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Participation in Horizon 2020
Manchester – 12th November 2013 Octavio Pernas - FP7UK National Contact Point for Health 1
Agenda Getting started Proposal submission Evaluation NCP support
Case studies
Agenda Getting started Proposal submission Evaluation NCP support
Case studies
Collaborative research – Key facts
Getting started Collaborative research – Key facts High quality research projects - carried out by multidisciplinary consortia Work programme - determines project type and subject (what to do, not how to do it) Projects must meet expected outcomes stated in call documents Minimum eligibility criteria specified in call documents must be satisfied by applicant consortium Competitive call for proposals – “expert” peer review evaluation
Initial Considerations – Making a decision
Getting started Initial Considerations – Making a decision Does it fit your strategy? Collaborative projects mean working alongside international partners. - Does this suit your way of working? - Can you pull together or find a consortium? Funding is highly competitive, prepare to be disappointed Do you want to lead a project? (Time/resources) Can you wait up to one year for the money?
Getting started Initial Considerations – Inputs from participants
International contacts, new collaborations and long term partnerships were developed New customers were identified New skills and knowledge were developed and expertise was extended Commercially exploitable new products or services were developed New projects were initiated from the results Publicity was created for the company Interest was generated from investors
Agenda Getting started Proposal submission Evaluation NCP support
Case studies
Proposal submission Eligibility General FP7 eligibility requirements:
3 legal entities from minimum of 3 EU Member states or Associated Countries All three LEs must be independent of each other Other partners added per requirements of project/partner mix Some other special eligibility criteria may apply – specified in call documents
Proposal submission Relevant documents – Participant Portal
Work Programme Call Fiche Annexes Guide for Applicants Financial guide Read all relevant documents!
Application procedure – two stages
Proposal submission Application procedure – two stages Stage 1: Short version of the proposal is submitted & evaluated (Excellence, Impact) Stage 2 If evaluated positively: full proposal is submitted & evaluated (Excellence, Implementation, Impact)
Agenda Getting started Proposal submission Evaluation NCP support
Case studies
Evaluation Evaluation procedure
Funding decisions are based on peer review of research proposals Independent experts: core of the FP7 evaluation system - Invited on call-by-call basis - Balanced selection of experts (scientific expertise, geography, gender, rotation) - Sign confidentiality agreement & absence of conflict of interest declaration - The identity of the evaluators remains confidential Register as an expert:
Evaluation Evaluation criteria - Excellence
Soundness of concept and quality of objectives Progress beyond state of the art Quality and effectiveness of the S/T methodology and associated work plan Guidelines - How is your idea different - Overall strategy, work plan (describe work packages) and methodology - Appropriate milestones and deliverables - Risk assessments and contingency plans
Evaluation Evaluation criteria - Implementation
Appropriateness of the management structure and procedures Quality and relevant experience of participants/consortium Appropriateness of the allocation and justification of the resources to be committed (budget, staff, equipment) Guidelines - Unless stated in call text there is no political/geographical requirement - Avoid obvious imbalances - Split the budget according to the work done (collaborative project)
Evaluation Evaluation criteria - Impact
Contribution, at the European and/or international level, to the expected impacts listed in the work programme Appropriateness of measures for the dissemination and/or exploitation of project results, and management of IP Guidelines - Include clear dissemination and publication plans - Does it have “EU added value” - Plan to track the impact post-project (exploitation potential) - Include plans on how IPR will be exploited - Sustainability of the project after the EU funding
Evaluation Summary Calls are highly competitive – must be over the threshold to succeed Remember the European aspect Read the call carefully – seek external opinions on topic fit Write simply and clearly – don’t assume expert knowledge Make time to do a good job – avoid last minute submissions 16
Agenda Getting started Proposal submission Evaluation NCP support
Case studies
All advice is confidential, impartial and free
NCP support A UK-wide network provided by the Technology Strategy Board to help you engage with H2020 General advice on H2020 participation – help you to make an informed decision (signposting) Helpline - scientific priorities, calls, participation rules, financial rules, partnering… Follow-on advice – negotiation stage, reports, cost claims, IPR, project management… Informing and Awareness Raising (Infodays, seminars,…) All advice is confidential, impartial and free
NCP support _Connect •NCP contacts •Information •News •Events
_Connect •NCP contacts •Information •News •Events •Documents •Network
Agenda Getting started Proposal submission Evaluation NCP support
Case studies
Case studies NOFUN - Novel antifungals to treat resistant organisms
5 partners (3 SMEs, 2 Universities) from 4 EU countries. HEALTH-2013-INN-2: 3 years of execution, € 4.5 million of EC contribution (60 % for SMEs) Coordinator: The University of Manchester (management) and F2G Ltd (scientific coordination) NCP support: project matching, eligibility check with project officer, partner search, helpline during preparation, updated information during evaluation, support during negotiation
Case studies NOFUN - Novel antifungals to treat resistant organisms
Evaluation: 13/15 1. S/T quality: “The workplan and methodology are well considered. and there is an excellent analysis of risks and contingency planning” 2. Implementation: “This is a high quality consortium comprising experts in the field with good complementarity. The management structure and decision making process is well considered. The budget is largely appropriate” 3. Impact: “There is a lack of antifungal drug discovery in pharma, but a remaining medical need, therefore this proposal has potential for high clinical impact”
Case studies DevelopAKUre - Clinical Development of Nitisinone for Alkaptonuria 13 partners from 7 EU countries: 4 Hospitals, 3 Universities, 3 SMEs, 2 Patient Organisations, 1 Pharmaceutical Company HEALTH-2012-INN-1: 5 years of execution, € 8 million of EC contribution (30% for SMEs) Coordinator: Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospital NHS Trust NCP support: project matching, eligibility check with project officer, helpline during preparation, updated information during evaluation, support during negotiation
Case studies DevelopAKUre - Clinical Development of Nitisinone for Alkaptonuria Evaluation: 15/15 1. S/T quality: “The overall project is presented very clearly, in a systematic manner. The description perfectly addressed all relevant aspects of the call”. 2. Implementation: “The project structure is well designed and appropriate. The parties involved are highly skilled, providing an excellent mix of scientific, strategic and operational skills” 3. Impact: “The plans for dissemination were extremely well prepared. The IP Policy was seen as exemplary”
Further information European Commission – Horizon 2020:
Participant portal: Fit for Health: Healthcompetence: _Connect (NCP network):
FP7 Health National Contact Point: Octavio Pernas
Website: E mail: Phone: Mobile: Twitter: @FP7_Health_NCP Alternative: Alex Harris
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