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Cooperative European Medicines Development Course (CEMDC)

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1 Cooperative European Medicines Development Course (CEMDC)
WP5 Geographical Extension Project Cooperative European Medicines Development Course (CEMDC) Sándor Kerpel-Fronius, M.D., D.Sc. Semmelweis University Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy Budapest, Hungary

2 Czech Republic, Prague? Estonia, Tartu Hungary, Budapest Lithuania, Kaunas Poland, Warsaw Portugal, Lisbon Romania, Targu Mures Serbia, Belgrade Slovakia, Bratislava Slovenia, Ljubljana Turkey, Ankara

3 Organogram of the CEMDC
Participating universities Supervision of administration. Delivery of the educatinal program PharmaTrain Harmonised educational program Quality Assurance International Advisory Board GOVERNING BOARD Coordinating University Study Director Educationa Committee Module Leaders Study Management Group

4 Organization of joint education
Joint educational staff Joint student group All the teaching activities will be done jointly for all the enrolled students by a joint educational staff

5 IMI-Pharmatrain course structure
Base course Master course Six additional modules, 30 ECTS Extension modules 1. Pharmacoeconomics , drug reimbursement 2. Drug safety, pharmaco- epidemiology, pharmacovigilance, risk management 3. Biological medicinal products and advanced therapies 4. Specific patient populations Eligible modules 5. Generic and biosimilar medicinal agents 6. Development of medicinal devices Base course (6 base modules, 30 ECTS) 1. Introduction. Drug discovery 2. Non-clinical drug development 3. Early clinical drug development 4. Confirmatory clinical drug trials 5. Drug regulation and pharmacovigilance 6. Healthcare, marketplace, economics of healthcare

6 Base Course Covering all topics of the syllabus
2. Development of Medicines: Planning 3. Non-Clinical Testing 1. Discovery of Medicines 4. Pharma- ceutical development Base course (6 base modules, 30 ECTS) 1. Introduction. Drug discovery 2. Non-clinical drug development 3. Early clinical drug development 4. Confirmatory clinical drug trials 5. Drug regulation and pharmacovigilance 6. Healthcare, marketplace, economics of healthcare 14. Therapeutics 13. Economics of Healthcare 5. Exploratory development 6. Confirmatory development 12. Information, promotion 7. Clinical trials 11. Drug Safety 10. Regulatory affairs 9. Data management Statistics 8. Ethics legal issues

7 Modular structure and assessment
Modular organization 5 ECTS/module working hours/module 50-60 hours pre-module preparation 25-30 hours F2F teaching 50-60 hours post-module assignment writing Assessment at the end of each module: 20-25 MCQs 50% evaluating learning of pre-module preparatory materials 50% evaluating the understanding of the lectured material 1-2 assignments ( words) Final note : combined assessment of MCQs + assignments, each part must be passed MODULAR Module ASSESSMENT

8 Integrated asessment at the end of the Base Course
Optional but strongly recommended by PharmaTrain INTEGRATED Base course (6 base modules, 30 ECTS) 1. Introduction. Drug discovery 2. Non-clinical drug development 3. Early clinical drug development 4. Confirmatory clinical drug trials 5. Drug regulation and pharmacovigilance 6. Healthcare, marketplace, economics of healthcare MCQ with marker MCQs Optional methods 1-2 short, 2 pages long assays Discussion of scientific paper s PhT external examiners ASSESSMENT

9 PharmaTrain CPD Platform also prepares for Integrated Examination and the Specialists Titles
WP2 This slide needs technical improvement. I cannot enter it.: say: „examination“ instead of „exam“ - under the red line it should say „postgraduate“ under the red line the „t“ for „trainng“ needs to go into the next line Grundsätzlich erschließt sich mir diese Abbildung nicht. „Third tier“ wird hier nicht klar. Sowohl für den Specialist of medicines Development als auch für den specialist of Pharmaceutical Medicine ist doch eine praktische Berufszeit erforderlich – oder? Für den Nicht-Mediziner wohl kürzer als für den Mediziner – aber diese praktische Zeit sollte graphisch deutlich gemacht werden. Die Abkürzungen „SMD“ und „SPM“ sind nicht glücklich, weil ein Aussenstehender bei „SMD“ eher an den Mediziner denkt. WP7a Additional practical work is needed

10 Timing of further preparatory work
Planned initiation of the CEMDC teaching (January, 2013) ??? Further preparatory work required (2012 November) Finalization of the teaching plan Listing of preparatory materials Case presentations Assignment titles Advertisement, student recruitment Investigators Training (CLIC)

11 How to manage the MSc course within the PhT cooperation
Only few students register for a Master Course according to the experience of other PhT courses The Semmelweis University course finished the entire 2 years program Teaching of 12 modules Defense of a thesis How to manage advanced modules within the PhT cooperation Offer the topics as a self-standing modules. Some modules might attract larger number of students providing income The participating course providers might cooperate to offer the master course jointly by presenting only selected modules which together build up the entire program The five ECTS following successful modular examination can be added up for obtaining a MSc at a selected PhT course offering MSc

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