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Evaluating and Treating the Cervical Spine

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1 Evaluating and Treating the Cervical Spine
10/20/ :42 AM Evaluating and Treating the Cervical Spine Colleen Scordato, DPT, Cert. MDT Orlando Health © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

2 Objectives Better understand physical therapy cervical terminology
Understand cervical anatomy and implications of poor posture Importance of a good history or subjective to determine diagnosis and treatment Be familiar with cervical special tests and measures Treatment is constantly evolving and changing Importance of home exercise program and education

3 Cervical Spine- anatomy
7 vertebral bodies 8 spinal nerves

4 Cervical Anatomy Disc Nucleus Pulposus Annular fibrosus

5 Common Cervical Diagnosis
Muscular strain Spondylosis Degenerative disc disease Radiculopathy Disc herniation Surgeries ACDF- anterior cervical discectomy and fusion Discectomy Laminectomy

6 Subjective/History Work positions Physical activity prior to injury
80% sitting 20% standing and walking Physical activity prior to injury Pain rating Mechanism of injury Where are symptoms Cervical, scapular, arm, headaches When did symptoms begin Improving, worsening or unchanging Initial symptoms Constant or Intermittent

7 Subjective/History What makes symptoms better or worse? Positions
Bending Sitting Turning Lying/Rising Time of day Am, as the day progresses, Pm When still or on the move

8 Subjective/History Previous episodes
Previous or current other treatments Medications, Chiropractor, Acupuncture, Injections Red flags Dizziness, nausea, swallowing, tinnitus Rapid weight loss Gait/upper limbs: normal/abnormal medications Recent surgeries Recent trauma Other medical issues Night pain

9 Sitting posture Good, fair, poor Correction of posture Lumbar roll

10 Sleeping posture Back, stomach or side Number of pillows Cervical roll
Arm under or curl pillow Cervical roll

11 Wry neck/ Torticollis Lateral shift Relevant
Yes/no If unable to self correct lateral forces frontal plane treated first

12 Range of motion Protrusion Retraction Flexion Extension Rotation
Lateral Flexion


14 Motor testing 0/5- no contraction 1/5- muscle flicker, but no movement
2/5- muscle moved through anti-gravity position only 3/5- muscle moves through gravity position, but no resistance 4/5- muscle moves through gravity with some resistance; functional 5/5- normal strength

15 Reflex testing 0- absent reflex 1⁺- trace 2⁺- normal 3⁺- brisk
4⁺- nonsustained clonus 5⁺- sustained clonus

16 Special Tests Vertibral artery test Spurling’s test Distraction test
Supine extension, right rotation and right lateral flexion hold for 10 seconds Positive nystagmus, nausea, dizziness Spurling’s test Lateral flexion with clinician overpressure Positive causes radiculopathy Distraction test Compression test

17 Special Tests Quadrant test Deep neck flexor endurance test
Right Facet compression Extension, right rotation and right lateral flexion Positive right sided pain Deep neck flexor endurance test Supine retraction and elevation 2 trials for 30 seconds Stop if painful or unable Grip strength Dominant hand 10% stronger than nondominant

18 Repetitive movement testing
Sitting Protrusion Retraction Retraction Extension Lying Lateral Flexion- R/L Rotation- R/L Flexion

19 Static cervical positions
Protrusion Retraction Flexion Extension Sitting Prone Supine

20 Cervical syndromes Posture- mechanical deformation of normal soft tissues Prolonged end range loading Dysfunction- mechanical deformation of structurally impaired tissues Scarring, adaptive shortening, or degenerative Postures will have no effect or pain at end range no worse or no better Derangement- internal derangement causes disturbance in normal resting position of affected joint Postures will either: Worsen or peripheralize symptoms; Improve or centralize symptoms

21 Treatments Headaches- cervicogenic
Static postures respond better Retraction Flexion Retraction Extension

22 Treatment Modalities Research proves it is not an effective form of treatment Ultrasound, Electrical stimulation, ice, heat, laser, traction May prep tissue for other effective treatment Increase patient confidence by providing temporary relief

23 Treatment Soft tissue techniques
Cross friction massage Scar adhesions Graston technique Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization Detect and treat fascial restricitons

24 Treatment for posture cervical retraction Repetitions, Frequency, Dynamic or Static, with or without overpressure Scapular retraction and depression Lower trapezius strengthening

25 Progression of forces Cervical retraction
Cervical retraction with patient overpressure Cervical retraction with clinician overpressure Cervical retraction mobilization Cervical retraction manipulation

26 Treatment Grading mobilizations: Pain or Stiff dominant
Grade I- small amplitude rhythmic oscillations in early range of movement Grade II- large amplitude rhythmic oscillations in midrange of movement Grade III- large amplitude rhythmic oscillations to end range of movement Grade IV- small amplitude rhythmic oscillations at end range of movement Grade V (thrust manipulation)- small amplitude quick thrust at end range of movement

27 Treatment Patient education
Proper posture Sleeping Sitting Standing

28 Treatment Patient education

29 Treatment Patient education
Housecleaning Computer work Push/pull

30 Treatment Treatment Prophylactic care
Repetitions, Frequency, Dynamic or Static, with or without overpressure Prophylactic care

31 Treatment Therapeutic exercise
Cervical Stabilization Isometric Proprioception Isotonic

32 Treatment Therapeutic exercise
Thoracic mobility Scapular strengthening

33 Questions?

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