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Interreg Vb Atlantic Area Call 1 - Applicants support workshop

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Presentation on theme: "Interreg Vb Atlantic Area Call 1 - Applicants support workshop"— Presentation transcript:

1 Interreg Vb Atlantic Area Call 1 - Applicants support workshop
Guillaume Le Palud UK Contact Point, Atlantic Area Interreg Programme Belfast 26/10/2016

2 Feedback on call 1 stage 1 425 EoIs received, 407 eligible
102 EoIs invited to stage 2: 38 on Innovation & Competitiveness (Priority 1) 22 on Ressource Efficicency (Priority 2) 7 on Territories Risk Resilience (Priority 3) 35 on Biodiversity, Natural & Cultural assets (Priority 4) -> worth €259.5M. €175.5M available

3 Next steps and deadlines
Call open on October 31st Call closes on December 19th Projects appraisals over 1st quarter 2017 Decisions late-March, early April 2017

4 Update on Brexit implications
HM Treasury announcement: All projects contracted before UK leaves the EU will have funding secured post Brexit if they meet 2 criteria: Value for money Strategic fit with UK priorities -> Essential for your applications! Exact mechanisms are still to be discussed

5 Questions?

6 Few general ETC principles
4 cooperation criteria that characterise territorial cooperation projects: Joint development: the project idea and scope are jointly conceived by the partners. Joint implementation: the activities, outputs and results are jointly realised by the partners. Joint staffing: all partners have equal responsibility for joint staffing roles and their application within the project. Joint financing: all partners contribute financially to the project resources.

7 Project development: what are the general expectations?
Needs What are the changes needed? Rationale How changes matches Programme objectives? Goals How changes will be performed? Inputs What budget, timeline and skills? Activities What work plan and work packages? Outputs What products, services and solutions? Capitalization How disseminate and promote outputs? Results What are the societal benefit of outputs? Evaluation Did the results lead to changes needed? Value for money Are the project costs in line with market value? Are the project intervention: - efficient, getting the most from the available resources - effective, meeting the objectives and achieving intended results?

8 Project’s intervention logic
Project Objectives & Results Work plan & Budget What are our common needs and potentials? What do we want to change? How will it be different? (short and long term impact) What do we need to deliver to obtain this change? How will we do it? What resources & partners do we need to do this work? Project Idea Project Outputs & Indicators SWOT SO Activities Impact Change Programme

9 Project development: what are the general expectations?
Response to needs and strategic relevance: Projects should demonstrate they deliver wider strategies (EU/national/regional/local) including Regional Smart Specialisations Strategies. Projects must demonstrate both the need and its strategic relevance to qualify. Programme will not support basic research projects without needs evidenced. Project innovation: Programme seeks to play a role in the intermediate stages of the innovation chain. Projects should focus on applied research and include a testing or implementation phase.

10 Project development: what are the general expectations?
Transnational and Territorial relevance: Problems identified cannot be efficiently solved by individual regions Projects demonstrate an integrated approach to regional development, combining thematic and territorial dimensions Partnership structure : Complementary expertise Balanced split of activities and budgets Balanced representation in terms of: Member States, governance levels (European, national, regional…), and sectors (e.g. public, private and third sector).

11 Project development: what are the general expectations?
Management system : Risk management plan should be developed in order to mitigate any risks to achieve their goals Management procedures and structures should be adapted the size of the project Good project management includes monitoring of its own implementation processes and results. Ongoing internal evaluations must be integrated to ensure lessons learnt and recommendations can be applied during the project’s lifetime Budget and value for money : Project budget has to be designed and used in accordance with the principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness.

12 Project development: what are the general expectations?
Work plan Each work package is broken down into activities linked to deliverables, i.e. a product or service that contributes to the development of the project’s main output. Work packages include several aspects and are structured according to: Objective Definition of partners roles and responsibilities A set of activities and actions (no more than 6 actions per work package) Deliver one output at least (for thematic work packages only) A start and an end date

13 Project development: what are the general expectations?
Capitalisation: take into account lessons learnt or research from previous projects at regional/national or EU levels, demonstrating your added value. Aim is to implement existing solutions by optimising, adapting or improving them. Projects’ sustainability : 3 dimensions of sustainability have to be considered: Financial sustainability: Financing resources for follow-up activities and investments or for covering future operating and maintenance costs will be available? Institutional sustainability: What structures will allow the results of the project to continue to be in place after the project end? And how? Political sustainability: What structural impact will the project have? Will it lead to improved policies, legislation, plans, codes of conduct, methods, etc.?

14 Project development: what are the general expectations?
Communication of outcomes : The relevant target groups and stakeholders must be reached and shall be informed of the project outputs and results. This requires: Definition of the communication strategy and objectives, including tools and approaches for the publicity measures to disseminate the project’s activities and results beyond the partnership and in the Atlantic Area. Explanation of how partners are involved (who will do what) Strategies to reach communication and capitalisation objectives Link the communication activities and deliverables to reach the relevant target groups and stakeholders Chosen activities and tools to fit with the defined communication approaches (as per intervention logic model)

15 Project development: what are the UK expectations?
Projects objectives and results should be a response to an evidenced need: identify and evidence the “market” failure and the demand for the solution offered by the project. Clear rationale for ETC funding Need for the project objectives to be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound

16 Project development: what are the UK expectations?
Applications to set out a compelling intervention logic

17 Project development: what are the UK expectations?
Create a measurable and sustainable change, beyond “simple” delivery of outputs: what are the actual outcomes? On short and medium terms. Projects can deliver change beyond what is being measured by the programme. Essential to outline this. Anticipate how you will measure and assess them. What are the baseline and targets? Value for Money / return on programme investment

18 Project development: what are the UK expectations?
Risk management systems in place: can be foreign concept in other AA countries. Might be a need to educate partners. Essential to take into consideration following Brexit announcement.

19 Focus on outputs and indicators
Each action must produce at least one output Each output has to be linked to an indicator 20 indicators for the programme Allow projects to demonstrate achievements towards the objectives, in terms of outputs (how much and how well did the project do?) and results (is anyone better off and has anything improved?).

20 Focus on outputs and indicators
The main outputs must clearly contribute to the Programme’s output indicators, which the project must select in the Application Form.

21 Focus on outputs and indicators
Outputs – products of the activities funded Linked to an indicator Number of reports, seminars held, renewable energy pilot… Results – immediate advantages of carrying out activities Number of regional policy changes, demonstration of the viability of the pilot… What is the market failure? (context and aim) Why is it important to all of your eligible programme area? (intervention logic and SWOT in Co-operation Programme) What is the change that will come about? (Results and impact) What needs to happen to effect that change? (project objectives) Who can do that? Where are they? (the right partners) Why can’t it happen without trans-national co-operation? What actions, investments and outputs will deliver that change? How will you measure that? What are you going to spend the money on? (tangible and consistent outputs) What is innovative about it? Are you sure? Impacts – Sustainable long term benefits of any activity Fall in number of long term unemployed, increased regional GDP, potential roll-out of the pilot...

22 AA programme specific requirements
Maximum 9 work packages (WP) and 6 actions maximum per WP: 3 mandatory WP Project management Communication Capitalization (Long term effects sustainability) 1 preparation WP if required, to recover preparation costs Up to 5 thematic WP, including Objectives Methods Timescale

23 Overview of the IT application system
Project description (section 4) Opportunity to modify EoI information, if justified Atlantic Strategy, have a careful read of the strategy to assess your project align

24 Overview of the IT application system
Work Packages (section 5) System will pre-establish 3 WPs. You can add up to 5. Similar information for every WP Partners do not have to be involved in every WP, although balance in delivery is required

25 Overview of the IT application system
Work Packages (section 5) Same information required for every work package (apart from 1, 2 and 3 requiring specifics). Consistency in the drafting will be essential, lead partner task

26 Overview of the IT application system
Work Packages (section 5) System will pre-establish 2 actions. You can add up to an extra 4 Similar information for every action Highlights difference between outputs and results, deliverable and change

27 Overview of the IT application system
Budget (section 6): all costs in €uros! For partner with state-aid issues, rate could be reduced Depends on your organisation status Make sure you double check your partners location Not a compulsory section if not relevant to the partners

28 As a project partner, what’s next?
Take into consideration expectations (programme’s, UK, your organisation’s and LP’s) and tailor your involvement accordingly Input in project work plan (tasks, expected results, risk management…) Realistically quantify your outputs for each WP Make sure you have a say in your budget!

29 As a project partner, what’s next?
Budget preparation costs: Preparation costs: arrangements should be made by projects now, to be included in budget: € (€ 800 x number of partners) Shared between partners, evenly or not To be allocated to WP Preparation, across eligible budget lines (staff, travels…) No evidence will be required

30 As a project partner, what’s next?
Budget categories: Staff: Flat rate: 20% of direct eligible costs of the project budget excluding staff costs. No evidence will be required Direct costs: based on real and project related staff expenditure Overheads: 15% of direct staff costs (if flat rate for staff costs, overheads cannot be claimed) In-kind contributions: careful assessment of their value Equipment: full cost or depreciation T&S: real costs or allowance depending on internal rules External expertise and services: anticipate and potentially ask for quotes now for accurate budgeting

31 As a project partner, what’s next?
Budget preparation: Non-delivery costs to be considered (FLC…) Exchange rate issue: to be decided by non-€uros partners when designing budget. Always check costs eligibility! Use the extensive manual, includes audit trail requirements for each budget category

32 As a project partner, what’s next?
Financing plan: secure your match-funding Ensure your cashflow capacity: establish need for advance payment (5%, deducted from 1st payment claim). Check your state-aid status: Partners involved in project proposals shall check the State aid implications. In the work package and budget plan descriptions, for each partner, the origin and amounts potentially subject to State aid rules and which rules apply shall be identified. Partner statement will not be required until project is approved Feel free to contact me!

33 Questions?

34 Thank you for your attention!
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