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Distribution System Planning in Hawaii

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1 Distribution System Planning in Hawaii
David C. Parsons Hawaii Public Utilities Commission March 17, 2016 Hawaii Public Utilities Commission

2 Hawaii’s Electric Systems
10/20/2017 10/20/2017 10/20/2017 10/20/2017 10/20/2017 Kauaʻi Island Utility Cooperative System Peak: 78 MW 52.6 MW PV / 7 MW Biomass / 9 MW Hydro (+6.6 MW PV Under Review) Installed PV: 67% of System Peak Maui Electric Maui System Peak: 202 MW 74 MW PV / 72 MW Wind (+40 MW PV Approved or Under Review) Installed PV & Wind: 72% of Sys. Peak Lana’i System Peak: 5.1 MW 1.33 MW PV (27% of Sys. Peak) Moloka’i System Peak: 5.6 MW 2 MW PV (36% of Sys. Peak) Kauaʻi Oʻahu Hawaiian Electric System Peak: 1,206 MW 329 MW PV / 99 MW Wind 69 MW WTE ( MW PV & Wind Approved to Install / MW PV Under Review) Installed PV & Wind: 35% of System Peak Molokaʻi Maui Hawaiʻi Lanaʻi Hawaiʻi Electric Light System Peak: 192 MW 75 MW PV / 30 MW Wind / 38 MW Geothermal / 16 MW Hydro (+31 MW PV Approved or Under Review) Installed PV & Wind: 55% of System Peak Credit: Hawaii Natural Energy Institute Hawaii Public Utilities Commission 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

3 Major Policy Dockets Before the PUC
Long-term resource planning for a 100% Renewable Portfolio Standard by 2045 Designed to inform near term capital investment plans, integration of DER, competitive bidding for new generation, and retirement of aging power plants Power Supply Improvement Plans (PSIP) Identifying technical requirements for safely interconnecting DER, including energy storage, to each island grid Stakeholders are developing new tariff options for customers to deliver energy and other services to the grid, alongside traditional methods like Time of Use rates Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Developing market-based procurement of demand-side resources, including aggregated loads, distributed generation, and storage Will enable customer loads to provide ancillary services to meet system security requirements Demand Response (DR) Hawaii Public Utilities Commission

4 Hosting Capacity Analysis
Hawaii Public Utilities Commission

5 Please contact me with any questions at:
Mahalo! Please contact me with any questions at: Hawaii Public Utilities Commission

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