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Chemical Reactions.

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Presentation on theme: "Chemical Reactions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemical Reactions

2 What is a chemical reaction?
What do all of the reactions from the video have in common?

3 What is a chemical reaction?
Chemical vs. physical changes What was the difference? What was an indication of a physical change? What was an indication of a chemical change?

4 Rules for chemical reactions
Reactions are shown in the form of equations Reactants  Products Reactant is the thing that changes Product is the outcome of the reaction Law of Conservation of Mass Mass is neither created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction Anything that goes in has to come out

5 Balancing chemical equations
In order to show that mass is conserved in a reaction, equations must be balanced Things that will help in balancing reactions Coefficient – number in front of a compound Subscript – number after an element that shows how many atoms of that element there are

6 Balancing chemical equations
Step-by-step handout

7 Practice balancing chemical equations

8 Types of chemical Reactions
Synthesis Decomposition Single Replacement Double Replacement Combustion

9 Synthesis Putting two things together to make one new thing

10 Decomposition Breaking one thing apart to make two new things

11 Single Replacement One thing takes the place of another

12 Double Replacement Two things switch places

13 Combustion Something reacts quickly with oxygen
C x H y + O 2 → H 2 O+C O 2 Reactants are oxygen gas and a hydrocarbon (contains carbon and hydrogen) Products are always water and carbon dioxide

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