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The stakes of Development: from development to sustainable development

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1 The stakes of Development: from development to sustainable development

2 Introduction The world population today totals 7 Billion inhabitants, twice as many as in 1960 There have never been as many wealthy, healthy, educated people but there has also never been as much poverty, disease and hunger This can be explained by gaps between levels of development Inequalities define the world in which we live

3 Basic Facts about World Population
I. The global distribution of population: a spatial term which describes the arrangement or spread of the population over an area. A. World population distribution is uneven. Places which are sparsely populated contain few people. tend to be difficult places to live, usually hostile environments (e.g. Antarctica.) Places which are densely populated contain many people. habitable environments (e.g. Europe.)

4 B. Population Density a value which indicates the number of people living in a given area of land. It is an average number. calculated by dividing the number of people by area. usually shown as the number of people per square kilometer.

5 Document 1 : Estimated 2015 World Population Density

6 C. Factors influencing global population distribution:
Physical: climate, relief, soil, vegetation Human: economic activities, human resources, natural resources, historical factors

7 Key Unit Questions: What inequalities characterize the modern world?
What will be the needs of the 9 billion inhabitants in 2050? Is sustainable development possible?

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