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Electronic Portfolios

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1 Electronic Portfolios
Mrs. Judith Cahn Maneli Doctoral Fellow Yeshiva University Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration

2 Uses for Electronic Portfolios
Student Assessments Marketing: Presenting Your Professional Self

3 Teacher Electronic Portfolios: Marketing Your Professional Self
A brief biographical sketch Your resume, copies of documents, licenses, tests, etc. A description of the classes you've taught (don't include everything, be brief), include grade level Your teaching  philosophy (why do you teach?) Demonstrate your creativity Copies of recent lesson or unit plans Letters of commendation, evaluations, recognition or honors

4 On-line Formats: Suggestions
It can be as simple as a word or pdf documents A folder comprised of multiple documents or images compressed (zipped) to send via A PowerPoint Presentation A website

5 Multimedia photos of class engaged in activities student papers
a video clip of you in action Audio (mp3) recording (philosophy statement) photos of classroom

6 Recommendations For documents, convert docs to pdfs so they cannot be digitally altered. For Powerpoints, SAVE-AS: Powerpoint Show, so, again, it cannot be easily altered. Think out-of-the box: Use different media and presentation tools (Prezio, Voicethreads, etc.) Create free website:

7 Sample: Judith Cahn website

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