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Weltraumforschung und Planteologie Space Research and Planetology

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1 Weltraumforschung und Planteologie Space Research and Planetology
Profs. Willy Benz, Nicolas Thomas, Peter Wurz Universität Bern, Physikalisches Institut Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

2 Entstehung und Entwicklung des Sonnensystems
Research in the division of Space Science and Planetology (WP) of the Physics Institute is in the field of planetary science, in particular to answer scientific questions in the area of the origin and the evolution of the solar system, and planetary systems at other stars.

3 Organisation Space Science and Planetology
Prof. W. Benz: Astrophysics and Planetary Science Study the physical and chemical processes involved in the formation and evolution of planetary systems, covering exoplanets and the solar system. Prof. N. Thomas: Remote Sensing of Comets, Asteroids, and Planets Studies the interaction of light with the surfaces of solar system bodies and particularly on the physics of dynamic phenomena involving ices and volatiles species. Prof. P. Wurz: Composition Analysis of Surfaces and Atmospheres Study the chemical, elemental, and isotopic composition of planets and planetary objects to learn about their origin and evolution. Center for Space and Habitability Prof. K. Heng Characterisation of exoplanets and the exploration of the solar system using ground-based and space-based infrastructure NCCR: PlanetS Prof. W. Benz Theoretical, experimental and observational research covering all aspects of planet formation and evolution. TAPS carries out investigations aimed at understanding the physical and chemical processes involved in the formation and evolution of planetary systems (exoplanets and the solar system). For this, we use a comprehensive approach based on theoretical modelling guided by astronomical observations as well as laboratory and in-situ measurements. 

4 Theoretical astrophysics and planetary science group Partners in: NCCR PlanetS and CSH
Prof. Willy Benz Bachelor thesis title Dr. M. Jutzi Prof. Y. Alibert Modelling the formation and evolution of planets: comparing theory and observation Prof. C. Mordasini Prof. K. Heng Partners in: NCCR PlanetS and CSH Yann: Planet population synthesis: prediction for GAIA and microlensing How accreting giant planets influence the evolution of protoplanetary disks Flashes from extrasolar planetesimal impacts The formation of the pluto-charon system by giant impact The evaporation of the H/He envelope of close-in planets  The imprit of planet formation on the luminosity distribution

5 Planetary Imaging Group
Prof. Nicolas Thomas Characterization of the focus and point spread function of the CaSSIS imager using standard stars. Identifying and quantifying individual dust particles above the nucleus of comet 67P. Dr. Antoine Pommerol Laboratory measurements of the reflectance properties of icy Mars soil analogue

6 In Situ Space Research Prof. Peter Wurz PD. Marek Tulej
Modellierung der gepulsten Massenselektion in Flugzeitmassenspektrometern für Spurenelement Analyse PD. Marek Tulej In situ chemical analysis of geological samples by Laser Mass Spectrometer (LMS) Dr. Audrey Vorburger Modelling of the chemistry and structure of the exosphere of Venus

7 Meteoriten und Kometen – Boten aus dem frühen Sonnensystem
Prof. Ingo Leya Bachelor thesis title PD Dr. Martin Rubin Untersuchung der Gaskoma des Kometen 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

8 Space Research and Planetology
1967 to present: ~50 years of space research 1976: First mass spectrometer on GEOS 1 and GEOS 2 1969: First solar wind sail with Apollo 11 on the Moon 1967: First instrument on Zenith rocket 1985: Giotto passing comet Halley with mass spectrometers from Bern 1990: Ulysses leaves ecliptic plane, with a solar wind instrument from Bern : Research in the upper atmosphere : Venus-Express , with atmosphere imaging 2003-today: Mars-Express, with atmosphere imaging 1995-today: SOHO observes the Sun, with solar wind instruments 2004-today: Rosetta mission, with Bernese instrument ROSINA : Chandrayaan-1, with Bernese participation Today: Bepicolombo mission, to be launched in 2018 2016-today: ExoMars mission, with CaSSIS camera 2008-today:Interstellar Boundary Explorer, with Bernese participation Today: CHEOPS space-craft, to be launched in 2018 8


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