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The Design of the Solar System

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Presentation on theme: "The Design of the Solar System"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Design of the Solar System
Standard: E.ST Design a model of the solar system that shows the relative order and scale of the planets, dwarf planets, comets and asteroids to the sun.

2 How the notes today will work…
Cut out and paste the picture of the solar system into your science notebooks or put a copy in your science folder. Soon you will be writing definitions for each of the numbered pieces on the diagram. This is what the diagram looks like.

3 Write down everything printed in yellow.
1. Represents #1-8 Planet: an object that orbits the sun, is big enough for its shape to be controlled by gravity, and CAN clear its “neighborhood” of objects in its path Picture: My trick:_________________________________________________ What does “its shape to be controlled by gravity” even mean?

4 Why do you think the picture says “poor Pluto”?

5 Write down everything printed in yellow.
1. Represents #12 Dwarf planet: an object that orbits the sun, is big enough for its shape to be controlled by gravity, but it CANNOT clear its “neighborhood” of objects in its path Picture: My trick:_________________________________________________ Why is Pluto no longer a planet? Pluto

6 Write down everything printed in yellow.
1. Represents #10 Comets: a “dirty snowball” or a mixture of ice, rock, and dust that is followed by a tail of gas and dust Picture: My trick:_________________________________________________ For more info visit:

7 Write down everything printed in yellow.
1. Represents #12 Asteroid: many small, rocky objects that orbit the sun Picture: My trick:_________________________________________________

8 Write down everything printed in yellow.
1. Represents #12 Sun: a star around which the Earth orbits Picture: My trick:_________________________________________________

9 How can I remember the order of the planets?
My Very Energetic Mother Just Served Us Nachos!

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