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Copyright 2017 Lockheed Martin Corporation

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1 Copyright 2017 Lockheed Martin Corporation
Advanced Integrated Composite Repair Sikorsky August 21, 2017 This work was sponsored by the Office of Naval Research, ONR, under contract number N C-0119; the views and conclusions contained herein are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of the Office of Naval Research, the U.S. Navy or the U.S. government. Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release; distribution unlimited Copyright 2017 Lockheed Martin Corporation This document does not contain export controlled technical data.

2 Acknowledgements George Bauer Jim Lua Kevin Dyer Errick Robles
Modeling and Structural Analysis George Bauer Behavior Modeling and Simulation Jim Lua Additive Manufacturing & Prototypes Kevin Dyer Structural Testing Errick Robles Design and Analysis Mark Gurvich Structural Analysis Matt Gaspin

3 Advanced Integrated Composite Repair Sikorsky / Jonathan Garhart
Approach Identify optimal materials, manufacturing and analytical technologies to enable the development of a lean composite repair cell based on 3D scanning, additive tooling and advanced laminate analysis. Conduct coupon testing to develop laminate and bond properties for use in patch modeling and analysis. Execute manufacturing trials to validate process in a sub-element scale representative setting. Conduct element testing to demonstrate feasibility and structural integrity of patch fabrication and application methods.

4 Advanced Integrated Composite Repair Sikorsky / Jonathan Garhart
Elements of Novelty Curing laminate off repair site allows for higher temperature cure of high performance material. RT storage prepreg eliminates wet lay up without requiring freezer storage. Latest scanning and 3D printing technology yield rapid and accurate tooling. Benefits High performance composites enable an expansion of the range of field repairs over current wet layup and fastened approaches. Integrated field repair system expands shipboard maintenance options leading to increased aircraft availability. Automated system reduces labor content and quality variability while improving process efficiency.

5 System Specification

6 System components selected and interactivity validated
System Specification Material Patz IM7/PMT-F31 Plain Weave Room temp storage Benzoxazine Scanning Creaform: HandySCAN 3D™ High resolution hand held laser scanner Additive Tooling Fabrication Stratasys Fortus 400 MC 14” x 16”x 16” envelop FDM printer Additive Tooling Materials UltemTM 1010 215 C capable thermoplastic Bond Surface Preparation Surfx AtomFloTM 500 Plasma etching for bond surface prep HandySCAN 3D™ Fortus 400 MC Image courtesy of Stratasys Surfx AtomfloTM 500 System components selected and interactivity validated

7 Repair Design & Analysis

8 Repair Process Flow Damage Site Scan Local Structural Criteria
Surface Data Ansys Abaqus Space Claim Model Generation CAD/FE Model Parametric Repair Model Micromechanics Model - Analytic Methods Tooling Design Optimized Repair Design 3D Print Data Laminate Configuration 3D Printed Tool Laminate Configuration Fabricate Repair Laminate Ply Data Data Repair Bonding Surface Prep Action / Product

9 Analytic model validated through coupon testing
Model Validation Objective Verify fidelity of fracture mechanics modeling predictions through the comparison analytical and empirical results. Approach Establish a specimen configuration that incorporates the features of a typical repair and which can be loaded to induce desire failure modes. Conduct a series of analytical evaluations of various repair and material configurations to determine the relationship between performance and specific attributes. Conduct physical testing of specific configurations to compare response and failure modes to predictions. Analytic model validated through coupon testing

10 Specimen Configuration
Up To 9.25” Patch Region 2.25” 20.0” 3.0” 4 Point Bend Test Setup Induces Tension in Repair Patch/Sandwich Skin Interface Representative repair and standardized test method

11 Manufacturing Demonstration

12 Demonstration validates process methods
Demonstration Plan Objective Validate all phases of the integrated repair process and interoperability of individual systems through the execution of a full scale repair trail. Approach Complete a skin laminate and core repair on a demonstration trial article with a structural configuration similar to a typical rotorcraft airframe component. The execution of the repair will utilize all aspects of the integrated system in a manner fully consistent with proposed deployed configuration. Demonstration validates process methods

13 Demonstration Article
Section of Airfoil component Carbon skins over aluminum honeycomb core Representative composite structure provided by NavAir

14 Repair Preparation Remove Primer & Prepare Site Damaged Skin and Core Removed Core Septum Installed to Seal Off Core Core Filled and Faired Registration Holes Added Standard methods and tools used to prepare repair site

15 Surface data acquisition and processing optimized
Article Scanning HandySCAN 3D™ System Scan Process 3 Resolution levels evaluated Surface characteristics effect data capture Data post processed in Space Claim Engineered surface output as basis for tool design Surface Data Surface data acquisition and processing optimized

16 Tool and Repair Fabrication
Tool Modeling 3D Print Tool Cure Patch Tool design process established Tooling construction optimized Minimize build time & density Maintain structural integrity Laminate OoA processes methods established Etch Surface Bond Repair Manufacturing Trial verifies process capability

17 Full Scale Test

18 Full Scale Repair Test Plan
Validate manufacturing repair and process technologies. Establish baseline panel pristine static & fatigue strength Exercise system-wide repair process: Induce specific damage, optimize repair, design patch construction. Execute repair and test: establish static and fatigue repair strength capabilities. Program focus: aircraft sandwich skin structure. Susceptible to damage, relatively large surface/exposure area. Primarily carrying aircraft shear loading. Engineer full scale test to: Test repaired sandwich skin shear load capabilities. Limit test fixture influence and unexpected failure modes.

19 Repair Test Plan P = ~60,000 lbf P Test Static/Fatigue Type 1 Static
Pristine 2 Fatigue 3 Repaired 4 5 Repaired w/Defect 6 Static/Fatigue Test Approach: First test static article to determine ultimate failure load. Measure panel shear strains. Scan article as needed. Cycle fatigue test article at load of 2/3 ultimate strength. If no failure or detectable growth is noticed, increase cyclic load by 10%

20 Summary - Conclusions System elements selected and integrated
Automated repair modeling approach established Fracture mechanics model completed / validation proceeding Manufacturing trial processes validated Full scale tool complete Material characterization testing in process Full Scale test plan approved by NavAir

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