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Lecture 6 Electronic Calculations

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1 Lecture 6 Electronic Calculations
武晓君 江俊

2 The main thread underlying complex systems and complicated procedures: Electron Kinetics
Photon/ Electron Energy transfer Material Conversion Photocatalysis Catalysis Mol-Photonics Solar cell Mol-Electronics Optoelectronics Photo-detector Transition and evolution Electronic/Excited state generation and coupling

3 Charge Density Total charge Deformation charge ρ = ρ(total) - ρ(atoms)
Spin charge ρ(spin)= ρ(up)- ρ(down)

4 Charge Density f + (r)= 1/(ΔN)(ρ N+Δ (r)- ρ N (r))
nucleophilic reaction (adding an electron) f + (r)= 1/(ΔN)(ρ N+Δ (r)- ρ N (r)) electrophilic reaction (removing an electron) f - (r)= 1/(ΔN)(ρ N (r)- ρ N-Δ (r)) Fukui Function: A function that describes the electron density in a frontier orbital, as a result of a small change in the total number of electrons. Prints the condensed Fukui functions for Hirshfeld, Mulliken, Voronoi, and if calculated, Bader charges. Allows one to predict, using density functional theory, where the most electrophilic and nucleophilic sites of a molecule are. Most chemical reaction in general involves a change in electron density. The Fukui function indicates this change in electron density of a molecule at a given position when the number of electrons have been changed. The reaction will therefore then take place where f + or f - can be found to have a large value.

5 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 2980.

6 Charge Population Mulliken population
Cheap, Straightforward Depending on the choice of basis set Equal shared by two atoms Löwdin population (transform atomic orbital basis functions into an orthonormal set of basis) More stable, more expensive NPA (Natural Bond Orbital scheme: transform occupied orbitals to an orthonormal set of natural orbital) classifies and localizes orbitals into three distinct groups. Mostly accurate, expensive Density Matrix: Number of electrons

7 Charge Population ESP charges
Generate Charge distribution which fit with the accurate electrostatic potential Depends Strongly on molecular conformation (topological structure) Core electrons contributes weakly

8 Charge Population Hirshfeld Analysis a density-based population scheme
weight function:

9 Charge Population Bader Analysis
The definition of an atom is based purely on the electronic charge density According to the topological analysis of charge distribution, uses the zero flux surface to divide atoms A zero flux surface is a 2-D surface on which the charge density is a minimum perpendicular to the surface. Typically in molecular systems, the charge density reaches a minimum between atoms and this is a natural place to separate atoms from each other.

10 Band structure & Density of State
dispersion relation Energy .vs. Momentum (k) Band gap Electric Conductivity channel Direct bandgap (strong photo-response) Indirect bandgap (weak photo-response)

11 Conjugated Polymer Increasing of size, Density of State(DOS) increases
Discrete molecular orbital to continuous band HOMO-LUMO gap remains constant as 2.78eV Energy structure analogous to inorganic Semiconductor

12 (5, 5) Metallic Single Walled Carbon Nanotube (SWCNT)
B3LYP/6-31G Max: C atoms G03 LUMO of 4.1 nm SWCNT CIS LUMO of 4.1 nm SWCNT CIS LUMO of 200 nm SWCNT

13 Band structure & Density of State
Doping n-type doping p-type doping Defect state

14 nanoparticles Doping energy level closed to conduction band of 3.4 nm Computed with LSDA/STO-6G with G03

15 nanoparticles Doping energy level closed to conduction band of 4.2 nm Computed with LSDA/STO-6G with CIS Doping energy level closed to conduction band of 3.4 nm Computed with LSDA/STO-6G with G03

16 Occ. Occ. Doping P atom resulted in a energy level closed to the LUMO of pure Si nanoclusters P atom content fraction directly proportion to the free electron density of state Unocc. Unocc. Occ. Occ. Doping P atom resulted in an occupied molecular orbital closed to the LUMO of pure Si nanoclusters P atom content fraction directly proportion to the free electron density of state We now can doping with P atom with concentration less than 5.0d-3 (For example: P atoms comparing to Si atoms), which fits with most of the doping concentration in semiconductor technology field.

17 Band structure & Density of State
Band Folding The choice of unit cell size would change k wave vector distribution, which might fold the band structure One-atom unit Two-atom unit Band folding might lead the incorrect transforming from indirect bandgap to direct bandgap

18 IP (ionization potential ) AE (electron affinity) WF (work function)
Band structure & Density of State IP (ionization potential ) AE (electron affinity) WF (work function) EA IP WF Strict in DFT theory, but not strict in DFT computations.

19 Electron transport in molecular device

20 WorkFunction CuO Ag Ag donate polarization charge to CuO
Lower down CO activation barrier WorkFunction CuO Ag Cu O (100) (111) Ef Vac Wf= 5.97 eV 4.45eV -e Ag CuO Y. Bai, et. al. W.X. Huang*, J. Jiang*, Y.J.Xiong* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 14650 Semi1 Metal Semi2 EF e- e- e- Semicond-Semicond nanoheterostructure Type I interfacing with Metal Vac. Metal e- e- e- Semi1 Semi2 EF Semicond-(Semicond/Metal) Nanoheterostructure Type II Vac. h+ e- e e- Semi1 Semi2 EF Semicond-Semicond nanoheterostructure Type I e- e- h+ h+ e- h+ T.T. Zhuang,, J. Jiang*, S.H. Yu*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 39, 11495 T.T. Zhuang,, J. Jiang*, S.H. Yu*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 6396

21 Force Phonon Force & Vibration Frozen phonon Response function
Application: Computing electron-phonon coupling, Superconductivity phase transition


23 Appl. Phys. Lett. 96 (2010)

24 electron-phonon coupling Excited states relaxation/Heat
Suppress energy relaxation Y3+ electron-phonon coupling Excited states relaxation/Heat Na+ F- Lanthanide doped Crystal Matrix NaYF4 Light induced smart phase transition—Enhance energy transferring by suppressing non-harmonic electron-phonon coupling

25 Laser induced Temp. induced Adv. Mater. 2015, 27, 5528

26 Instability The surface system become very unstable when DOS at around Fermi level increases significantly Perierls phase transition

27 magnetism n (mag) = n(up)- n(down) ρ(spin)= ρ(up)- ρ(down)
ferromagnetism antiferromagnetism ferrimagnetic Spin Density Wave

28 Spin-density-functional theory


30  projector augmented wave method







37 Thanks!

38 First Principle Based Simulations
for Electron Real-Space Time Evolution Starting from the time-dependent Schrodinger equation:

39 Fock matrix: Overlap matrix:




43 Stress Force & Vibration 弹性系数

44 Instability Stone铁磁理论



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