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Composition in photography

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Presentation on theme: "Composition in photography"— Presentation transcript:

1 Composition in photography
Point of view Crop Symmetry Asymmetry Converging Lines Rule of Thirds Portrait / Landscape Foreground / Background Composition in photography Point of view Crop Symmetry Asymmetry Converging Lines Rule of Thirds Portrait / Landscape Foreground / Background

2 BETTER COMPOSITION Point of view Crop Symmetry Asymmetry
Converging Lines Rule of Thirds Portrait / Landscape Foreground / Background

3 Keep the horizon LEVEL !!!

4 CROP to remove ‘clutter’ and focus on subject matter

5 Check the background

6 Crop

7 Closed composition Open composition

8 Horizontal composition
LANDSCAPE Vertical composition PORTRAIT


10 Converging Lines

11 Converging Lines

12 Converging Lines

13 Converging Lines: Symmetrical Balance Converging Lines: Asymmetrical Balance

14 Consider POINT OF VIEW

15 Consider POINT OF VIEW

16 Consider POINT OF VIEW

17 Consider POINT OF VIEW


19 Rule of Thirds

20 Rule of Thirds

21 Rule of Thirds

22 Rule of Thirds

23 Rule of Thirds

24 Rule of Thirds

25 Rule of Thirds

26 Rule of Thirds

27 Rule of Thirds

28 Use converging lines to draw in viewer
If in doubt, CROP it out. Always check the background [avoid ‘clutter’] Shoot Portrait and Landscape Avoid the CENTRE Use RULE of THIRDS

29 COMPOSITION TASK Symmetrical Asymmetrical Rule of thirds
Take 2 photos that clearly show each of the following composition types. Present in PowerPoint form. Symmetrical Asymmetrical Rule of thirds Closed composition Open composition Converging lines


31 Large Depth of Field Usually it is best for landscape photos if all parts of the image appear sharp. There is usually no need to isolate elements by utilizing the depth of field in landscape photos. In order to get large depth of field you should use a small aperture. This may mean that you need to decrease the shutter speed.

32 Shallow Depth of Field The dragonfly in has been isolated from its chaotic surroundings by using shallow depth of field. The distracting background is blurred and only the dragonfly appears sharp. Viewers eyes concentrate first on the sharp areas of the photo and so the dragonfly gets all the attention.

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