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Medical Thermography and its Applications

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1 Medical Thermography and its Applications
Howard Vics, BS, CIT-3, CCT

2 Goals of Presentation Gain an understanding of: What thermography is
How thermography works Why thermography is effective Discuss the use of a thermographic scan in aiding identification of physiological conditions: Discuss how thermography can be used as an adjunctive diagnostic aid and screening tool for breast cancer, heart disease, diabetes, thyroid and endocrine system disorders and hormonal imbalance. Understand the Benefits (and Risks) associated with its use

3 History of Thermography
As a medical science, Thermology was first documented around 400BC by Hippocrates. He wrote “In whatever part of the body excess of heat or cold is felt, the disease is there to be discovered”. Digitial Infrared Thermal Imaging was initially developed for military applications in the late 1950’s. Since the end of the Cold War, Infrared Thermal Imaging has been made commercially available. In 1982 the FDA approved medical thermography as an adjunct screening tool in medicine. In his time, Ancient physicians of the Golden Age were known to employ a primitive form of Thermology where they would apply thin mud slurry onto their patient’s body. As the compound dried, patterns of hot and cold would emerge by different rates of drying. Today, Thermography is a highly refined science with standardized applications in Neurology, Vascular Medicine, Sports Medicine, Breast Oncology and many other specialty areas.

4 Definitions Thermology is the medical science that derives diagnostic indications from the thermal patterns of the human body. Thermography is the process of medical infrared imaging or the mapping of the thermal pattern(s) of the human body. Thermogram is, literally, a “heat picture”. It is the image that is captured by an infrared thermal imaging camera

5 What is Medical Thermography?
Medical thermography is the mapping of the heat patterns of the human body using high resolution, thermally sensitive (< 50/1000 degree) infrared thermal imaging cameras, and the interpretation of those thermal patterns. Balance Patterns Because of its ability to detect the heat associated with inflammation, Thermography is now being used for Early Detection of developing physiological conditions.

6 How is Thermography Different?
Thermography “sees” the heat associated with inflammation and is, therefore able to capture real-time physiology, or function of the body. Other imaging modalities (X-Ray, MRI, CAT Scans, Ultrasound) see structure, not function. Thermography can detect changes in physiology before they become symptomatic and manifest structurally.

7 How Does Thermography Work?
An IR camera is used to measure the heat photons emitted from the body and converts them into electrical impulses which are then displayed as colored images on a monitor. This visual image graphically maps the body’s temperature and is referred to as a thermogram.

8 The Physics Behind The Science of Thermography
Energy is emitted in the form of a wave. Light is energy. The “Visible Light” spectrum is a portion of the continuum of energy Heat is also energy and is also emitted as a wave. Thermal Energy (Heat) has a longer wavelengths than visible light and, and although we can’t see it, we can detect it. The key difference between Thermal IR and other categories is that heat energy is EMITTED by objects, where other forms of energy are REFLECTED

9 Precision and Resolution - or - (temperature and pixels)
Low Precision/Low Resolution (poor thermal sensitivity) High Precision /High Resolution (very good thermal sensitivity)

10 The Basics

11 Why Is There Increased Blood Flow?
The Body is in the process of REPAIRING /HEALING The Immune System is FIGHTING INFECTION ANGIOGENESIS The physiological changes taking place involve increased (or decreased) blood flow  Increased blood flow manifests as inflammation and increased heat . Decreased blood flow manifests as “colder” areas Angiogenesis is the normal and vital process in growth and development, wound healing and in the formation of granulation tissue. However, it is also a fundamental step in the transition of tumors from a benign state to a malignant one

12 6 Phases of Disease Example: Gastrointestinal System
As an example, here is the progression of disease in the Gastrointestinal System This is a chart to illustrate the progression of disease, which can take decades. Specifically notice that Inflammation is the second stage. One the progression has passed the Biological Divide, the process is more difficult to stop and restore the patient to health. 12

13 Why Is Thermography Effective?
We know that - Inflammation is a precursor to disease. If inflammation is identified in the body, steps can be taken to reduce it and prevent onset or symptoms of disease and potentially even reverse it. Thermography detects the heat involved with inflammation! The camera doesn’t lie!

14 Thermography Is Used To Detect
Cardio-Vascular/Circulatory Problems Thyroid Disorders/Hormonal Imbalance Digestive Disorders/Food Allergies Lymphatic Congestion Endocrine/Immune System Disorders Breast Health

15 Detecting Early Signs of Heart Attack
A “Normal” Image A Heart Attack Waiting to Happen

16 Images showing Cardio-Vascular Temperature Anomalies
Fig 1: The asymmetrical hypothermic pattern over the left chest wall indicates weak cardiac function. (M) Subject had follow up testing. Coronary Artery Disease confirmed. Also note localized dental infection Fig 2: Asymmetrical pattern in this subject indicated she needed further testing that later confirmed a carotid occlusion in the right carotid artery. Fig 3: CRP (C-reactive protein) gives a gauge of the amount of inflammation in the body. When thermography indicates higher carotid temperatures and is backed up by elevated CRP levels, there is a very strong correlation to early development of heart disease. TotalVisionTM software showing cardio-vascular system and dental overlays. Images courtesy Proactive Health Solutions, LLC

17 Circulation In Extremities– Before and After Treatment
Circulatory Problems Phlebitis In Left Leg Circulation In Extremities– Before and After Treatment Image courtesy Images courtesy of In the images above, we can see the increased blood flow in the hands and feet.

18 Evidence of Diabetes and or heart disease in the scan will allow the patient to see for themselves the inflammation in the body.

19 Images Courtesy MyLife Global, Inc.©2010
Thyroid The normal thyroid gland is almost always asymmetrical, with the right side being larger. Images Courtesy MyLife Global, Inc.©2010

20 Thyroid Imaging

21 Abdominal

22 Hormonal and Visceral Organ Systems
Visceral and Digestive System Disorders Hormonal Imbalances

23 Hand Pain/Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Images courtesy of Image courtesy of

24 Neck & Back Pain Image courtesy Images of the back of neck and upper back can identify inflammation common to Fibromyalgia CFS – Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Images courtesy

25 Neck & Back Pain (con’t)
Image courtesy of Images courtesy of

26 Images Compliments of MyLife Global, Inc.©2010
TMJ Disorder TMJ syndrome has the capacity to trigger an array of symptoms with seemingly unrelated medical causes; therefore it is frequently undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Weinstein's criteria finds a positive study when: Affected joint is 1.0 degree centigrade warmer than the opposite side but it is also documented that 0.5 degree C delta had 96% confidence level. Images Compliments of MyLife Global, Inc.©2010

27 Oral /Systemic Link Oral inflammation is directly related to systemic diseases such as: Cardio vascular disease Diabetes Other

28 Tooth and Gum Pathology/Abcesses
Gum disease and the resulting toxins threaten more than the heart. Scientists are finding links to diabetes, kidney disease, osteoporosis and even certain types of cancer, including breast cancer. Current research suggests a connection between oral health and heart conditions. Gum disease is caused by plaque and bacteria, releasing toxins that can circulate around the body, including the circulatory system and joints. The sympathetic system can cause the cutaneous patterns that can project over or near the area of concern. Images Compliments of MyLife Global, Inc.©2010

29 Diabetes Although your patient probably wouldn’t bring in a copy of their Thermography Report showing you their feet, it is important to know that if persistent inflammation is seen, that thermography can capture the diabetic limb. Images courtesy of and

30 Pre-Diabetic “Glove” Pattern
Note how the hands are warmer and appear to have gloves on In these patients the hands are cooler than the lower arms

31 Top Ten Causes of Death for Women in the United States

32 Basic Truths of Life… An abnormal thermogram is 10x more likely to be an indicator of developing breast cancer than 1st order family history

33 Breast Health Thermography is a 100% Safe, Non-Invasive, No Contact, NO RADIATION Screening Method that can detect: Lymphatic Congestion Fibrocystosis Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS) Breast Cancer  Thermal Imaging Can Detect Breast Cancer 5 -7 Years BEFORE a mammogram.

34 Advantages to Using Thermography for Women’s Health Screening
Thermography can be used by: Small breasted women Large breasted women Women with breast implants – thermography won’t harm delicate breast implants Women with Dense Breast Tissue (typically women in their 20’s and 30’s) Women with fibrocystic breast tissue Women who are pregnant and/or breast feeding. Women who are pre-menopausal/in menopause or post-menopausal. Women who are on hormone replacement therapy Thermography can be used to monitor hormonal balance/imbalance.


36 Images courtesy of
Top Left: a) Inflammatory Cancer b) Ductal Carcinoma In Situ c) Fibrocystocis Images courtesy of NOTE: Thermography is not diagnostic by itself and is not meant to replace mammography or any other anatomical imaging procedure.

37 Benefits of Use

38 100% Safe – NO RISK! NO RADIATION Non- invasive No Contact Fast Easy
Effective Inexpensive EARLY DETECTION! Add to that it can be used on any person, any size or shape at any time. For Breast Health Screenings, it can be used by younger women, starting in their late 20’s to safely start monitoring their breast health.

39 Risks:

40 There are NO Risks to Using Thermography!
The only risk is of what may have been prevented if thermography is not used and disease is not identified

41 Conclusion

42 Thermography is a diagnostic screening that is safe and effective, fast and easy. It is a proactive measure in identifying systemic inflammation. Thermography would confirm the need for further testing and evaluation by physician. If systemic inflammation is identified, patient and physician can discuss preventive measures that can be taken to reduce inflammation and risk of disease.

43 Results “Whole Health” treatment enables health care to see “the whole person”. Cost effective – Reduces health care costs. Promote Early Detection Allows for pro-active measures. Potentially Save Lives – A better outcome. Identification of Inflammation by RDH –first line of defense Advise to patient for follow up screening Medical Thermography  Early Detection Action as needed

44 Then There Is Always Infrared As Art

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