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Steps to Campus Sustainability

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1 Steps to Campus Sustainability
Dennis Milechin Yan Wang Ha Hoang Advisors: Professor Frederick L. Hart Professor Guillermo F. Salazar Klaas Rodenburg Shawn Paulson Steps to Campus Sustainability Introduction and acknowledgement

2 Why are we here? Doing a project about “campus sustainability”
Sustainability movement among campuses Stantec potential market Develop a sustainability master plan template It’s getting popular but still at the beginning phase and need guidance For a consulting company, this is a potential market for Stantec This project is developed

3 How did we go about this project?
Gain background knowledge Research what other institutions have done Make our recommendations Interview people to confirm our recommendations

4 What is Campus Sustainability?
“Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Quote Such as Global Warming, Clean Water Shortage, Pollution. Jobs for people in order to earn money and purchase essentials. - Brundtland Commission Report

5 What is Campus Sustainability?
No accepted definition of campus sustainability. Global Reporting Initiative definition Environment Economics Society No accepted definition of campus sustainability. Global Reporting Initiative divides it into three categories: Environmental, Economics, Society Two sustainability assessment frameworks formed. AASHE (Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education) STARS Follows GRI visual CSAF (Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework) Created their own visual Lindsay Cole Campuses create their own definition of sustainability Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework (CSAF) Campuses create their own definition of sustainability.

6 Six Steps that Lead to Campus Sustainability
Why there is no definite answer of how to green campus Presently, campuses are still in the early phase of sustainability movement Characteristics of each campus are different, such as the campus’ location and size etc. Because at this time, the campus Sustainability movement/ is more concerned about the actual environmental benefits institutions can make. Our project was decided to more focus on the environmental aspect of campus sustainability Then What is the most effective way to make campus sustainable on environmental aspect?

7 Commitment to Sustainability Sustainability Committee
Step 1 Commitment to Sustainability Six Steps that Lead to Campus Sustainability Step 2 Sustainability Committee Step 3 Immediate Policies Therefore, Based on what we’ve researched on the failure and success of what steps institutions have took to become more sustainabale , we three developed a master plan teplate which consists of six foundation steps…….step 1.commits to campus sustainability , step2 create 3 develop 4. make 5.implement the 6. modify the AP after implementing it. all the steps are aimed at campuses which are still in the early stage of sustainability. Then Why do campuses need the steps first? Why don’t they just start acting without setting up steps? This is because With these steps established, the approach to achieve campus sustainability is more organized and clarified. And With the steps declared, the whole campus and the public will get a clear view of what process/ this institution is taking/ to green its campus. People may also ask.Why are The Steps Essential for Campus Sustainability? And Why Do They “Stand” In This Order? Now Let’s Explore More for Each Step Step 6 Step 5 Step 4 Modify Action Plan Implement Action Plan Action Plan

8 Commitment to Sustainability
Step 1 Commitment to Sustainability “Public Declaration of Commitment to Environmental Protection and Serves as Frame Work for Decision Making and Goals” Greening the Ivory Tower Show institution’s determination toward sustainability Defines institution’s own campus sustainability definition Commitment greatly increases the likelihood that actual actions will be taken. This is the 1st step because: Commitment provides a framework which can be followed in order to achieve the institu’ sustainbaility To sussessfully become sustianble , the institution needs to propose their intentions to the whole campus and public to show their determination toward sustainability. In this way, whole campus would be able to understand what actgually the institute is trying to accomplish by going “sustainbaility” According to psychological research, it was evidenced that making a commmitment greatly increases the likelihood that actual actions will be taken.

9 To create a commitment Two options available Make their own Harvard.
Sign the public commitment , such as presidence’s commitment… 2 pics in one slide

10 Sustainability Committee
Step 2 Sustainability Committee Immediate Policies Task of a Committee Structure and Membership of A Committee Influence of The Committee Why this is not the 1st or 3rd : After a campus commits itself to be sustainable,We need people to take in charge of implementing the commitment, develop the more specific goals under the framework and promote the commitment all over campus, in order to ensure the commitment is able to be met. Due to the special responsibility of a sustainability committee 1 it should be constituted of representatives from all sectors of the campus community, such as the faculty, student and administrator representatives. Therefore, a committee allows for good communication between different campus departments and divisions and this committee is able to collect different suggestions from all sectos of campus. As a result, make the most preferable and comprehensive campus sustainability plan for the institution 2.The committee has to be empowered by top administrators the capability to guide and oversee implementation of school’s commitment. any feasible actions and principles delivered from this sustainability committee can be actually carried out.

11 Environmental Sustainability Advisory Committee (ESAC)
advise the President on environmental sustainability issues on Academic, Built Environment, Energy and Utilities, Waste Management and Recycling, Transportation, and Communications.

12 Why this step is behind Committee &
Immediate Policies Why this step is behind Committee & before Action Plan: Action Plan “Walks” Too Slow What are Immediate Policies What are immediate policies for After a committee is created, making an action plan is supposed to be next step. However, The time an institution needs to establish an action plan can be as long as one to two years. Dennis will talk about why an action plan later. Due to the long time requirement . , some immediate policies are recommended to be implemented first before the action plan is completed. What’s policy a policy is “a written contract which is indented to influence and determine decisions of an organization and is a guiding principle considered advantageous”. Then Which policies can be considered as immediate policies and implemented before ? no time consuming, most likely won’t be changed after taking inventory….. Find the policies Easy, cheap to implement. no lag between commiment and actually carrited out A.P built Immediate policies are not ultimate sln to resolve campus’ environmental issues, rather a way for campus show the determination while an action plan is being conduct In the complete action plan, a comprehensive campu spolicy will be developed as specific goals to leadcampous to

13 Anti-Idling “All vehicles should be turned off when not in use or when the driver leaves the unit for any length of time." University of Waterloo Document “Whenever possible, forms should be filled out and processed electronically.” UCSD Facility Operation Policy: “The following equipment and components will be switched off at the end of each work day when feasible: Office Lights Office Computers, Printers and Monitors Office Copy Machines” University of South Carolina

14 Step 4 Start Action Plan Take Inventory of Campus Analyze Data
Identify Problem Areas Start Need to identify problem Inventory - Collects the raw data, such as electricity consumption of a building, tons of waste produced. Analyze Data – Convert raw data into useful data. ID Problem – based on analyzed data identify problem area (more in next slide). Set Target – Helps determine what solutions will be used. ID possible Solutions Create/Modify Action Plan Create/ Modify Action Plan Identify Possible Solutions Set Targets and Goals

15 Step 4 Action Plan Indiana University of Bloomington - 2008 Report
Indiana University of Bloomington 2008 sustainability report.

16 Identify Problem Areas
Action Plan Step 4 Identify Problem Areas Energy Water Waste Problem area split into four sections. Energy Water Waste Social – they know it, but don’t do it Based on Goals of campus Regulation Trends Social is a contributing problem for all. Social

17 Biodiesel Energy Solution
Exhaust smells good !! Biodiesel Biodiesel is a type of oil made from soybean, palm and even used vegetable oil. It can be blended with diesel to fuel the campus fleet. And even biodiesel alone is able to propel the vehicle. For instance, In this way, the conventional fossile fuel is repleced by renewable enregy source, which is biodiesle and the exhaust of vehicles stars to smell good! In 2006, a recycling truck in Harvard was retrofitted and started running on straight waste vegetable oil from Harvard’s Dinning Hall.

18 Water Solution 46 Blackstone Street, Cambridge campus, Harvard University LEED Platinum Reduced 43% indoor water usage Dual flush toilets Waterless U Low flow sinks Eliminated all potable water consumption for irrigation Plant the native, drought-tolerant species that require no irrigation

19 Waste Solution Seven steps to a paperless office
Commit: Promote a paperless workplace. Be creative: Solicit ideas from front-line employees. s: Don’t print s. If you have trouble reading, increase monitor settings. Photocopies: Instead of making copies, use the photocopier to make PDFs and digital file to yourself. Trust: Back-up computer files regularly. Innovate: Laminate forms and use dry erase pens. Invest: Allocate resources to paperless systems. $4,000 saved annually Can work more with students

20 “Prompt” Social Solution
A “prompt” is something to remind people actually carry out their sustainable actions. Unlike other social strategies, it is not a tool used to alter people’s attitude, but simply help us to carry out the behaviors we have decided to do.

21 Example of “Prompt” Florida State University
In one department of Florida State University, which indicate types of recyclable paper were put on the top of all the recycling containers. Simultaneously, prompts all the trash containers read “No paper”. As a result, this small change increased the amount of recycled paper by 54%. Using prompt strategy increased the amount of recycled paper by 54% in one department of Florida State University.

22 Commitment to Sustainability Create Sustainability Committee
Step 5 and Step 6 Step 1 Commitment to Sustainability Repeat steps 5 and 6 To demonstrate progress. To identify new problem areas. To implement new sustainability solutions. Step 2 Create Sustainability Committee Step 3 Immediate Policies Now we need to get back to our master plan template. So far, we have done …. After creating a action plan, the institution need to implement the plan. And this initially plan will not get campus to sustainable rite away. The action plan will have to be modified to meet target, new sustainability goals. The campus will then need to go through the process of modifying and creating new action plans over and over again. By going throught the process of taking the inventory, identifying the new problems areas, and find the suitable solutions for it, campus can become closer to sustainability. Also by going through the step of taking the inventory over and over again, campus can determine the progress that they have made Step 6 Step 5 Step 4 Modify Action Plan Implement Action Plan Action Plan

23 What’s next? Confident recommending six steps above to institutions as a starting point Limitation: Time constraint Only focus on the environmental aspect of the campus sustainability Metric to identify the problem areas Work in progress Based on our research and evidences, we confidently recommending six steps to institutions as a starting point to create their own master plan. However, we still ran into some limitations and problems while doing this project.1st of all Because of the time constraint, this project only focus on environmental aspect of the campus sustainability. We havent touched on the economical and social aspect of it. There is currently no metric to help identify the problem areas in campus Because this is still a fairly new concept and there are also a lot of emerging technologies for campus to become more sustainable, this project is a work in progress that need to be developed more in the future

24 Questions?

25 Thank you!

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