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Unit 4a: Ionic Bonds Lundquist – 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4a: Ionic Bonds Lundquist – 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 4a: Ionic Bonds Lundquist – 2015

2 Unit 4a.1 Metallic Bonds

3 Metals Solids at room temp Shiny (luster) Malleable (bendable)
Except Hg Shiny (luster) Malleable (bendable) Ductile (can be stretched into wires) Conduct energy Heat electricity

4 Metals Positive ions (Cations) with delocalized electrons
Explains how they conduct energy Cations in a lattice structure

5 Metals -- Alloys Pure metals have very set properties
Alloys are a mixture of 2+ metals Substitution alloy Interstitial alloys


7 Gold Penny Lab Get a penny Shine it up Bring it to the vent hood
Wait 5 minutes Heat the penny Wave it THROUGH the flame

8 Unit 4a.2 Ions

9 Noble gasses Most inert elements on the periodic table
Possess the least amount of energy Stable octet – 8 valence electrons (a full shell)

10 Unit 4a.2 Note Quiz Questions
1. 2.

11 Ions Atoms will gain/loose electrons to reach a lower energy level
Gain electrons = Anion (-) Loose electrons = Cation (+) Anions end in the suffix “-ide”

12 Unit 4a.2 Note Quiz Questions
3. 5. 4.

13 Unit 4a.2 Note Quiz Questions
7. 6. 8.

14 Do p.4 and 5

15 Ions Attract to each other to form salts (ionic compounds)
Formula units Ionic compounds exist only as repeating patterns of + / - Simplest ratio = formula Whatever balances the charges




19 Unit 4a.2 Note Quiz Questions
9. 10.

20 Do p. 6

21 Unit 4a.3 Ionic Nomenclature

22 Nomenclature Choosing a name for things
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) Name things based off what intramolecular forces hold them together

23 Nomenclature Salts are named based on charges
Metals are named exactly as they are on the periodic table Nonmetals get the ending “-ide” added to their root

24 Writing formulas Find the elements on the periodic table
Determine their charge Criss-cross

25 Writing Names Write the name of the cation
Write the name of the anion (change ending to -ide)

26 Unit 4a.3 Note Quiz Questions
1. 2. 3. 4.

27 Transition metals Have more than one oxidative state
Behave differently Have to differentiate between the different ions Use roman numerals 1 = (I) 2 = (II) 3 = (III) 4 = (IV) 5 = (V) 6 = (VI) 7 = (VII) 8 = (VIII) 9 = (IX) 10 = (X)

28 Writing formulas Find the elements on the periodic table
Determine their charge Criss-cross

29 Writing Names REVERSE the criss-cross
Determine the charge of the metal Name the metal – put charge in parentheses after the name of the metal Name the anion

30 Unit 4a.3 Note Quiz Questions
5. 6. 7.

31 Polyatomic Ions Works just like binary compounds Name the cation
If a transition metal put the charge in roman numerals Name the anion

32 Writing formulas Find the elements on the periodic table OR recall them if they are polyatomic ions (end in “–ate” or “–ite”) Determine their charge Criss-cross

33 Writing Names Name the cation Name the anion
If a transition metal determine the charge and put it in roman numerals Name the anion

34 Unit 4a.3 Note Quiz Questions
8. 9. 10.

35 Do p. 7 -9 C2O42- SKIP #4 & 11

36 Unit 4a.4 Ionic Bonds

37 Ionic Bonds In solid form salts do not conduct electricity
The nonmetal doesn’t allow electrons to move Held together by the attraction of (+) for (-) AKA electrostatic forces Obeys Coulombs Law Melting point/Boiling point Determined by the strength of attraction between the formula units Called intermolecular forces

38 Unit 4a.4 Note Quiz Questions
2. 3. 1. 4.

39 Ionic Bonds Lattice Energy
The amount of energy needed to separate 1 mol of a salt into its cation/anion form Like melting

40 Ionic Bonds Readily dissolve in water (soluble)
Water has a d+/ d- side which is attracted the cation/anion Since the metals are now mobile, they can align and complete a circuit We call them electrolytes

41 Ionic Bonds

42 Writing Dissociation Equations
Separate the cations (metals) from the anions (non-metals) KEEP POLYATOMICS (NON-METALS) TOGETHER! Balance the reaction (s) = solid (aq) = aqueous (in water)

43 Unit 4a.4 Note Quiz Questions
5. 7. 6.

44 Unit 4a.4 Note Quiz Questions

45 Do p. 10

46 Test Next Class 25 Multiple Choice 1 free response Ion formation
Nomenclature Dissociation

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