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Performance Indicators

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1 Performance Indicators
Cambodia’s National Mine Action Strategy Clearing for Results III ( )

2 What is a Performance Indicator?
‘Indicators are signposts of change along the path to development. They describe the way to track intended results and are critical for monitoring and evaluation.’ UNDP PME Handbook 2009

3 Why have Performance Indicators?

4 Performance Indicator Purpose
Performance Quality Reporting Planning

5 Performance Indicator Purpose
Measure progress and achievements, as understood by the different stakeholders Measure extent to which planned results have been achieved Clarify consistency between activities, outputs, outcomes and impacts

6 Performance Indicator Purpose
Measure progress and achievements, as understood by the different stakeholders Measure extent to which planned results have been achieved Clarify consistency between activities, outputs, outcomes and impacts Quality Inform decision making for ongoing programme or project management Continual improvement for a strategy, programme, project or activity redesign Prompt corrective action; Timely risk management Assess project and staff performance

7 Performance Indicator Purpose
Measure progress and achievements, as understood by the different stakeholders Measure extent to which planned results have been achieved Clarify consistency between activities, outputs, outcomes and impacts Quality Inform decision making for ongoing programme or project management Continual improvement for a strategy, programme, project or activity redesign Prompt corrective action; Timely risk management Assess project and staff performance Reporting Ensure legitimacy and accountability to all stakeholders by demonstrating progress: eg Reporting to Stakeholders: RCG, CMAA Executive, donors, beneficiaries

8 Performance Indicator Purpose
Measure progress and achievements, as understood by the different stakeholders Measure extent to which planned results have been achieved Clarify consistency between activities, outputs, outcomes and impacts Quality Inform decision making for ongoing programme or project management Continual improvement for a strategy, programme, project or activity redesign Prompt corrective action; Timely risk management Assess project and staff performance Reporting Ensure legitimacy and accountability to all stakeholders by demonstrating progress: eg Reporting to Stakeholders: RCG, CMAA Executive, donors, beneficiaries Planning Better project designs and implementation in future Approach and achievements Enhanced institutional, individual learning ensuring better planning and design

9 Stakeholders Who is interested in Performance Indicators?
CMAA – management and staff, technical groups Demining partners ….. Broader Government ….. Beneficiaries, Communities and Regional bodies Donors ….

10 Timing Through all phases of a strategy, programme, project, activity.
planning and design stage. implementation monitoring, review, evaluation post activity

11 P e r f o r m a n c e I n d i c a t o r s
Process Goal Objective Impact Outputs Outcomes Inputs Pis Impact on all aspects of a strategy. How will we know if goal/objectives r being met; impact is being achieved P e r f o r m a n c e I n d i c a t o r s

12 Indicative Strategic Goals
Goal 1: To release all known mined and cluster munitions contaminated areas by 2025 Goal 2: To minimise mine/ERW causalities and improve victims’ livelihoods Goal 3: To contribute to economic growth and poverty reduction Goal 4: To ensure sustainable national capacities to address residual mine/ERW contamination Goal 5: To promote stability and regional and international disarma

13 Indicative Strategy Goals
Goal 1: To release all known mined and cluster munitions contaminated areas by 2025 + Complete baseline survey throughout the country by 2017. + Release known mined areas from the most impacted communities by 2020. + Release remaining known mined areas by 2025. + Use evidence-based survey to define and release known cluster munition contaminated areas by 2025. Goal 2: To minimise mine/ERW causalities and improve victims’ livelihoods + Provide effective & appropriately prioritized mine/ERW risk education + Support mine/ERW survivors &their families to receive adequate medical care, physical rehabilitation & livelihood assistance + Address public safety issues by removing residual threats requested by the communities and authorities. Goal 3: To contribute to economic growth and poverty reduction + Support local development priorities in communities affected by mines/ERW. + Support national & sub-national development priorities.

14 SMART Indicators Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time Bound

15 SMART Indicators Specific: enough to measure progress
Articulated in clearly understood text without ambiguity Measurable: a clear & reliable measure of results (not always) Attainable: Must be realistic Relevant: ie to outputs and outcomes, impact Time Bound: At reasonable cost and effort (Useful, not overly complicated, must serve a purpose)

16 SMART Indicators Specific: enough to measure progress
Articulated in clearly understood text without ambiguity Measurable: a clear & reliable measure of results (not always) Attainable: Must be realistic Relevant: ie to outputs and outcomes, impact Time Bound: At reasonable cost and effort (Useful, not overly complicated, must serve a purpose)

17 SMART Indicators Specific: enough to measure progress
Articulated in clearly understood text without ambiguity Measurable: a clear & reliable measure of results (not always) Attainable: Must be realistic Relevant: ie to outputs and outcomes, impact Time Bound: At reasonable cost and effort (Useful, not overly complicated, must serve a purpose)

18 SMART Indicators Specific: enough to measure progress
Articulated in clearly understood text without ambiguity Measurable: a clear & reliable measure of results (not always) Attainable: Must be realistic Relevant: ie to outputs and outcomes, impact Time Bound: At reasonable cost and effort (Useful, not overly complicated, must serve a purpose)

19 SMART Indicators Specific: enough to measure progress
Articulated in clearly understood text without ambiguity Measurable: a clear & reliable measure of results (not always) Attainable: Must be realistic Relevant: ie to outputs and outcomes, impact Time Bound: At reasonable cost and effort (Useful, not overly complicated, must serve a purpose)

20 Types of indicators We can use: Intuitive indicators Impact Indicators
Output Indicators Outcome Indicators

21 Types of indicators We can use:
Intuitive indicators: Progress we are unable to measure, but we can see benefits. Impact Indicators: Output Indicators Outcome Indicators

22 Types of indicators We can use:
Intuitive indicators: Progress we are unable to measure, but we can see benefits. Impact Indicators: The changes in peoples lives or development opportunities. Indicators of change in development conditions or opportunities. Eg people are not so poor because they are producing more food Output Indicators Outcome Indicators

23 Types of indicators We can use:
Intuitive indicators: Progress we are unable to measure, but we can see benefits. Impact Indicators: The changes in peoples lives or development opportunities. Indicators of change in development conditions or opportunities. Eg people are not so poor because they are producing more food Output Indicators Assesses Quantified progress against specific outputs. Sq Km, no. of accidents Outcome Indicators

24 Types of indicators We can use:
Intuitive indicators: Progress we are unable to measure, but we can see benefits. Impact Indicators: The changes in peoples lives or development opportunities. Indicators of change in development conditions or opportunities. Eg people are not so poor because they are producing more food Output Indicators Assesses Quantified progress against specific outputs. Sq Km, no. of accidents Outcome Indicators Assesses Quantified progress against specific outcomes. More productive land (sq Km), fewer accidents

25 Types of data used in the Indicators
Quantitative and Qualitative indicators Number, percentage, rate (eg x per 1,000), Ratio (eg No. of hill tribes/women/youth/casualties per No. of X Percentage), proportion annual growth, extent to which overall conclusion, based on records, reports, surveys Qualitative: judgement, opinions, perceptions, attitudes, sense of well being Compliance with, eg mine awareness education mRE, quality of, extent of, level of Proxy: Less direct. Eg a sample client survey. Greater satisfaction may show improved services

26 Types of Data used in the Indicators
Quantitative and Qualitative indicators Number, percentage, rate (eg x per 1,000), Ratio (eg No. of hill tribes/women/youth/casualties per No. of X Percentage), proportion annual growth, extent to which overall conclusion, based on records, reports, surveys Qualitative: judgement, opinions, perceptions, attitudes, sense of well being Compliance with, eg mine awareness education mRE, quality of, extent of, level of Proxy: Less direct. Eg a sample client survey. Greater satisfaction may show improved services

27 Types of Data used in the Indicators
Quantitative and Qualitative indicators Number, percentage, rate (eg x per 1,000), Ratio (eg No. of hill tribes/women/youth/casualties per No. of X Percentage), proportion annual growth, extent to which overall conclusion, based on records, reports, surveys Qualitative: judgement, opinions, perceptions, attitudes, sense of well being Compliance with (mine awareness mRE, quality of, extent of, level of Proxy: Less direct. Eg a sample client survey. Greater satisfaction may show improved services

28 Performance Indicator
Goals Objectives Activities Impact Impact Performance Indicator Proxy Intuitive Qualitative Outcome Quantitative Output

29 Outcome indicators at strategic level
Sample Outcomes Sample Indicators (What can we see , measure, deduce, observe to know if change is being achieved) Released land in most seriously impacted communities available for agriculture. Proxy/survey: Representative sample areas recorded as under cultivation Quantifiable: x sq Km measured: dbase reporting indicates x sq km area cleared/released Qualitative: Sharp reduction of injuries attributed to effectiveness of MRE messages



32 Thank You Questions?

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