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Styles of.

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1 Styles of

2 Abstract: 20th century art containing shapes that simplify shapes of real objects to emphasize form instead of subject matter

3 Which style of art does this image represent?
Abstract Number 3, Tiger by Pollock

4 Portrait: image of a person, especially of the face or upper body

5 Which style of art does this image represent?
Portrait Charles V at Muhlberg

6 Realistic: images are shown exactly as they appear

7 Which style of art does this image represent?
Realistic Max Schmitt in a Single Scull by Eakins

8 Still life: painting or drawing of inanimate (non-moving) objects

9 Which style of art does this image represent?
Still Life With Peaches by Paul Cézanne

10 Landscape: painting or drawing in which natural land scenery, such as mountains, trees, rivers, or lakes, is the main feature.

11 Which style of art does this image represent?
Landscape The Hay Wain by John Constable

12 What are the styles of art?
3) The Gross Clinic by Eakins 1) Composition with Red, Yellow, and Blue by Mondrian 4) “… With Fruit and Lobster 2) The Mona Lisa by DaVinci 5) The Cornfield by Constable

13 Broadway Boogie Woogie by Mondrian 1942-43, Oil on canvas, 50 x 50"

14 Boy of the Beekman Family, c
Boy of the Beekman Family, c Gift of Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch

15 Untitled Gert Tobias (German, born Romania 1973) and Uwe Tobias (German, born Romania 1973) 2005. Woodcut, composition and sheet: 78 3/4 x 64 15/16" (200 x cm). Publisher and printer: Gert Tobias, Cologne and Uwe Tobias, Cologne. Edition: 2. Fund for the Twenty-First Century. © 2011 Gert and Uwe Tobias

16 The Ray of Sunlight- 1660s- Jacob Isaacksz. VAN RUISDAEL© R. M. N. /H
The Ray of Sunlight- 1660s- Jacob Isaacksz. VAN RUISDAEL© R.M.N./H. Lewandowski

17 Panel for Edwin R. Campbell No. 4
Vasily Kandinsky 1914. Oil on canvas, 64 1/4 x 48 1/4" (163 x cm). Nelson A. Rockefeller Fund (by exchange). © 2011 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris

18 Claude GELLEE, called Le Lorrain(e) (Champagne, Vosges, Rome, 1682) Large Landscape c © R.M.N. Claude GELLEE, called Le Lorrain(e) (Champagne, Vosges, Rome, 1682) Large ***** (Full title has been omitted for educational purposes) c © R.M.N.

19 John CONSTABLE (East Bergholt, Suffolk, 1776-London, 1837) Weymouth Bay with Approaching Storm © Musée du Louvre/A. Dequier - M. Bard

20 Matilda Caroline Cruger, c. 1795 Andrew W. Mellon Collection

21 Floris van SCHOOTEN (Haarlem, documented as active from 1612 to 1655) Still-life with Ham © Musée du Louvre/A. Dequier - M. Bard Floris van SCHOOTEN (Haarlem, documented as active from 1612 to 1655) (Omitted title) with Ham © Musée du Louvre/A. Dequier - M. Bard

22 Miss Daggett of New Haven, Connecticut (possibly Amelia Martha), c
Miss Daggett of New Haven, Connecticut (possibly Amelia Martha), c Gift of Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch

23 Nicolas Poussin Summer, or Ruth and Boaz 1660-64- © R.M.N.

24 Egg Beater, V Stuart Davis 1930. Oil on canvas, 50 1/8 x 32 1/4" (127.3 x 81.9 cm). Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Fund

25 Barend van der MEER (attributed) - Rotterdam, 1659. -
Barend van der MEER (attributed) - Rotterdam, 1659 ? - ?, between 1692 and 1702 Still-life with Candlestick 1680s © Musée du Louvre/A. Dequier - M. Bard Barend van der MEER (attributed) - Rotterdam, 1659 ? - ?, between 1692 and (Omitted title) with Candlestick s © Musée du Louvre/A. Dequier - M. Bard

26 Joseph WRIGHT, also known as WRIGHT OF DERBY (Derby, 1734-Derby, 1797) Lake Nemi, Sunset © R.M.N./H. Lewandowski

27 Woman, I Willem de Kooning (American, born the Netherlands ) Oil on canvas, 6' 3 7/8" x 58" (192.7 x cm). Purchase. © 2011 The Willem de Kooning Foundation / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

28 Jean-Baptiste Siméon CHARDIN The Skate c. 1725-1726 © Musée du Louvre/A. Dequier - M. Bard

29 Joseph Mallord William Turner (London, ) View of the Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye C © R.M.N.

30 Jan Davidsz. de HEEM (Utrecht, Antwerp, 1683 / 1684) (Title has been omitted for educational purposes) with Peeled Lemon © Musée du Louvre/A. Dequier - M. Bard Jan Davidsz. de HEEM (Utrecht, Antwerp, 1683 / 1684) Still-life with Peeled Lemon © Musée du Louvre/A. Dequier - M. Bard

31 Lemuel Francis Abbott Captain Robert Calder, c. 1787/1790 Andrew W
Lemuel Francis Abbott Captain Robert Calder, c. 1787/1790 Andrew W. Mellon Collection

32 Five Shells on a Stone Slab Adriaen COORTE R.F. 1970-53

33 Dr. Philemon Tracy, c. 1790 Gift of Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch

34 (Title Omitted) with Turkey Abraham van BEYEREN
Still Life with Turkey Abraham van BEYEREN

35 Eakins, Thomas The Gross Clinic 1875 Oil on canvas 96 x 78 in
Eakins, Thomas The Gross Clinic 1875 Oil on canvas 96 x 78 in. Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia

36 Gustave Courbet. The Stone Breakers
Gustave Courbet.  The Stone Breakers (destroyed during World War II).  Oil on canvas, 5 feet, 5 inches x 7 feet, 10 inches

37 Jean-Francois Millet, Woman Breaking Bread, 1853-4
Jean-Francois Millet, Woman Breaking Bread, Oil on cavas, 21 ¾ x 18 ins. Collection, State Museum Kroller-Muller, Otterlo, The Netherlands

38 Thomas Eakins: Biglin Brothers Racing, 1872

39 Gustave Courbet (French, 1819–1877) The Meeting, or Bonjour, Monsieur Courbet, 1854 Oil on canvas; 50 3/4 x 58 5/8 in. (132 x cm) Musée Fabre, Montpellier

40 Francis Alexander Sarah Blake Sturgis, 1835 Andrew W. Mellon Collection

41 Chief Franz Kline 1950. Oil on canvas, 58 3/8" x 6' 1 1/2" (148.3 x cm). Gift of Mr. and Mrs. David M. Solinger. © 2011 The Franz Kline Estate / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

42 So, Let’s Review…

43 1. Abstract: 20th century art containing simplified shapes of real objects where subject matter is NOT the main focus. 2. Realistic: images are shown exactly as they appear, or as close as possible, in real life. 3. Still life: painting or drawing of inanimate (non-moving) objects 4. Portrait: image of a person, especially of the face or upper body 5. Landscape: painting or drawing in which natural land scenery, such as mountains, trees, rivers, or lakes, dominate the composition.

44 Styles of Art – Drawing Activity
Using the handout provided visually represent the 5 styles of art as shown to the right. You may choose your own theme if you like. *Which Style is missing above?

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