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Published byDaisy Ramsey Modified over 7 years ago
Policies issued by American General Life Insurance Company ("AGL“)
AIG Partners Presented by… Walt Scheid The new Quality of Life…Insurance SelectChoice II Accelerated Benefit Riders provide a great value proposition to your clients and prospects. This presentation will walk through the details of the new riders and explain how they work. Policies issued by American General Life Insurance Company ("AGL“)
AIG Partners AIG Background AIG Partners Different distributions
Markets Size AIG Partners Background Products Philosophy
Why AIGPG Focus for future growth Partnership mentality
Expense improvement Product Bonus Conventions
Why AIGPG Agent training
Agent resources Insmark Generation Matters Marketing Sales Support
Product QoL Accelerated Benefits Life insurance for the living GUL
Indexed Term Fixed UL
Product Customization LIS AAS Income for life Select Income ROP
Partial conversion Advantage Program Discounts Reduction in Costs Laddering
$5 C A $15 D $20
Benefits of Life Insurance as a Retirement Income Solution
Income-tax-free death benefit for beneficiaries No defined IRS limitation on premiums No limit on gross income affecting your ability to contribute premiums Missed premiums may be “made up” at a later time Tax-deferred accumulation Distributions using loans and withdrawals are income-tax-free when structured properly3 Take distributions as needed No 10% penalty tax for accessing policy cash values prior to age 59½ when structured properly4 No required minimum distributions (RMDs) for owners Self-completing upon death (Death benefit exceeds account value)
Many people greatly underestimate the time they’ll spend in retirement
UK Tour 2Q2011_v4 The Case for CustomerChoiceSM Lifestyle Income Rider Increased longevity is not just a possibility statistics show it's very likely Many people greatly underestimate the time they’ll spend in retirement 50% chance of living beyond 25% chance of living beyond Popular retirement age 65 Male 85 92 65 Female 88 94 Couple At least one person has a chance of living beyond: 65 92 97 Source: U.S Actuarial Male and Female Tables
Using the Lifestyle Income Solution with an Asset Portfolio
$1,000,000 Asset Portfolio at age 70 Total Income $1.25M Ending Portfolio $1M Portfolio Value Withdraw 5% = $50,000/yr Here we have a client with an asset portfolio totaling $1,000,000 at the age of 70. Lets say that the client will earn a rate of return of 5% on those assets and he begins to withdraw $50,000 a year to support him during his retirement. He would have a total income over a 25 year timeframe of $1,250,000 while still maintaining original asset portfolio of $1,000,000. But what if he wanted to increase his income and withdraw 7.5% annually? What if he wanted to increase his income by withdrawing 7.5% annually? Note: If portfolio grew at 7.5%, ending portfolio amount would be $1.4M
Using the Lifestyle Income Solution with an Asset Portfolio
He runs the risk of outliving his money or reducing his withdrawal amount $1,000,000 Asset Portfolio at age 70 Portfolio earns an average of 5% over the next 15 years Withdrawals 7.5% annually = $75K Total Income $1.875M Ending Portfolio $684K $75K/yr If he instead withdraws $75,000 over a 25 year period his ending portfolio balance would be $684,000. Here he runs the risk of outliving his money or having to reduce his withdrawal amount. How can we help increase his income while preserving his starting asset portfolio? How can he increase his income while preserving his original portfolio value?
Using the Lifestyle Income Solution with an Asset Portfolio
$1,000,000 Face Amount Client’s assets replenish over the next 15 years while taking his Lifestyle Income Solution distributions. $1,000,000 Asset Portfolio at age 70 Withdrawals 7.5% annually for annual income of $75K Total Income $2.1M Ending Portfolio $1.1M $99,600K/yr $75K/yr He can activate the lifestyle income solution at the age of 85 so he can allows his asset base to replenish over the next 15 years while taking his pre-paid death benefit as an income stream. Asset Portfolio Distribution Lifestyle Income Solution Distribution
Early Withdrawal Benefits
Example, Male SNT, Issue Age 50 Total Withdrawal Benefit x .83% x Early Withdrawal Factor Total Withdrawal Benefit Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit Attained Age Benefits Begin Early Withdrawal Factor Adjusted Monthly Benefit Amount $250,000 $2,075 85 100% 80 62% $1,294 75 41% $858
The QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II Story
What Makes It So Innovative? Presented by… Trevor Keeble Director Product Training Policies issued by American General Life Insurance Company, member of American International Group, Inc. (AIG)
QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II comes built with Price Competitiveness and Attractive Options!
Especially when guaranteeing the death benefit to age 105 also valuable 100 – 110 Greatest premium strength is continuous pay and 10-pay scenarios of the options that we offer Performs best at age 55 + When you have cases that fall into the above criteria, you’ll often see that QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II is within 5% of the lowest-cost products on the market.* Read slide *Level premium data generated on 04/18/2016 for the state of Colorado. Every attempt has been made to verify the accuracy of this information, but rates are subject to change at any time. These carriers are peer group competitors of American General Life Insurance Company. North American Company for Life and Health Insurance’s Custom Guarantee® Gen 8 (Policy form: LS170), American National Signature GUL (Policy form: SGUL 15), Prudential Life’s PruLife® Universal Protector (Policy Form: ULNLG-2010), Principal National UL Protector IV (2013) (Policy Form: SN 46), Lincoln Financial Group LifeGuarantee® UL (Policy Form: UL6000). Prudential Life’s PruLife® Universal Protector and Lincoln Financial Group’s LifeGuarantee® UL offer Accelerated Benefit Riders at additional cost.
GUL II + Decoupled Living Benefit Riders …and Return of Premium 1 2 3 GUL II Accelerated Access Solution® Lifestyle Income Solution® Unlock the power of ROP (Enhanced Surrender Value Rider) 100% ROP for GUL II in year 25 Read Slide
2 Policies Are Better Than 1
Using 2 Policies may Significantly Enhance the Consumer Value Read Slide Policies issued by American General Life Insurance Company, member of American International Group, Inc. (AIG)
QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II + QoL Flex Term
The New and Improved ROP Play Read Slide
QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II + QoL Flex Term
Example George is 55, preferred NT and currently needs $2M of death benefit protection for his family. He would prefer to not make premium payments during his retirement years. George hopes to maintain some death benefit during his retirement years but not necessarily all $2M. If he could access the policy for income shortfalls or financial emergencies that would be an ideal solution. What do you present to George as the most appropriate solution? Term? GUL? IUL? Laddered policies? Read Slide Not an actual case, and is a hypothetical representation for illustrative purposes only. All calculations were provided by the Winflex system.
QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II + QoL Flex Term
$1M QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II w/ LIS Rider Premium $17,712 $1M 20 yr QoL Flex Term 20 yr Term Premium $3,615 Total Annual Premium $21,327 X 20 Years $426,540 LIS 75, Age 76-85 $435,000 Note: We paid up the GUL in 20 years or at George’s age 75. Receive back all “guaranteed” paid premium and still have Remaining DB $130,000 Read Slide LIS Calculation: Input LIS amount of $43,500 from ages 76-85 Not an actual case, and is a hypothetical representation for illustrative purposes only. All calculations were provided by the Winflex system.
QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II + QoL Flex Term
$1M QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II w/ LIS RiderPremium $17,712 $1M 20 yr QoL Flex Term 20 yr Term Premium $3,615 By presenting this solution what did you just accomplish for George? Total Annual Premium $21,327 X 20 Years $426,540 LIS 75, Age 76-85 $435,000 Receive back all “guaranteed” paid premium and still have Remaining DB $130,000 Met his need of $2M of death benefit protection. Reduced the premium outlay by laddering* a GUL and a term policy. Allowed George to turn his policy into positive cash flow during his retirement years. With the QoL ABRs you’ve created a pool of money for George to access in the event of chronic illness. If he waited to accelerate the LIS rider he could increase his annual income. Read Slide *Please inform clients to consult a financial professional to determine if the laddering technique is appropriate for their situation. Not an actual case, and is a hypothetical representation for illustrative purposes only. All calculations were provided by the Winflex system.
2 QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II Policies
Two Policies for Double the Guaranteed Income Duration Read Slide
2 QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II Policies
Example Jonathan is a 45 year old that desires $1M in death benefit protection. He’s uncertain whether he will need the entire $1M of death benefit in perpetuity. He’s somewhat risk averse and likes the idea of having a guaranteed income source during retirement. Has some concerns on the potential costs of future care should he become chronically ill. What do you present to Jonathan as the most appropriate solution? Term and a SPIA? GUL and a deferred annuity? LTC policy? Read Slide Not an actual case, and is a hypothetical representation for illustrative purposes only. All calculations were provided by the Winflex system.
2 QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II Policies
One Policy Solution Solution #1 $1M QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II Annual Premium $11,503 X 20 Years $230,060 $60,000 $100,000 Two Policy Solution* Solution #2 Although it costs a little extra, Jonathan likes solution #2 for the flexibility AND the ability to have up to 20 years of guaranteed income. 2 $500k QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II Annual Premium $12,354 X 20 Years $247,080 $30,000 $50,000 Read Slide LIS Calculations Solution 1: Input $60,000 LIS from ages OR input LIS $100,000 from ages 85-95 LIS Calculations Solution 2: Input $30,000 LIS from ages or input $50,000 LIS from ages 85-95 *Please inform clients to consult a financial professional to determine if the laddering technique is appropriate for their situation. Not an actual case, and is a hypothetical representation for illustrative purposes only. All calculations were provided by the Winflex system.
2 QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II Policies
2 $500k QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II Annual Premium $12,354 X 20 Years $247,080 $30,000 $50,000 By presenting this solution what did you just accomplish for Jonathan? Provided his desired $1M of death benefit. Yielded a flexible guaranteed income level for up to 20 YEARS! ROP on 2 policies (Policy years 20 and 25) $1M made available for QoL ABR coverage should he need it. Read Slide Provided this flexibility at an additional cost of only about $850 per year. Not an actual case, and is a hypothetical representation for illustrative purposes only. All calculations were provided by the Winflex system.
2 QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II Policies
Using ROP to pay up second policy Read Slide
2 QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II Policies
Example Sandra is 50 and a standard NT risk. She currently has a $2M insurance need for personal planning needs. She has some concerns over prior insurance presentations with limited flexibility and options on GUL contracts. However, she don’t want to continue waiting to put insurance in force while they’re both still healthy. Read Slide What do you present to Sandra as the most appropriate solution? One GUL policy? Two GUL policies? Not an actual case, and is a hypothetical representation for illustrative purposes only. All calculations were provided by the Winflex system.
2 QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II Policies
Solution #1 One GUL would work well. It’s guaranteed cash value and 100% ROP in year 25 may provide the flexibility she desires. This would be an all pay of $19,240 for a guarantee to age She could also surrender her policy in the 25th year and get the entire $481,000 of premium back. Solution #2 Female, age 50, SNT, $1MM DB for each policy 2 QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II Policies Solution Policy 1 Age 105 Premium $9,620 Policy 2 Total Annual Premium $19,240 Surrender ROP in Year 25 $240,500 Single Pay in Year 26 to Maintain age 105 Guarantee $185,000 Remaining ROP $55,500 Death Benefit Yrs 26+ $1,000,000 Read Slide Not an actual case, and is a hypothetical representation for illustrative purposes only. All calculations were provided by the Winflex system.
2 QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II Policies
2 QoL Guarantee Plus GUL II Policies Solution Policy 1 Age 105 Premium $9,620 Policy 2 Total Annual Premium $19,240 Surrender ROP in Year 25 $240,500 Single Pay in Year 26 to Maintain age 105 Guarantee $185,000 Remaining ROP $55,500 Death Benefit Yrs 26+ $1,000,000 By presenting this solution what did you accomplish for Sandra? Provided her desired $2M of death benefit. The flexibility to not only cut her coverage in half but also get all of their premium back on the surrendered policy. Provided this flexibility at an no additional premium cost by splitting the policies. She still has access to the DB for chronic, critical, or terminal illness. ROP on 2 policies (Policy years 20 and 25) Read Slide Not an actual case, and is a hypothetical representation for illustrative purposes only. All calculations were provided by the Winflex system.
Any Questions??? Policies issued by American General Life Insurance Company (AGL). Policy form numbers 15442, ICC , ICC ; rider form numbers 15972, 13600, ICC , 15990, ICC Policy Form Numbers 07007, ICC except in New York, where issued by the United States Life Insurance Company in the City of New York (US Life), Policy Form Number 09007N. Issuing company AGL is responsible for financial obligations of insurance products and is a member of American International Group, Inc. (AIG). Guarantees are backed by the claims paying ability of the issuing insurance company. AGL does not solicit business in New York. Products may not be available in all states and product features may vary by state. State variations may apply. Please refer to the policy for complete details. There may be a charge for each rider selected. See rider for details regarding the benefit descriptions, limitations and exclusions. © 2016 AIG. All rights reserved. FOR FINANCIAL PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY — NOT FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION. AGLC109977
Quality of Life . . . Insurance®
Benefits + Flexibility = Protection Quality of Life SelectChoice Accelerated Benefit Rider Accordia Accelerated Access Rider North American Accelerated Death Benefit Endorsement LSW Accelerated Benefits Riders Transamerica Trendsetter® LB Accelerated Death Benefits Available Chassis Term, UL^, Indexed UL, Guarantee UL UL, Indexed UL Guarantee UL, Indexed UL Term, Indexed UL, UL Term Only Chronic Illness Maximum Acceleration a Lesser of 100% of DB or $1,500,000 a Varies – Only available in individual policy form* a Lesser of 100% of DB or $1,000,000 a Lesser of 90% of DB or $500,000 Critical Illness Maximum Acceleration None a Lesser of 25% of DB or $50,000 Max Payout :$20,000 Terminal Illness Maximum Acceleration a Lesser of 50% of DB or $250,000 a Lesser of 75% of DB or $750,000 a Lesser of 100% of DB or $500,000 Terminal Illness Life Expectancy 24 Months 12 Months Waiting Period** Chronic Illness: 30 day waiting period Critical Illness: 30 day waiting period Chronic Illness: 2 year waiting period Critical Illness: 30 day waiting period Available on all UW classes Chronic illness: Up to Table D Chronic illness: Up to Table 4 Chronic illness: Up to Table D; Critical Illness: No table rating a - Term only QoL Advantage? Defined Benefit Available Quality of Life SelectChoice Accelerated Benefit Rider provides real benefits and real flexibility to your clients, which means real protection they need. In this grid, you can see how the SelectChoice Accelerated Benefit Rider stacks up against the competition. Read From Slide. Riders may be subject to state variations. UL^: Universal Life * Benefit amount based upon current CV , NAR, age at claim and other factors specified in policy. ** Riders also include 90 day elimination period to meet eligibility criteria. As of 03/08/2016
QoL Flex Term in Key Cells vs. Key Competitors $250K
Monthly amount more with QoL – Male, $250K Face Amount, 20-Year Term 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 PPNT $1.24 $1.46 $1.06 $1.69 $2.31 $3.38 $4.94 $13.03 PNT $1.84 $2.35 $2.75 $4.64 $5.81 $6.91 SPNT $2.17 $2.22 $2.96 $3.10 $3.84 $5.59 $8.00 $5.38 SNT $2.82 $1.49 $1.44 $1.88 $1.65 $3.63 $6.03 $8.88 $15.22 PT $10.06 $6.05 $6.42 $13.22 $13.11 $14.51 $13.79 $30.79 ST $9.74 $13.73 $8.78 $16.71 $22.25 $10.05 $26.85 $42.74 Monthly amount more with QoL – Female, $250K Face Amount, 20-Year Term 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 PPNT $0.78 $1.22 $2.53 $2.31 $2.97 $5.59 $8.00 PNT $1.48 $1.50 $1.79 $0.95 $4.28 SPNT $2.70 $2.32 $2.19 $2.05 $2.59 $4.06 $5.16 SNT $1.77 $1.66 $1.44 $2.09 $5.25 $7.56 $12.81 PT $4.88 $3.00 $5.27 $2.41 $4.14 $5.48 $6.32 $8.22 $6.63 ST $7.44 $5.38 $7.72 $3.93 $10 $8.77 $16.67 $16.20 $41.18 Improvements within the target market: Target market is 15- to 30-year terms, $250K to $1.5M face amounts, ages 20-75, non-tobacco Target market is compared against 13 competitors (960 cells) Top 3 – Nearly 80% (77%) Top 3 or within 5% of market leader – Nearly 90% (87%) Legend: Within $5 or 15% Not within $5 and beyond 15% Comparison of the monthly premiums of QoL Flex Term versus fourteen of its key competitors: Accordia Term Life, ANICO Signature Term, AXA Equitable Term 20, Banner OPTerm, John Hancock 20 Year Level Premium Term, Life Insurance Company of the Southwest Level Term, Lincoln LifeElement Level Term 20, MetLIfe Guaranteed Level Term 20, Nationwide YourLife GLT 20 Year Term, New York Life 20 Year Level Term, North American ADDvantage 20, Pacific Life Prime Term 20, Prudential Term Essential 20, and Transamerica Trendsetter LB. Current as of July 23, The rates used for OoL Flex Term are effective August 3, 2015. 10
QoL Flex Term in Key Cells vs. Key Competitors $250K
Monthly amount more with QoL – Male, $500K Face Amount, 20-Year Term 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 PPNT $1.44 $1.64 $0.88 $2.13 $3.76 $7.99 $8.58 $14.63 PNT $1.88 $1.54 $3.44 $4.06 $8.44 $9.75 $19.37 SPNT $2.75 $4.94 $7.13 $15.44 $22.00 SNT $3.40 $2.96 $3.63 $2.83 $10.19 $18.94 $26.38 PT $13.50 $8.49 $6.68 $9.48 $20.80 $25.15 $27.63 $33.22 $69.41 ST $16.22 $9.02 $17.88 $13.67 $23.40 $30.98 $30.36 $51.57 $96.39 Monthly amount more with QoL – Female, $500K Face Amount, 20-Year Term 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 PPNT $1.00 $2.31 $4.06 $3.19 $5.82 $8.44 $13.25 PNT $1.44 $2.75 $5.40 $7.13 $9.75 SPNT $3.69 $3.13 $7.47 $10.66 $19.85 SNT $2.57 $3.63 $5.81 $9.98 $11.94 $22.00 PT $9.64 $4.62 $6.21 $5.39 $7.02 $9.25 $16.77 $23.98 $31.21 ST $13.55 $10.19 $8.06 $6.58 $18.73 $14.97 $32.07 $31.12 $80.66 Improvements within the target market: Target market is 15- to 30-year terms, $250K to $1.5M face amounts, ages 20-75, non-tobacco Target market is compared against 13 competitors (960 cells) Top 3 – Nearly 80% (77%) Top 3 or within 5% of market leader – Nearly 90% (87%) Legend: Within $5 or 15% Not within $5 and beyond 15% Comparison of the monthly premiums of QoL Flex Term versus fourteen of its key competitors: Accordia Term Life, ANICO Signature Term, AXA Equitable Term 20, Banner OPTerm, John Hancock 20 Year Level Premium Term, Life Insurance Company of the Southwest Level Term, Lincoln LifeElement Level Term 20, MetLIfe Guaranteed Level Term 20, Nationwide YourLife GLT 20 Year Term, New York Life 20 Year Level Term, North American ADDvantage 20, Pacific Life Prime Term 20, Prudential Term Essential 20, and Transamerica Trendsetter LB. Current as of July 23, The rates used for OoL Flex Term are effective August 3, 2015. 11
QoL Max Accumulator+ Competitive Accumulation and Income Potential
These comparisons cannot be used with the public. Complete personalized policy illustrations for each company product must be presented or discussed with your client regarding guaranteed and nonguaranteed elements of the policy, including surrender values, accumulation values, loans, withdrawals, death benefits and other important information. QoL Max Accumulator+ Competitive Accumulation and Income Potential Male, 35, PNT, Premium 15,000 for 30 years, DB increase to level, distribution using fixed loans after withdrawal starts at age 66-85, max illustrated rate Product Annual Income Target Initial DB CVA65 QoL Max Accumulator + With MLSB Index Participation 140,665 5,178 466,045 1,488,123 North American Builder IUL7 137,208 4,657 447,757 1,552,737 With S&P 500 Index Participation 132,333 1,423,153 Minnesota Life Eclipse Index Life 130,593 4,991 474,419 1,458,109 Accordia Life Lifetime Builder 124,382 5,088 481,349 1,416,145 Transamerica TransNavigator IUL 112,956 5,025 530,000 1,316,374 LSW FlexLife 115,519 5,321 516,100 1,333,859 ANICO Signature IUL 107,412 5,492 532,128 1,331,356 Read slide comparisons. As of April 8, 2016 Although every attempt has been made to verify the accuracy of the information displayed, it cannot be guaranteed.
These comparisons cannot be used with the public
These comparisons cannot be used with the public. Complete personalized policy illustrations for each company product must be presented or discussed with your client regarding guaranteed and nonguaranteed elements of the policy, including surrender values, accumulation values, loans, withdrawals, death benefits and other important information. QoL Max Accumulator+ Competitive Accumulation and Income Potential with Select Income Rider Male, 35, PNT, Premium 15,000 for 30 years, DB increase to level, distribution using fixed loans after withdrawal starts at age 66-85, max illustrated rate Product Annual Income Target Initial DB CVA65 QoL Max Accumulator + MLSB Index Participation with Select Income Rider 144,994 5,178 466,045 1,518,189 Minnesota Life Omega Builder IUL with Income Protection Option 137,819 4,720 474,419 1,505,698 North American Builder IUL7 137,208 4,657 447,757 1,552,737 Minnesota Life Eclipse Index Life 130,593 4,991 1,458,109 S&P 500 Index Participation with Select Income Rider 134,383 1,437,621 Accordia Life Lifetime Builder 124,382 5,088 481,349 1,416,145 Transamerica TransNavigator IUL 112,956 5,025 530,000 1,316,374 LSW FlexLife 115,519 5,321 516,100 1,333,859 ANICO Signature IUL 107,412 5,492 532,128 1,331,356 Read slide comparisons. Both AIG Max Accumulator+’s Select Income Rider and Minnesota Life Omega IUL’s Index Option rider assume 100% death benefit spread, 30 year installments. As of April 8, 2016 Although every attempt has been made to verify the accuracy of the information displayed, it cannot be guaranteed.
QoL Max Accumulator+ Competitive Accumulation and Income Potential
These comparisons cannot be used with the public. Complete personalized policy illustrations for each company product must be presented or discussed with your client regarding guaranteed and nonguaranteed elements of the policy, including surrender values, accumulation values, loans, withdrawals, death benefits and other important information. QoL Max Accumulator+ Competitive Accumulation and Income Potential Male, 45, PNT, Premium 25,000 for 20 years, DB increase to level, distribution using fixed loans after withdrawal starts at age 66-85, max illustrated rate Product Annual Income Target Initial DB CVA65 North American Builder IUL7 92,779 9,008 511,833 1,024,585 QoL Max Accumulator + With MLSB Index Participation 91,951 9,642 520,913 972,800 With S&P 500 Index Participation 88,023 947,206 Minnesota Life Eclipse Index Life 87,497 9,238 536,140 977,310 Accordia Lifetime Builder 85,686 9,457 553,023 977,321 Transamerica TransNavigator IUL 79,416 9,583 579,000 1,510,785 LSW FlexLife 79,138 9,639 567,657 919,162 ANICO Signature IUL 78,892 9,978 587,298 936,232 Read slide comparisons. As of April 8, 2016 Although every attempt has been made to verify the accuracy of the information displayed, it cannot be guaranteed.
QoL Max Accumulator+ QoL Max Accumulator +
These comparisons cannot be used with the public. Complete personalized policy illustrations for each company product must be presented or discussed with your client regarding guaranteed and nonguaranteed elements of the policy, including surrender values, accumulation values, loans, withdrawals, death benefits and other important information. QoL Max Accumulator+ Competitive Accumulation and Income Potential with Select Income Rider Male, 45, PNT, Premium 25,000 for 20 years, DB increase to level, distribution using fixed loans after withdrawal starts at age 66-85, max illustrated rate Product Annual Income Target Initial DB CVA65 QoL Max Accumulator + MLSB Index Participation with Select Income Rider 93,364 9,642 520,913 981,663 Minnesota Life Omega Builder IUL with Income Protection Option 93,051 8,734 536,140 1,010,973 North American Builder IUL7 92,779 9,008 511,833 1,024,585 S&P 500 Index Participation with Select Income Rider 89,400 955,855 Minnesota Life Eclipse Index Life 87,497 9,238 977,310 Accordia Lifetime Builder 85,686 9,457 553,023 977,321 Transamerica TransNavigator IUL 79,416 9,583 579,000 1,510,785 LSW FlexLife 79,138 9,639 567,657 919,162 Anico Signature IUL 78,892 9,978 587,298 936,232 Read slide comparisons. Both AIG Max Accumulator+’s Select Income Rider and Minnesota Life Omega IUL’s Index Option rider assume 100% death benefit spread, 30 year installments. As of April 8, 2016 Although every attempt has been made to verify the accuracy of the information displayed, it cannot be guaranteed.
QoL Max Accumulator+ Competitive Accumulation and Income Potential
These comparisons cannot be used with the public. Complete personalized policy illustrations for each company product must be presented or discussed with your client regarding guaranteed and nonguaranteed elements of the policy, including surrender values, accumulation values, loans, withdrawals, death benefits and other important information. QoL Max Accumulator+ Competitive Accumulation and Income Potential Male, 35, PNT, Premium 15,000 for 30 years, DB increase to level, distribution using participating loans after withdrawal starts at age 66-85, max illustrated rate Product Annual Income Target Initial DB CVA65 North American Builder IUL7 161,661 4,657 447,757 1,552,737 QoL Max Accumulator + With MLSB Index Participation 161,571 5,178 466,045 1,488,123 Minnesota Life Eclipse Index Life 150,387 4,991 474,419 1,458,109 With S&P 500 Index Participation 148,767 1,423,153 Accordia Life Lifetime Builder 144,545 5,088 481,349 1,416,145 LSW FlexLife 135,783 5,321 516,100 1,333,859 ANICO Signature IUL 128,932 5,492 532,128 1,331,356 Transamerica TransNavigator IUL 121,380 5,253 529,000 1,313,178 Read slide comparisons. As of April 8, 2016 As of April 8, 2016 Although every attempt has been made to verify the accuracy of the information displayed, it cannot be guaranteed.
These comparisons cannot be used with the public
These comparisons cannot be used with the public. Complete personalized policy illustrations for each company product must be presented or discussed with your client regarding guaranteed and nonguaranteed elements of the policy, including surrender values, accumulation values, loans, withdrawals, death benefits and other important information. QoL Max Accumulator+ Competitive Accumulation and Income Potential with Select Income Rider Male, 35, PNT, Premium 15,000 for 30 years, DB increase to level, distribution using participating loans after withdrawal starts at age 66-85, max illustrated rate Product Annual Income Target Initial DB CVA65 QoL Max Accumulator + MLSB Index Participation with Select Income Rider 164,152 5,178 466,045 1,503,117 North American Builder IUL7 161,661 4,657 447,757 1,552,737 Minnesota Life Omega Builder IUL with Income Protection Option 159,374 4,720 474,419 1,505,698 S&P 500 Index Participation with Select Income Rider 151,178 1,437,621 Minnesota Life Eclipse Index Life 150,387 4,991 1,458,109 Accordia Life Lifetime Builder 144,545 5,088 481,349 1,416,145 LSW FlexLife 135,783 5,321 516,100 1,333,859 ANICO Signature IUL 128,932 5,492 532,128 1,331,356 Transamerica TransNavigator IUL 121,380 5,253 529,000 1,313,178 Read slide comparisons. Both AIG Max Accumulator+’s Select Income Rider and Minnesota Life Omega IUL’s Index Option rider assume 100% death benefit spread, 30 year installments. As of April 8, 2016 Although every attempt has been made to verify the accuracy of the information displayed, it cannot be guaranteed.
QoL Max Accumulator+ Competitive Accumulation and Income Potential
These comparisons cannot be used with the public. Complete personalized policy illustrations for each company product must be presented or discussed with your client regarding guaranteed and nonguaranteed elements of the policy, including surrender values, accumulation values, loans, withdrawals, death benefits and other important information. QoL Max Accumulator+ Competitive Accumulation and Income Potential Male, 45, PNT, Premium 25,000 for 20 years, DB increase to level, distribution using participating loans after withdrawal starts at age 66-85, max illustrated rate Product Annual Income Target Initial DB CVA65 North American Builder IUL7 106,437 9,008 511,833 1,024,585 QoL Max Accumulator + With MLSB Index Participation 105,276 9,642 520,913 972,800 Minnesota Life Eclipse Index Life 100,105 9,238 536,140 977,310 With S&P 500 Index Participation 98,672 947,206 Accordia Lifetime Builder 99,408 9,168 536,141 977,321 LSW FlexLife 92,946 9,639 567,657 919,162 ANICO Signature IUL 90,282 9,978 587,298 936,232 Transamerica TransNavigator IUL 85,800 9,583 579,000 931,784 Read slide comparisons. As of April 8, 2016 As of April 8, 2016 Although every attempt has been made to verify the accuracy of the information displayed, it cannot be guaranteed.
These comparisons cannot be used with the public
These comparisons cannot be used with the public. Complete personalized policy illustrations for each company product must be presented or discussed with your client regarding guaranteed and nonguaranteed elements of the policy, including surrender values, accumulation values, loans, withdrawals, death benefits and other important information. QoL Max Accumulator+ Competitive Accumulation and Income Potential with Select Income Rider Male, 45, PNT, Premium 25,000 for 20 years, DB increase to level, distribution using participating loans after withdrawal starts at age 66-85, max illustrated rate Product Annual Income Target Initial DB CVA65 QoL Max Accumulator + MLSB Index Participation with Select Income Rider 106,957 9,642 520,913 981,663 Minnesota Life Omega Builder IUL with Income Protection Option 106,831 8,734 536,140 1,010,973 North American Builder IUL7 106,437 9,008 511,833 1,024,585 S&P 500 Index Participation with Select Income Rider 100,268 955,855 Minnesota Life Eclipse Index Life 100,105 9,238 977,310 Accordia Lifetime Builder 99,408 9,168 536,141 977,321 LSW FlexLife 92,946 9,639 567,657 919,162 ANICO Signature IUL 90,282 9,978 587,298 936,232 Transamerica TransNavigator IUL 85,800 9,583 579,000 931,784 Read slide comparisons. Both AIG Max Accumulator+’s Select Income Rider and Minnesota Life Omega IUL’s Index Option rider assume 100% death benefit spread, 30 year installments. As of April 8, 2016 Although every attempt has been made to verify the accuracy of the information displayed, it cannot be guaranteed.
Critical Illness Rider Terminal Illness Rider
These comparisons cannot be used with the public. Complete personalized policy illustrations for each company product must be presented or discussed with your client regarding guaranteed and nonguaranteed elements of the policy, including surrender values, accumulation values, loans, withdrawals, death benefits and other important information. QoL Max Accumulator+ Differentiated Living Benefits Riders Product Chronic Illness/LTC Rider Critical Illness Rider Terminal Illness Rider QoL Max Accumulator + a LSW FlexLife ANICO Signature IUL North American Builder IUL7 Minnesota Life Eclipse Index Life a – Optional LTC Rider Accordia Life Lifetime Builder Transamerica TransNavigator IUL a – Optional LTC Rider Read slide comparisons. As of April 8, 2016 Although every attempt has been made to verify the accuracy of the information displayed, it cannot be guaranteed.
Important Information
Policies issued by: American General Life Insurance Company (AGL), Policy Form Numbers ICC , ICC , ICC , ICC , 82012, 82410, 88390, ICC , 14306, ICC , ICC , ICC , ICC , ICC , ICC , ICC Issuing company AGL is responsible for financial obligations of insurance products and is a member of American International Group, Inc. (AIG). AGL does not solicit business in the state of New York. Products may not be available in all states and product features may vary by state. Guarantees are backed by the claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company. AIG is the marketing name for the worldwide property-casualty, life and retirement, and general insurance operations of American International Group, Inc. For additional information, please visit our website at All products and services are written or provided by subsidiaries or affiliates of American International Group, Inc. Products or services may not be available in all countries, and coverage is subject to actual policy language. This information is general in nature, may be subject to change, and does not constitute legal, tax or accounting advice from any company, its employees, financial professionals or other representatives. Applicable laws and regulations are complex and subject to change. Any tax statements in this material are not intended to suggest the avoidance of U.S. federal, state or local tax penalties. For advice concerning your individual circumstances, consult a professional attorney, tax advisor or accountant. © AIG All rights reserved AGLC109744
Index Disclosure for the S&P 500
The S&P 500 (the “Index”) is a product of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC or its affiliates (“SPDJI”), and has been licensed for use by American General Life Insurance Company (AGL). Standard & Poor’s®, S&P®, and S&P 500® are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC (“S&P”). The trademarks have been licensed to SPDJI and have been sublicensed for use for certain purposes by AGL. The life insurance products underwritten and issued by AGL are not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by SPDJI, S&P, or any of their respective affiliates (collectively, “S&P Dow Jones Indices”). S&P Dow Jones Indices does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, to the owners of AGL’s or any member of the public regarding the advisability of investing in securities generally or in AGL’s products particularly or the ability of the Index to track general market performance. S&P Dow Jones Indices’ only relationship to AGL with respect to the Index is the licensing of the Index and certain trademarks, service marks and/or trade names of S&P Dow Jones Indices and/or its licensors. The Index is determined, composed and calculated by S&P Dow Jones Indices without regard to AGL or its products. S&P Dow Jones Indices has no obligation to take the needs of AGL or the owners of its products into consideration in determining, composing or calculating the Index. S&P Dow Jones Indices is not responsible for and has not participated in the determination of the prices, and amount of AGL’s products or the timing of the issuance or sale of AGL’s products or in the determination or calculation of the equation by which AGL’s products are to be converted into cash, surrendered or redeemed, as the case may be. S&P Dow Jones Indices has no obligation or liability in connection with the administration, marketing or trading of AGL’s products. There is no assurance that investment products based on the Index will accurately track index performance or provide positive investment returns. S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC is not an investment advisor. Inclusion of a security within an index is not a recommendation by S&P Dow Jones Indices to buy, sell, or hold such security, nor is it considered to be investment advice. S&P DOW JONES INDICES DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ADEQUACY, ACCURACY, TIMELINESS AND/OR THE COMPLETENESS OF THE Index OR ANY DATA RELATED THERETO OR ANY COMMUNICATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ORAL OR WRITTEN COMMUNICATION (INCLUDING ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS) WITH RESPECT THERETO. S&P DOW JONES INDICES SHALL NOT BE SUBJECT TO ANY DAMAGES OR LIABILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, OMISSIONS, OR DELAYS THEREIN. S&P DOW JONES INDICES MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE OR AS TO RESULTS TO BE OBTAINED BY AGL, OWNERS OF AGL’S PRODUCTS, OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY FROM THE USE OF THE Index OR WITH RESPECT TO ANY DATA RELATED THERETO. WITHOUT LIMITING ANY OF THE FOREGOING, IN NO EVENT WHATSOEVER SHALL S&P DOW JONES INDICES BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF PROFITS, TRADING LOSSES, LOST TIME OR GOODWILL, EVEN IF THEY HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE. THERE ARE NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES OF ANY AGREEMENTS OR ARRANGEMENTS BETWEEN S&P DOW JONES INDICES AND AGL, OTHER THAN THE LICENSORS OF S&P DOW JONES INDICES LLC.
Index Disclosure for the ML Strategic Balanced Index
The ML Strategic Balanced IndexSM provides systematic, rules-based access to the blended performance of two underlying indices—the S&P 500 (without dividends), which serves to represent equity performance, and the Merrill Lynch 10-year U.S. Treasury Futures Total Return Index, which serves to represent fixed income performance. To help manage overall return volatility, the Index may also systematically utilize Cash performance in addition to the performance of the two underlying indices. Important Note: The ML Strategic Balanced Index embeds an annual index cost in the calculations of the change in Index Value over the Index Term. This “embedded index cost” will reduce any change in Index Value over the Index Term that would otherwise have been used in the calculation of index interest, and it funds certain operational and licensing costs for the index. It is not a fee paid by you or received by the Company. The Company’s licensing relationship with Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated for use of the ML Strategic Balanced Index and for use of certain service marks includes the Company’s purchase of financial instruments for purposes of meeting its interest crediting obligations. Some portion of those instruments will, or may be, purchased from Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated or its Affiliates. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated and its affiliates (“BofA Merrill Lynch”) indices and related information, the name “BofA Merrill Lynch”, and related trademarks, are intellectual property licensed from BofA Merrill Lynch, and may not be copied, used, or distributed without BofA Merrill Lynch’s prior written approval. The products of licensee American General Life Insurance Company have not been passed on as to their legality or suitability, and are not regulated, issued, endorsed, sold, guaranteed, or promoted by BofA Merrill Lynch. BOFA MERRILL LYNCH MAKES NO WARRANTIES AND BEARS NO LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO ANY INDEX, ANY RELATED INFORMATION, ITS TRADEMARKS, OR THE PRODUCT(S) (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ITS QUALITY, ACCURACY, SUITABILITY AND/OR COMPLETENESS). The ML Strategic Balanced Index (the “Index”) is the property of Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated, which has contracted with S&P Opco, LLC (a subsidiary of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC) to calculate and maintain the Index. The Index is not sponsored by S&P Dow Jones Indices or its affiliates or its third party licensors (collectively, “S&P Dow Jones Indices”). S&P Dow Jones Indices will not be liable for any errors or omissions in calculating the Index. “Calculated by S&P Dow Jones Indices” and the related stylized mark(s) are service marks of S&P Dow Jones Indices and have been licensed for use by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated.
American International Group, Inc
American International Group, Inc. (AIG) is a leading international insurance organization serving customers in more than 130 countries.. AIG companies serve commercial, institutional, and individual customers through one of the most extensive worldwide property-casualty networks of any insurer. In addition, AIG companies are leading providers of life insurance and retirement services in the United States. AIG common stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Additional information about AIG can be found at | YouTube: | | LinkedIn: AIG is the marketing name for the worldwide property-casualty, life and retirement, and general insurance operations of American International Group, Inc. For additional information, please visit our website at All products and services are written or provided by subsidiaries or affiliates of American International Group, Inc. Products or services may not be available in all countries, and coverage is subject to actual policy language. Non-insurance products and services may be provided by independent third parties. Certain property-casualty coverages may be provided by a surplus lines insurer. Surplus lines insurers do not generally participate in state guaranty funds, and insureds are therefore not protected by such funds.
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