIVE

38 The Rotary organization of high school aged students is called:
Rotaract Interact Youth Exchange STRIVE Rotaract is a Rotary-sponsored organization for young people ages 18-30, to develop good citizens, instill community service and build a base of future Rotarians. Many Rotaract clubs are university based. How many of your clubs has sponsored a Rotaract Club? How many of your communities have a college but no Rotaract Club…something to think about. Interact is a Rotary-sponsored organization for young people ages 14-18, to develop good citizens, instill community service and build a base of future Rotarians. They have meetings like Rotary clubs and do both local and worldwide projects, just like their Rotary club counterpart – and often the two organizations work together. Who can share what Youth Exchange is? Who can share what STRIVE is?

39 What are the six areas of focus of The Rotary Foundation?
a. Six new projects of The Foundation b. Six areas that projects must fall within for an approved grant c. Six countries for Foundation projects d. Six new membership requirements

40 What are the six areas of focus of The Rotary Foundation?
Six new projects of The Foundation Six areas that global grants must fall within for an approved grant Six countries for Foundation projects Six new membership requirements A new grant model for The Rotary Foundation was rolled out on July 1, In early 2010, 100 districts worldwide were selected to be Future Vision pilot districts. These districts have been working with this new grant model since July 2010. In July 2013, all districts began using the new grant model. It is an exciting new program, providing grant opportunities for larger, more sustainable projects. The six areas of focus are six areas that global grants must fall within in order to be approved by The Rotary Foundation.

41 The Rotary Foundation Six Areas of Focus
Peace and conflict prevention/resolution Disease prevent and treatment Water and sanitation Maternal and child health Basic education and literacy Economic and community development

42 A Global Scholar is given what?
a. Tuition to earn a bachelor’s degree b. One year in high school abroad c. An internship at the UN d. Graduate level scholarship abroad

43 A Global Scholar is given what?
Tuition to earn a bachelor’s degree One year in high school abroad An internship at the UN Graduate level scholarship abroad A Global Scholar is the new form of a international studies scholarship funded by The Rotary Foundation. It is for graduate level studies in one of more of the 6 areas of focus, can be for 1 to 4 years, and is a minimum of $30,000. Scholar applicants apply through clubs and districts. In addition to their studies, these students are expected to participate in Rotary, complete a service project in the country of study, speak at Rotary functions both in the country of their school and in their own district when they get back. Watch for these scholars district or community - they make great programs and great future Rotarians.

44 a. a Rotary University in Geneva
Rotary Centers for International Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution is… a. a Rotary University in Geneva b. a two year master’s program c. a scholarship awarded in each district d. is located at Rotary headquarters

45 a. a Rotary University in Geneva
Rotary Centers for International Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution is… a. a Rotary University in Geneva b. a two year master’s program c. is a scholarship awarded in each district d. is located at Rotary headquarters The World Peace Scholarships are awarded on a worldwide basis, based on the qualifications of the individual. 70 students are selected annually to pursue a 2 year master’s degree in Peace and Conflict Resolution. There are 6 university locations around the world to which the students are sent. The recipients of these valuable scholarships are generally not right out of college, but are folks who have been working in a field promoting peace or conflict resolution in some way. If you ever have the opportunity to have a Peace Scholar in your community, drop whatever program you had planned and bring that person in. They are very dynamic and a valuable resource. Peace Center Locations: Duke/UNC, North Carolina International Christian University, Toyko, Japan University of Bradford, England University of Queensland, Australia Uppsala University, Sweden Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand – 90 day certificate program

46 PolioPlus was started:
a. as a 3H grant in the Philippines b. as a matching grant in India c. at the request of the UN d. as the result of a GSE team

47 PolioPlus was started:
a. as a 3H grant in the Philippines b. as a matching grant in India c. at the request of the UN d. as the result of a GSE team Past RI President Clem Renouf started a program called the 3-H program… Health Hunger and Humanity. This was designed to provide funding for larger more encompassing projects. The Philippine project’s goal was to immunize every child in the Philippines against polio – being that it was an island and could be isolated and monitored. It was such a success that RI realized the earth is such an island and with enough money and volunteers, Rotary could spearhead a world wide immunization against Polio – eliminating it from the planet. It is almost done. There are only a few pockets of polio still existing and until those are stopped, the disease could rise up again. You will be asked to provide continued support for this effort in the coming year. Rotary has received some very generous challenge grants from the Gates Foundation and we need to raise the money to match those. Please encourage your club to participate.

48 a. How many endemic countries are there now?
b. What are they?

49 b. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nigeria
a. Three b. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nigeria Cases of polio worldwide in 2016 was 37. As of March 10, 2017, there have been 3, 2 in Afghanistan and 1 in Pakistan.

50 Rotary’s first community project was?
a. books for a Chicago library b. comfort stations in Chicago c. planting trees in downtown Chicago d. assisting a local orphanage

51 Rotary’s first community project was?
books for a Chicago library comfort Stations in Chicago planting trees in downtown Chicago assisting a local orphanage In 1907, the Rotary Club of Chicago performs one of its first acts of community service. The club calls a meeting of civic organizations to establish a committee for installing city comfort stations, or public toilets, to improve sanitation. They were built in cooperation with Chicago building a new City Hall. The Rotary club endorsed the idea of installing the comfort stations, but ran into opposition from the Chicago Association of Brewers, who argued that its 6,000 tavern-owning members already provided sufficient men’s rooms; and the Association of Department Stores supported the bar owners’ position and claimed that women need only visit their stores to use the toilets.

52 If you chose to leave The Rotary Foundation $1000 in your will, you would be a:
a. Paul Harris Fellow b. Benefactor c. Major Donor d. Member of Bequest Society

53 If you chose to leave The Rotary Foundation $1000 in your will, you would be a:
Paul Harris Fellow Benefactor Major Donor Member of Bequest Society Paul Harris Fellow: Anyone who gives or has been given in his/her name, $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation. CASH Benefactor: Anyone who leaves $1000 or more to The Rotary Foundation in their will or a life insurance policy. Major Donor: Anyone who gives a total of $10,000 or more to The Rotary Foundation. This can be accumulated over the years. CASH Bequest Society Member: Anyone who leaves The Rotary Foundation at least $10,000 in a will or life insurance policy.

54 A Sustaining Member is one who…
a. has perfect attendance for one year b. supports a Rotary project c. gives $100 every year d. gives $1000 every year

55 A Sustaining Member is one who…
has perfect attendance for one year supports a Rotary project gives $100 every year gives $1000 every year This again, is Rotary’s average goal worldwide.

56 Every Rotarian Every Year means that every Rotarian is:
a. expected to give something to The Rotary Foundation each year b. expected to bring in a new member each year c. expected to participate in a service project each year d. expected to attend a district event each year.

57 Every Rotarian Every Year means that every Rotarian is:
a. expected to give something to The Rotary Foundation each year b. expected to bring in a new member each year c. expected to participate in a service project each year d. expected to attend a district event each year. Every Rotarian, Every Year was designed to encourage all Rotarians, no matter what their financial ability, to give something each year. Without annual support, the Foundation programs would not exist. Rotary’s goal is to reach an average of $100 per member per year, worldwide. The figure of $100 per member per year is approached as an average. Where $100 in one year is pretty minimal to an American or a Canadian…it is much of an annual wage in a developing country. We in the affluent countries of the world have to do better than $100 per year to help those who can’t meet the average. We need to be above average. That $100 per year goes into the Annual Fund of Rotary International….

58 The Annual Fund of The Rotary Foundation does NOT fund which of these activities?
a. District Grants b. Interact c. Global Scholarships d. Vocational Training Teams

59 Vocational Training Teams
The Annual Fund of The Rotary Foundation does NOT fund which of these activities? District Grants Interact Global Scholarships Vocational Training Teams Interact is a Rotary program for high school students. It is a program of Rotary International, not The Rotary Foundation. The Annual Fund pays for the grants that match what your clubs raise to help in a particular project. It pays for local projects, international projects, scholarships and Vocational Training Teams.

60 What is our Rotary essence statement?
a. Rotarians at work b. Doing Good in the World c. Join Leaders, Exchange Ideas, Take Action d. Humanity in Motion

61 What is our Rotary essence statement?
a. Rotarians at work b. Doing Good in the World c. Join Leaders, Exchange Ideas, Take Action d. Humanity in Motion

62 Organizational Structure

63 Put the following in the order of their size, smallest to largest:
a. Rotary Zone b. Rotary District c. Rotary International d. Rotary Club

64 1. Rotary Club 2. Rotary District 3. Rotary Zone
4. Rotary International Club District Zone International

65 Rotary International is headquartered in what city?
a. New York b. Chicago c. London d. Evanston

66 Rotary International is headquartered in what city?
New York Chicago London Evanston The world headquarters is in Evanston, Illinois. This office and the people who work there are called “The Secretariat”. The person in charge is hired by Rotary and called the General Secretary. The current General Secretary is John Hewko. The purpose of the staff at Rotary International Headquarters is to assist the clubs and districts in doing the work of Rotary. This building is open to all Rotarians and if you are ever near Evanston, please take the opportunity to visit the Secretariat. There are also 7 international offices: Switzerland India Korea Japan Australia Brazil Argentina

67 What are the Five Avenues of Service?
Rotary was organized into four distinct areas in its beginning. In 2010 a fifth avenue of service was added.

68 Club Service Vocational Service Community Service
International Service Youth Service Each member was supposed to be involved in all of these avenues of service. Club service involved the actions a member should take to help the club run smoothly – now referred to as club administration. Vocational service promoted high ethical behavior within the Rotarians business and profession. Community Service suggested that Rotarians should work to improve the quality of life within their community. International Service involves activities to advance international understanding, goodwill, and peace. These four avenues were the basic four committees of every rotary club…however now.. Youth Service was added at the Council on Legislation in 2010 and at that time was known as New Generations Service. The name was changed to Youth Service at the 2013 Council on Legislation. This avenue takes under its wing all the youth and young adult programs…youth exchange, RYLA, Rotaract, Interact….

69 The Rotary International Strategic Plan outlines our five core values.
What are they?

70 Service Fellowship Diversity Integrity Leadership

71 Which event is intended to train your club officers and board?
a. District Training Assembly b. District Conference c. PETS d. International Convention

72 Which event is intended to train your club officers and board?
a. District Training Assembly b. District Conference c. PETS d. International Convention A district training assembly is held in the spring of each year to train the board of directors, officers and committee chairs of the clubs. As club presidents, it is to your benefit to have as many people to your district training assembly as possible. The more they know about Rotary, the more help they can be for you and the more likely you are to have a great year. The district conference is held annually for all Rotarians and families. Some districts have it in the spring, to celebrate the year just ending. Others have it in the fall to celebrate the beginning of a new Rotary year. All Rotary functions work on a July 1 to June 30 year. The district conference is there to recognize accomplishments, teach Rotarians about Rotary, motivate Rotarians and promote fellowship. PETS is a mandatory event of Rotary for all club presidents. The more you know about Rotary and the more motivated you are about a successful year, the more likely you are to have one. The international convention is held annually around the world. It is meant for every Rotarian and gives Rotarians a great way to see the world, while experiencing internationalism and the big picture of Rotary. This year’s convention will be in Atlanta, Georgia. Next year, you can plan a trip to Toronto, Canada. Past years have been in places like Osaka, Japan; Brisbane Australia; Nice France; Calgary, Canada, Buenos Aires, Argentina and yes, even Indianapolis, Indiana and Montreal. Additional scheduled conventions are: 2019 – Hamburg, Germany 2020 – Honolulu, Hawaii 2021 – Taipei, Taiwan 2022 – Houston, Texas

73 We have rules?

74 Rotary Clubs are required to meet how often?
a. Every other week b. Once a week c. Twice a month d. Once a month

75 Rotary Clubs are required to meet how often?
a. Every other week b. Once a week c. Twice a month d. Once a month The Council on Legislation in 2016 changed the frequency of required meetings for Rotary clubs from weekly to twice a month.

76 What membership types are offered in Rotary?
Active member Associate member Honorary member Corporate member Of these, only the first and third are actually a type of Rotary membership…active or honorary. In the old days, a member could be called senior active, which eliminated him from the attendance requirements. As for dual…a person can only be a member of one rotary club at a time. If the aggregate of a member’s years of age and years of membership in one or more clubs is 85 years or more and the member has notified the club secretary in writing of the member’s desire to be excused from attendance and the board has approved then their attendance requirement can be waived.

77 What membership types are offered in Rotary?
Active member Associate member Honorary member Corporate membership The RI Bylaws and Standard Rotary Club Constitution provide for two types of membership: active and honorary. By amending their bylaws, clubs may offer additional membership types that are desired in the community, such as associate, corporate, family membership or others. Rotary International will continue to record, and grant all of the benefits of membership to, active members only who pay RI dues Clubs that offer additional membership categories should report these members to Rotary International as active and are responsible for paying said members’ RI dues Clubs and districts set their own policies about these members’ other financial obligations (club and district dues, meal costs, etc.), attendance requirements, and service expectations and reflect these policies in their bylaws

78 Can a Rotaract member also be a member of a Rotary club?

79 Can a Rotaract member also be a member of a Rotary club?
Yes! The Council on Legislation amended the Rotary International Bylaws to permit Rotaractors who meet the qualifications of membership to join a Rotary club while remaining Rotaract members. We hope that giving qualified young leaders a way to maintain their involvement in Rotaract, along with giving Rotary clubs greater flexibility in the format and frequency of meetings, will facilitate Rotaractors’ transition to Rotary clubs. As members of the family of Rotary, Rotaractors are committed to the world community and share Rotary’s goals of furthering service, world understanding, and peace.

80 Can elected officials be members?
Yes and No… Persons elected to public office for a specified period of time are not eligible to be active members under the classification of that office. They can still become a member if they qualify under another classification. For example, a store owner who is elected to the city council can be a member based on his ownership of the store, but not based on his position on the council. This restriction does not apply to educational institutions or the judiciary.

81 What is the required meeting agenda?

82 introduction of guests
Rotary minute fines/happy bucks singing speaker gift invocation classification talk announcements 50/50 National Anthem committee reports Four-Way Test induction Pledge of Allegiance program speaker political commentary - NO

83 Be honored to be a Rotarian!
Gerald Ford, Warren Harding, Thomas Mann, Marconi, Dr. Charles Mayo, Norman Vincent Peale, J.C. Penney, Col. Harlan Sanders, Orville Wright, William Jennings Bryan, Adlai Stevenson, George W. Bush, Sir Winston Churchill, Walt Disney, Thomas Edison, Dwight Eisenhower, Sir Edmund Hillary, John F. Kennedy, Charles Lindberg, General Douglas MacArthur, Prince Phillip, Prince Renier, Ronald Reagan, FDR, Harry Truman, Margaret Thatcher…and the list goes on. Be honored to be a Rotarian and make sure the induction of new members into Rotary in your club makes them feel honored as well.

84 Are there any questions?
Have a great year!!! Are there any questions?

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