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EAGLE and EOC Hands-On Training Workshop for School-Level Users

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Presentation on theme: "EAGLE and EOC Hands-On Training Workshop for School-Level Users"— Presentation transcript:

1 EAGLE and EOC Hands-On Training Workshop for School-Level Users

2 Today’s Objectives EAGLE 2.0
During the first half of the session, school-level users will Understand the benefits of using EAGLE in the classroom Interact with the platform to understand the basic functions Identify and download training resources to support schools

3 Today’s Objectives End of Course (EOC)
During this session, school-level users will: Understand the roles of each user Interact with parts of the platform to understand the administrative functions Identify and download training resources to support schools

4 Comprehensive Assessment System for Louisiana Districts and Schools
The Louisiana Department of Education is focused on creating a comprehensive assessment system. If you attended any of the ELA and math assessment sessions during the September Teacher Leader/Supervisor Collaboration events, you received a preview of the non-summative assessment resources the Department intends to make available to districts. These resources are optional to districts and are intended to give educators access to tools that will measure and monitor student performance throughout the school year. We are excited about this work and eager to get high quality resources into the hands of administrators and teachers.

5 Comprehensive Assessment System Non-Summative Assessment Resources
The Department is building a comprehensive assessment system through the development of high-quality summative and non-summative assessments that align to Louisiana’s Student Standards provide a more complete picture of student learning, which includes Grades 3 through high school diagnostic assessments Grades 3 through high school interim assessments Ongoing classroom assessments (including EAGLE 2.0 and K-2 Formative Tasks) Annual statewide assessments, including aligned resources provide districts and schools with access to one delivery system for all summative and non-summative assessments   The vision includes the development of high-quality summative and non-summative assessments. Today, we will talk about one of the non-summative resources the department is developing to support districts and schools - EAGLE 2.0.

6 About the Administrative Portal
eDIRECT Before we dig into the first half of the training session, let’s stop to ensure that all users have a good sense of how to access the platform. Check for user accounts Identify issues with getting access to eDIRECT General overview of how eDIRECT is the centralized location for all administrative tasks this year.

7 eDIRECT First Time Log On
Once users click on the URL in the notice, they will be routed to eDIRECT where they will be required to complete the auto-prompt password reset.

8 Accessing eDIRECT Users will enter their login credentials here to access the secure site.

9 eDIRECT Navigation In the summer of 2016 eDIRECT was changed from a left side navigation to a top side navigation. All tools can be accessed under the All Applications tab.

10 Hands-On Training for School-Level Users
EAGLE 2.0 Hands-On Training for School-Level Users

11 EAGLE 2.0 Session Objectives
During this session, school-level users will: Understand the benefits of using EAGLE in the classroom Interact with the platform to understand the basic functions Identify and download training resources to support schools

12 What is EAGLE 2.0? EAGLE 2.0 is an online assessment tool that supports formative assessment in the classroom and can be used to aid and enhance student learning throughout the year. The system provides Louisiana teachers with a bank of high quality assessment items that can be used to create online tests. Other functions include: creating and assigning students to groups accessing student performance reports EAGLE 2.0 has been around for several years and has served as a valuable resource for teachers. As you know, the old EAGLE platform is no longer available. Over the summer, the Department began moving old EAGLE items to the new platform. Today there are over 4,100 items in the new EAGLE platform. This includes math, ELA, science and social studies items. Today, EAGLE includes autoscored/computer scored items. The Department will be releasing a new functionality that will allow users to hand-score constructed response items. More information about this functionality will be shared later this year. ELA includes all of the items from the old platform. All ELA items are built as a passage set. Additional ELA items will be added once the hand-scoring functionality is released.

13 How can EAGLE support teachers in the classroom?
Create student groups to target the specific needs of students. Build and share tests across and within schools. Access high quality item, passages , and text-dependent questions. View and share immediate results for computer scored items. Make timely interventions to adjust instruction throughout the school year. Support other formative assessment activities in the classroom. Here are a few ways that EAGLE can be used in the classroom.

14 Administrator Sign In EAGLE 2.0 administrative users sign on to the system through the DRC eDIRECT system. Use a web browser to navigate to the eDIRECT website at Log in with the Username and Password. Let’s get ready to sign-in.

15 Administrator Sign In Click on the EAGLE 2.0 link. Because EAGLE will open in a separate pop-up window, make sure to disable your pop-up blocker. Select All Applications from the top navigation, then select EAGLE.

16 EAGLE Home Page The EAGLE 2.0 home page displays icon along the top of the page and in the drop down menu on the left side of the page (the Open Menu button). Use the icons to access the various areas of the EAGLE 2.0 system: Student Testing Tests Item Bank Reports Help EAGLE now has 5 main components. Student Testing – Here is where you create test sessions and student groups. Tests – This is where you go to build a test. Item Bank – This is where you go to search the item bank. Reports – Here is where you access EAGLE reports. Help – This is where you will find all training resources. This also includes the contact information for the DRC Help Desk.

17 Quick Steps to Administering a Test
EAGLE 2.0 users select Student Testing from the Home page and then select New Test Session from the Actions Menu. TIP! It is recommended that users create tests and student groups before creating test sessions. Creating test sessions includes assigning tests and student groups to the test session. Create a Test Create Student Groups Create Test Sessions Generate/Distribute Test Tickets

18 Creating a Test Select Tests from the Home page.
On the Tests page, Select Actions, and then New Test. Enter a Name, Description, Subject, and Grade. TIP! Check the Show Score page checkbox if you want the students to see their score when they have finished the test. Select Save. Now, let’s build a test. One thing to note here. If you want to give students immediate feedback (number of items correct/total number of items), click on the box that reads Show Score Page. Once a students completes a test, the immediate score page will display to the student.

19 Creating a Test The Test Items page displays. Use this window to add items and passages to your test. Click each item you want to add to the test. Tip! A check mark is displayed next to each item. To deselect, click the item again. To select an item, click anywhere on the row for the specific item.

20 Creating a Test Use the same process for Adding Passages.
When you are finished adding passages, click on the Done button, on the top right of page. There are three tabs. Math, science, and social studies teachers should use the Add Items tab to search for items in the bank. ELA teachers should use the Add Passages tab to search for passage sets.

21 Test Instructions You can edit the details of a test that you created. To display editing options, select the test from the Tests page and click the Actions drop-down menu.

22 Ordering Items and Passages
You can edit the order of items and passages within a test, add items and passages to a test, or delete items or passages from a test. To work the item and passages, select Edit items from the Actions menu. Add items Add passages Remove Item/passage Preview an item/passage Reorder/shuffle items or passages

23 Creating Student Groups
Select Student Testing from the Home page. On the Student Testing page, Select Actions, and then New Student Group. Select District and School, then Name the group ands select the Grade. Student groups can be created as regular classroom structures or they can be created based on the needs of students. For example, you can create a student group for students who need remediation. This means you can build a test for a specific group of students.

24 Creating Test Sessions
Select Student Testing from the Home page. On the Student Testing page, Select Actions, and then New Test Session. Select the District and School, then enter the Name and Begin and End Date. Select Save. Reminder: Creating test sessions includes assigning tests and student groups to the test session. When naming your test session, it is suggested that you use a name that describes the purpose and timeframe for the test session.

25 Creating Test Sessions
The next step requires the user to select the Test for the test session. Select the test by clicking on the appropriate row in the search results. Click Next in the upper right corner. Click on the second tab, Student Group. Select the student group by clicking on the appropriate row in the search results. Click Done.

26 Generating Tickets Once the test session is created. The system will generate a Test ID. The user will then generate tickets and print tickets for student access. From the Actions button, select Generate Tickets. To print Tickets, select Print Tickets from the Actions button.

27 Refer to the Student Ticket for the username and password.
Student Sign In Students will need to sign into the EAGLE. 2.0 via the INSIGHT application on their desktop. Refer to the Student Ticket for the username and password. Username will be the student’s first name initial and last name (up to 10 characters) and a number. Password will be Alpha-Numeric The first four characters will be random letters all capitalized. The last four characters will be random numbers. The password is not case sensitive. SAMPLE

28 INSIGHT We are excited to offer a comprehensive assessment system that aligns with both the non-summative and summative assessments. EAGLE includes a set of tools that are identical to the summative assessments platform. Additional tools will be added to EAGLE in preparation for next school year. Remember to use the Online Tools Training (OTT) and practice test environment to prepare students for the summative assessments. This will ensure that students are exposed to all of the test taking tools used for the summative assessments.

29 Accessing the Reports Select Reports from the Home page.
You can use the system to complete the following tasks: Search for reports Display reports and interpret test results in reports Export reports to a Microsoft Excel file for editing, printing, or distribution You can only see reports for data that you can access, such as sessions, groups, or tests you created, or student data that you have permission to see.

30 Standard Report Features
All EAGLE 2.0 reports offer standard features that you can use to work with the reports. Click Back to Reports to return to the main reports page. Note: On some browsers you can use the Print or Print to PDF functions to print the report or create a PDF file. From the Actions menu you can use the XLS option to download the report as a Microsoft Excel file. Note: This option is not available on the Score Distribution Report.

31 Reports There are several reports available, but the following are a few highlighted reports. Test Session Reports Test Session Reporting Score Report Student Report Test Session by User Statistic Reports Test Creation Statistics Test Session Usage Statistics Item Details For a full list of available reports, see pages of the District and School Administrator User Guide.

32 Reports Test Creation Statistics
Provides details for all tests created within the selected parameters of date range, district, school, subject, and grade. Test Session Usage Statistics Provides details for all test sessions created within the selected parameters of date range, district, school, subject, and grade, and includes both started and completed tickets. Item Details Provides details for all items within the selected parameters of date range, district, school, subject, and grade. The date range is used to collect completed test statistics specific to each item.

33 District/School Administrators
Training Resources Resource User User Guides District/School Administrator Teacher District/School Administrators Teachers Quick Start Guides Quick Start Guide - How to Access EAGLE Quick Start Guide - How to Create a Test Quick Start Guide - How to Create a Test Session Quick Start Guide - How to Search Math Items Quick Start Guide - How to Search Science Items Quick Start Guide - How to Search Social Studies Items Quick Start Guide - Permission Matrix - Eagle 2.0 All All user guides are available from the LDOE website (Library) and the EAGLE Help (?) section.

34 In Person Training for District Administrators
End of Course (EOC) In Person Training for District Administrators

35 End of Course (EOC) Session Objectives
During the second half of the session, district administrators will Understand the roles of each user Interact with parts of the platform to understand the administrative functions Identify and download training resources to support schools

36 Before the Assessment: Planning and Scheduling

37 Scheduling EOCs As with prior computer-based tests, districts will have some flexibility in scheduling. To reduce incidences of testing irregularities, required scheduling practices include: Testing students of the same grade level at the same time or as near as possible to the same time Completing make up tests for students immediately upon return Limiting student interaction during break periods Isolating students who have not completed testing for the day Preventing interaction between tested and untested students Requiring the completion of a session once opened (limiting reopened test sessions) Enter your local requirements around scheduling

38 Planning for Technology Support
Enter local information on who to contact in case technology difficulties.

39 Before the Assessment:
Completing and Using the Technology Readiness Tool (TRT)

40 Before the Assessment:
Student INSIGHT Tools

41 Student Tools with INSIGHT
The Online Tools Training (OTT) should be utilized in order to become familiar with the online testing tools (e.g., highlighter, magnification, etc.) used for the operational test. Additionally the OTT: may be reviewed as many times as desired; is not to be considered representative of an actual test; is available once Insight is installed or by link using Google Chrome browser; is now available for grades 3-8 and EOCs. Note: The Google Chrome browser must be used when accessing the OTT via the hyperlink. Student Tutorials are short videos that provide a look into the Insight system and the tools that are available for testing. Tutorials will be available in September for grades 3-8 and EOCs.

42 Before the Assessment:
Steps Within eDIRECT

43 eDIRECT Overview As in , a suite of online administrative resources are available in eDIRECT to prepare for online testing through DRC’s web-based test engine as well as support paper-based testing for grades 3 and 4. eDIRECT Resource Description Training Materials Training materials include user guides, manuals, and short videos. Test Setup Test coordinators are able to upload students, create test sessions, print test tickets, and monitor testing status. Materials Management DTCs are able to order additional materials, confirm receipt of materials, and mark materials as soiled and destroyed. TA System The TA system is used to assign three digit numbers to test administrators. Reports Test and technology coordinators can access reports during administration as well as results after.

44 User Management Users may either be created individually or in an upload for multiple users. Once users are created they will receive an with a link to set up their password. Permissions will be set during the creation process but can be updated. The system will make recommendations based on user role.

45 Entering Individual Users in eDIRECT
To add a single user from the Manage Users menu: Click on the Add Single User tab Fill out the required fields Select the applicable permission set for the user’s role

46 Uploading Multiple Users in eDIRECT
To upload multiple users from the Manage Users menu: Click on the Upload Multiple Users tab Review the required file layout by clicking on File Layout and Sample File. When .CSV file is formatted, browse and click Upload

47 Assigning User Permissions in eDIRECT
Permission sets will need to be assigned to eDIRECT users added through Upload Multiple Users. Select User Management Click on the Edit User tab, enter search criteria, click Find User to display a list of users, and select the Profiles tab. Check the checkbox on the left hand column for each user profile you want to edit. Click on Assign Permissions Select the user role from the Permissions Set dropdown. This will automatically select the appropriate permissions for the user’s role. Click on the single arrow to add the permissions, click on Save.

48 Materials Management The Additional Materials System allows districts the ability to enter, track, view, change, export, and delete Additional Materials Orders. This system replaces the paper Additional Materials Request Form for District Test Coordinators. The paper Additional Materials Request Form for School Test Coordinators will still be used to communicate school orders to District Test Coordinators. To manage the Additional Materials system: Select the appropriate Administration. To enter a new order, click on Add Order and enter order quantities per material. Shipping notes can be added in the Notes tab. To find an existing order, click on Find Orders. Note: Existing orders can be updated or deleted if they are in the “Submitted” status.

49 Test Administrator (TA) Number System
Test Administrator (TA) Numbers will be captured within eDIRECT Teachers management. To enter, search, and edit TA Numbers: Within Test Setup, select Teachers. Select the appropriate Administration. To upload multiple TA Numbers, select the Upload Multiple Teachers tab, review the required file layout .PDF with instructions for how to create and format the file. Once the .csv file is ready, upload the file. All TA Names and Numbers will automatically be added. To add an individual TA Number, click the Add Teacher button, enter the required fields, then click on Save. To search for TA Numbers, click on Find Teachers. To view or edit Teacher information, click on the View/Edit icon under the Action column Note: Throughout the TA Number System there are built-in instructions for how to use it. Anytime you see +Instructions, you can click on the plus sign and the instructions will expand.

50 Student Management Students may either be added individually or in an upload for multiple users. Test coordinators can edit certain fields (e.g., 504, LEP, Sped status). Additionally test coordinators will need to document certain accommodations within the system.

51 Uploading Students To upload multiple students from the Student Management menu: Select Manage Students to display the Manage Students page Select the Upload Multiple Students tab. Review the required file layout .PDF with instructions for how to create and format the file. Once the .csv file is ready, upload the file. All students will automatically be placed into test sessions.

52 Managing Students Student Management
Test Coordinators can search and view students by clicking Student Status. This will show all students within their school, based on their search criteria. Using Student Status coordinators can: Search and View Students by clicking on Student Status Edit students by clicking on the View/Edit icon

53 Managing Students Student Management
Test Coordinators can add and delete students by clicking Manage Student. This will show all students within their school, based on their search criteria. Using Manage Students coordinators can: Add/delete students

54 Adding Accommodations and Accessibility Features
After a student has been added to eDIRECT, some accommodations and accessibility features will need to be entered into eDIRECT for planning and reporting purposes. To add accommodations to a student’s profile, select the student, then click on Edit Student Click on the Accommodations tab within Edit Student. Select the required accommodation (s), then click on Save Set accommodations will be indicated on test tickets.

55 Test Session Management
Once all students are uploaded to eDIRECT, test sessions must be created. One test session is created within the system for each group of students taking a test. For example, a group of students taking Algebra I would be grouped into one test session which would generate a test ticket for each student for each part of the test.

56 Viewing Test Sessions Search and view Test Sessions by clicking on Show Sessions

57 Creating and Editing Test Sessions
To create a Test Session, click on Add Session from the Test Session screen. Populate the session details, then click on Find Students. This will display all the available students for the test session, by grade and content area. To add the students to the test session, select the student, then click on the right facing arrow to add the students to the session. Complete the above steps until all students are added to test sessions. Note: For the operational tests, an Upload Multiple Test Sessions option will be available, in additional to creating individual test sessions.

58 Printing Test Tickets and Rosters
School Test Coordinators or Test Administrators must print Test Tickets and Rosters prior to testing session. Test Tickets contain test login information; tests are activated once a student logs in with username and password provided on Test Ticket. Test Administrators must verify that each student has their correct Test Ticket (one ticket needed per content area). Student Test Tickets and Rosters are secure materials. They must be distributed, collected and accounted for, and securely destroyed following testing.

59 During the Assessment:
Test Management

60 Student Sign In Students will need to sign into the operational assessments. Refer to the test ticket for the username and password Username will be the student’s first name initial and last name (up to 10 characters) and a number. Password will be Alpha-Numeric The first four characters will be random letters all capitalized The last four characters will be random numbers The password is not case sensitive

61 Viewing Student Status
This is where School Test Coordinators and Test Administrators can view students’ test status. It is recommended that Student Status is verified prior to excusing a testing session. Status types: Not started, In Progress, Completed Testing Status may also be viewed at the Test Session level within Test Sessions, then Status Summary tab.

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