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Athens Technical College

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1 Athens Technical College
Achieving the Dream Student Success 2017

2 Athens Technical College
Gateway courses Athens Technical College

3 Improve student success in gateway courses
Goal 2: Improve student success in gateway courses Initiative: Expanded academic support for English – Writing Center Mathematics Anatomy & Physiology

4 English Writing Center: Creation and Implementation Dana Buxton

5 Athens Technical College Writing Center
Fall 2016: Staffed by one full-time instructor; 10 hours per week. Spring 2017: Staffed by three full-time instructors;13.5 hours per week. Currently has 6 student computers, a printer, and several writing resources. Targeted ENGL 1101 students in particular, but have welcomed students in any subject area to visit us. Informing others about our services via faculty s, flyers, and posting in Blackboard. Next steps: (1) Using data collected from Google sign-in form to determine peak hours and compare students’ perceived vs. actual areas of need. (2) Exploring online options, particularly for students attending satellite campuses.

6 Mathematics Changes from multiple options to a single required course.
Dr. Alysen Heil Mathematics

7 Math Paradigm Shift Beginning Spring 2016, programs modified catalog requirements from an option of MATH 1101 Math Modeling or MATH 1111 College Algebra to MATH 1101 Math Modeling only. Reasoning: Only 6 associate degree programs require MATH 1111 College Algebra Bioscience Engineering Technology and Applied Science* Consumer Economics** Drafting* Nanotechnology* Veterinary Technology *Requires 6 credits of math **Requires MATH 1113 Precalculus which has a pre-requisite of MATH 1111 College Algebra

8 Math Paradigm Shift Results
Note: Depending on the fall term, approximately 40 to 50 students in College Algebra are located at career academies which only contain high school students.

9 Math Paradigm Shift Results

10 Math Paradigm Shift Results

11 Anatomy & Physiology Student Support
Glenn Henry Dean of Life Sciences and Public Safety

12 OPEN LAB Two open lab assistants Schedule posted weekly
Held in K508 and K623 Lab assistants visited each class to inform students about services.

13 TUTORING Two A & P tutors in academic success center.
Tutors visited each class to personally introduce themselves and explain services. Schedule posted weekly in classroom and lab. Tutors provide assistance to students’ comprehension of anatomy and physiology

14 LIBRARY MODELS Anatomical models are available in the ATC library for students to use: disarticulated skeletons muscle models of arms and legs hearts, kidneys, lungs Models have been checked out in excess of 700 times.

15 3-D Animation All anatomy faculty have been trained on use of 3-D projector to enhance lecture. provides a guided visual tour of human body rotatable images realistic and comprehensive

16 Specimens and Dissection
Increased the amount of dissection and prosection in labs to provide a hands-on approach to anatomy and physiology Wet dissections cats, sheep hearts, sheep brains, cow eyes, sheep kidneys Specimens human brains, human livers, human lungs, human hearts, human stomachs

17 Achieving Success in Anatomy & Physiology (ASAP)
An informal opportunity for anatomy and physiology instructors to share best practices for successfully completing ALHS 1011, BIOL2113/L and BIOL2114/L 2-hour session held prior to the beginning of each semester allows for a dialogue between instructors and students topics include: time management, study techniques, managing stress, online resources, and learning styles students are also offered an opportunity to tour the A & P lab

18 Completion Rates for BIOL 2113 & 2113L

19 Questions

20 Credits Gateway courses – Goal 2 Ms. Dana Buxton – English
Dr. Alysen Heil – Mathematics Mr. Glenn Henry – Anatomy & Physiology

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