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Inclusive Teaching – Trinity Inclusive Curriculum

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Presentation on theme: "Inclusive Teaching – Trinity Inclusive Curriculum"— Presentation transcript:

1 Inclusive Teaching – Trinity Inclusive Curriculum

2 What is Inclusive Teaching? Topics for this session:
The strengths of Inclusive Learning Trinity Inclusive Curriculum (TIC) ethos Online resources and help available Trinity Inclusive Curriculum tool (TIC Tool) 4 main areas covered within the presentation

3 Is there a need within Trinity for Inclusive practices ?
19/10/2017 Is there a need within Trinity for Inclusive practices ? Students enter higher education from diverse backgrounds bringing with them diverse learning preferences and life experiences. Inclusive teaching is designed for all students, both traditional and non-traditional. When designing teaching and learning strategies we need to consider the diversity of the student population. Diverse student population increasing with TCD

4 Diversity can take many forms:
19/10/2017 Diversity can take many forms: There is diversity of: The student population (cultural, age, gender, disability, etc.) Learning preferences Not just disability

5 Is there a need within Trinity ?
19/10/2017 Is there a need within Trinity ? All students have a range of learning styles

6 Merging into many Teaching styles:
19/10/2017 Merging into many Teaching styles: And all lectures have a range of teaching styles

7 Merging into many learning styles:
19/10/2017 Merging into many learning styles: Formal : Close to 2nd level – expectation set on what is expected Expert : One way lecturer to student Personal – Observation – demo and asking the student to recreate - All above teacher centred Facilitator – Building strong student relationship - co learning / hands on learning and exploration Delegator : Lecture acts as a resources / passive role in learning Student led

8 Diverse Needs: Cognitive Challenges
19/10/2017 Diverse Needs: Cognitive Challenges Cognitive challenges can range from dyslexia and ADHD to Autism, Downs Syndrome, and other intellectual disabilities. Impact on learning May have difficulty receiving and processing information or have poor problem-solving skills. May be easily distracted and have trouble with memory, reading, writing, reasoning and understanding acceptable social behaviors. May have trouble concentrating and rely on assistive tools for reading and comprehension assistance. Cognitive attributes

9 Diverse Needs: Visual Challenges
19/10/2017 Diverse Needs: Visual Challenges Visual challenges can range from low vision and color blindness to a complete lack of sight. Impact on learning May have low vision and rely on assistive devices to help them participate in classroom activities. May be completely blind and rely on screen readers or textual equivalents to consume digital content. May struggle to see certain colors or read content in front of the class. May have difficulty moving around the physical classroom space. Visual Attributes

10 Diverse Needs: Physical Challenges
19/10/2017 Diverse Needs: Physical Challenges Physical challenges can ranges from loss of limb and limited mobility to full paralysis and diminished muscle control. Impact on learning May not have control over gross or fine muscles required to use technology. May rely on alternative input devices to interact with digital content. May have difficulty moving around the physical classroom space. May struggle to communicate effectively with teachers and classmates. Physical attributes

11 Diverse Needs: Hearing Challenges
19/10/2017 Diverse Needs: Hearing Challenges Hearing challenges can range from slight hearing loss to profound hearing loss or total deafness. May have limited hearing and rely on assistive devices to help them participate in classroom activities May be completely deaf and rely on sign language or text based alternatives to audio content. May struggle with grammar, spelling, vocabulary, and oral presentations. May have difficulty taking notes while listening to lectures or watching videos. Hearing challenges

12 Is there a need within Trinity ?
19/10/2017 Is there a need within Trinity ? 23.4% of 2015/16 admissions were from under-represented groups, comprising 9% experiencing socio-economic disadvantage, 8% having a disability and 7% mature students 7.6% of students are registered with the Disability Service; this percentage is generally increasing 8.5% of undergraduates and 4.4% of postgraduates are registered with the DS

13 Is there a need within Trinity ?
19/10/2017 Is there a need within Trinity ?

14 Is there a need within Trinity ?
19/10/2017 Is there a need within Trinity ? Disability Service – TCD stats

15 The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) approach:
19/10/2017 The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) approach: Video on the concept of UDL

16 Drivers and Impediments today for UDL
19/10/2017 Drivers: Enhancing quality of teaching & learning Expectation of the students Improves access to learning for students Clarity and improves processes Impediments: Last of Time (academic) Lack of academic staff (knowledge ) Lacks of Money - Support Lack of departmental culture Pro’s and cons for adapting UDL

17 Easy to be inclusive: Quick Wins
19/10/2017 Easy to be inclusive: Quick Wins I can make course information: Easier to navigate Easier to read Easier to transform More engaging and user-friendly - Tied to learning outcomes & reading lists I can make my presentations: A more effective learning resource. Suitable for a variety of media platforms. More interactive and collaborative. Quick wins – how you create content or design a lecture

18 How can we achieve this? Trinity Inclusive Curriculum ( TIC)
19/10/2017 How can we achieve this? Trinity Inclusive Curriculum ( TIC) To mainstream inclusive principles within the entire College curricula: This involves: Identifying actual and potential barriers to teaching Identifying learning and assessment strategies for good practice ( e.g JISC UK) What is TIC

19 TIC objectives & achievements :
19/10/2017 TIC objectives & achievements : Linking to enabling strategies: Training and awareness raising activities The introduction of online guidelines and resources to help staff create a more inclusive learning environment, The introduction of a self-evaluation tool for the design and review of curriculum. Objectives of TIC

20 TIC – Trinity education Project (TEP) integration
Curriculum principles and architecture (Strand 2) Assessment (strand 3) Internships and study abroad (strand 4) Technology Enhanced Larning ( Strand 5) Learning Spaces ( strand 6 ) Supports the Trinity brand Enhance the student learning experience Alignment to Trinity Strategy Strategic plan - disseminate global best practice in higher education Best international practices are embedded across the entire Trinity curricula

21 Based on 2 clear Guidelines of UDL:
19/10/2017 Based on 2 clear Guidelines of UDL: Clarity and flexibility are central to inclusive Curriculum Design. Clarity Ensure students are clear on what will be expected within your module / programme. Offer clear, comprehensive information to students in advance. Timely notice of assessment methods and deadlines. Avoid jargon in materials. Flexibility Seek to use technology as a supplement to class room contact. Use a range of teaching methods e.g. Videos teaching materials assessment method 2 pillars of its design – curriculum should be give clarity and flexibility where applicable

22 Guidelines for Inclusive Teaching, Assessment, and Supervision
19/10/2017 Guidelines for Inclusive Teaching, Assessment, and Supervision Developing Learning Outcomes : Videoing learning outcomes

23 Guidelines for Inclusive Teaching: Assessment
19/10/2017 Guidelines for Inclusive Teaching: Assessment Many of our current assessment methods were established when the student population lacked the diversity that we find today. As the student population diversifies we need to reassess assessment methods so as to respond to the needs of this diverse student population. Be flexible: Use a range of assessment methods to respond to the diversity of the student body. Consider offering a choice of assessments Clarity Clear, constructive and timely feedback on performance in assessments Good practice examples for any assessment method they are unfamiliar with Teaching assessment guidelines blogs / video / voice – use of smart technology / blackboard

24 Guidelines for Inclusive Teaching: Assessment
19/10/2017 Guidelines for Inclusive Teaching: Assessment Reasoning/ eg for looking at alternative assessment

25 Guidelines for Inclusive Teaching: Physical environment
19/10/2017 Guidelines for Inclusive Teaching: Physical environment Ensure all students can physically access your teaching and administrative spaces. Ensure you can hear, and be heard, clearly by all. Ask students for feedback. Ensure suitable lighting. Can all your students see you and any teaching props you may use. Ensure timetabling gives all students sufficient time to move between teaching venues. Remember, some students, disabilities or health problems, will take longer to travel between lectures than others. Alternatives of physical environment in not adaptable

26 How do you know if the information you produced is accessible ?
19/10/2017 How do you know if the information you produced is accessible ? Information is produced in many formats: Producing inforamtion

27 Accessible Tips - Microsoft Word.
19/10/2017 Accessible Tips - Microsoft Word. Font Style & Size: Your font should have clearly defined letters and spacing between letters. Research found a majority of users prefer a san-serif font over a serif font. Sans-serif fonts look good at most sizes, unlike serif fonts. Use of a san serif font

28 Accessible Tips - Microsoft Word.
19/10/2017 Accessible Tips - Microsoft Word. Font Style & Size: Avoid: underlining, italics, BLOCK CAPITALS; Use bold for emphasis. Bold over italics

29 Accessible Tips - Microsoft Word.
19/10/2017 Accessible Tips - Microsoft Word. Styles & structure: Why? Ease of navigation and access. Automatically created Table of contents If you save a Word document as an HTML for use on the web, Word automatically and correctly translates built-in Heading styles as H1, H2 etc. Adobe Acrobat knows about Word's built-in heading styles. Creating bookmarks in a PDF file is easiest if you use Word's built-in heading styles Use of headings = >navigation

30 Accessible Tips - Microsoft Word.
19/10/2017 Accessible Tips - Microsoft Word. Demo: Open both of the attached word documents Unstructured document Structured document If you take away just One thing today –use heading styles in all Word documents!! This one action could make a vast difference. e..g

31 Accessible Tips - Microsoft Word.
19/10/2017 Accessible Tips - Microsoft Word. Alternative Text For a shape, picture, chart, SmartArt graphic, or other object, right-click it, click Format object, and then click the Alt Text pane. To add Alt Text to the entire SmartArt graphic or chart, click the border of the SmartArt graphic or chart, and not an individual shape or piece. For a table, right-click the table, click Table Properties, and then click the Alt Text tab. Adding alt format to images with MS word

32 Accessible Tips - Microsoft Word.
19/10/2017 Accessible Tips - Microsoft Word. How can I check that I am on track ? Using the accessibility checker

33 Ensure font size is appropriate for the room.
19/10/2017 Accessible tips in MS PowerPoint Ensure font size is appropriate for the room. Example A: This is Times New Roman, size 14. Smaller font sizes, and serif fonts are harder to read. Fully justified text removes the shape of the text and can create a river effect. FINALLY, BLOCK CAPITALS CAN BE DIFFICULT TO FOLLOW AS BLOCK CAPITALS REMOVE THE NATURAL SHAPE OF WORDS, TURNING THEM INTO BLOCKS. Example B: This is Arial, size 24 with 1.5 spacing. Larger font sizes and sans serif fonts are easier to read. Left aligned text gives the body of the text a specific shape and avoids the river effect. Using colour on PowerPoint allows information to stand out. Ensure font size is appropriate for the room. As a rule avoid over cluttering the slide by only adding as much information as you would have on a postcard. (hint – this slide overdoes it by about a third!)

34 19/10/2017 Avoid Over cluttering. As a rule avoid over cluttering the slide by only adding as much information as you would have on a postcard. In a dark room use a dark background with light text. Embolden this text for enhanced accessibility. In a light room use a light coloured background with dark text. Ensure there is a decent contrast between background colour and text colour. Dark Blue and cream have been shown to be a good combination. Ensure there is a decent contrast between background colour and text colour. Dark Blue and cream have been shown to be a good combination. If using a dark background ensure weight of text is larger (e.g. bold).

35 Accessibility tips for PDFs.
19/10/2017 Accessibility tips for PDFs. Basic requirements: From Word to Pdf Select the PDF format. Click the Options button to open a new window: Ensure you use the options and accessibility tick

36 PDF Accessibility checkers
19/10/2017 PDF Accessibility checkers All Abode Pro apps come with a in-built accessibility checker Free PAC - accessibility-checker-pac.html Checking a pdf for accessibility

37 Alternative Formats tools available:
19/10/2017 Alternative Formats tools available: Texthelp Read & Write : Available from the University software catalogue OCR engine to convert scanned docs to .doc or .pdf format Create audio format / epub Robobraille Using Texthelp to create alternative format i.e. pdf to word or robbraille

38 Guidelines for Inclusive Teaching, Assessment, and Supervision
19/10/2017 Ponopto lecture capture system video

39 Trinity Powerpoint templates
19/10/2017 Trinity Powerpoint templates Identity – templates

40 Procurement Policy Be technically accessible Be equally usable
19/10/2017 Procurement Policy Be technically accessible Be equally usable Be capable of being adapted or configured by individual users to meet their specific needs and preferences; All RFT must now include reference to the accessibility of the goods or service Procurement Website Procurement 0 ensuing any tools hardware / software is usable by all

41 19/10/2017 Organised Events Ensures a physical area is fully accessible where possible Checklist & building checker available off the Disability website - access/Building-check/ Checklist of organising events

42 19/10/2017 Online Tools & help create Accessible Content Reference the TIC website : TIC resources

43 19/10/2017 TIC Tool This is an anonymous, private, confidential self-evaluation tool that allows users to reflect and evaluate upon the level of inclusivity within the delivery of programmes, modules or individual practices. Once completed, users will receive a report offering suggested actions that they can follow to enhance inclusion in their area TIC tools – objectives

44 19/10/2017 TIC Tool The self-evaluation tool has been created for the evaluation of teaching, assessment, and information sharing processes: Teaching self-review Module Evaluation Programme Evaluation Research Programme Evaluation Compliance with Accessible Information Policy Library Practice What is support in help the academic produce

45 19/10/2017 2. Use to TIC tool to evaluate you present content: Questions &What is support in help the academic produce feedback.

46 Accessibility Maturity Table

47 19/10/2017 Any questions ? For further feedback please contact : Andrew Costello – Disability Service

48 Links to UDI Resources center for applied special technology site devoted to UDI U. of Washington’s Do-It program’s site, extensive resources for UDI U. of Connecticut’s site devoted to UDI for faculty ccess_uddl.pdf, brochure regarding UDI for distance learning Ohio State’s site devoted to UDI for faculty and administrators y/udl.cfm, overview of UDI

49 More Links to UDI Resources
list of UDI resources fast facts regarding UDI and good teaching toolkit-for-udl-in-all_12.html, free technology-related resources, guide for making assignments/syllabi accessible UDI description with specific examples

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