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Linear Growing Patterns & Relations Session 3

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Presentation on theme: "Linear Growing Patterns & Relations Session 3"— Presentation transcript:

1 Linear Growing Patterns & Relations Session 3
Summer Institutes August 26, 2009 Welcome and introductions – name, position, board parking lot Wendy Telford

2 Patterning & Linear Relations Manipulatives & Technology Carousel
Explore these stations Station A: TI-Nspire Station F: Square Tiles Station B: CBR Station G: Growing Pattern Cards Station C: Gizmos Station H: Real-life Data Station D: CLIPS Station I: Matching Representations Station E: GSP Station J: Algebra Tiles 2

3 connect to Big Ideas and
How do the activities connect to Big Ideas and Learning Goals? 3

4 What Mathematical Processes did you experience when answering the tasks?

5 help students overcome
How can the activities help students overcome stumbling blocks? 5

6 What open or parallel questions could be asked so all students
have an entry point? 6

7 How can each activity be used to promote math discourse?

8 Reflect on today’s activities in your Important Book:
Which activities would I like to integrate into my program? Why? What do I need to learn more about? 8

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