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Formulas and Scientific Notation

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Presentation on theme: "Formulas and Scientific Notation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Formulas and Scientific Notation
MATH REVIEW Formulas and Scientific Notation

2 Scientific Notation To write numbers in scientific notation:
Rewrite the number, placing the decimal point after the first nonzero digit Drop all zeros before or after the last non-zero digit Count how many places the decimal point has moved  becomes the exponent If decimal moved left, exponent is positive If decimal moved right, exponent is negative

3 Scientific Notation putting terms in expanded form
The exponent tells you how many places to move the decimal The sign tells you the direction

4 Reliability in Measurement
Precision: How repeatable your measurements are Accuracy: How close your measurement is to the accepted value

5 *an identifiable physical property
Density The quantity of matter in a given amount of space D = M/V *an identifiable physical property

6 Percent Error How closely your measured value is to the accepted value
Table T Expressed as an absolute value %E = measured – accepted x 100 accepted

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