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EFA – MDA in India I. Introduction
A. Historical, Social/Cultural (linguistic, religious), Economic, Political and Geographic (map) Country Background (This section will be prepared after collecting information from different sources)
B. General Overview of Level of Development
i. Poverty, human development index, Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) ii. Health, economic, and social indicators Sources of Data EFA Global Monitoring Report India Development Report, 2005 & 2006)
D. Data Collection, Sources, Quality Assurance
Sources of Data EFA Year 2000 Assessment (21 Thematic Review Papers, 4 State Specific Case Studies in 2000), and State Case Studies for High Level Group Meeting in 2003 EFA National Plan of Action, India, June 2003 India Marches Ahead Census of India 2001 Selected Education Statistics (MHRD) of different years 6th & 7th All India Education Survey (NCERT) DISE Data (State and District Reports of different years, School Report Cards) NFHS different rounds District Elementary Education Plans under SSA (State Component Plans) State household Surveys
D. Data Collection, Sources, Quality Assurance.. Contd.
Baseline Assessment Survey of Learner Achievement at State Level Joint Review Mission Reports Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt. Of India Different Case Studies and Reports Projection for next five years
II. Introduction to the National Educational System
A. Trends in Educational Development Structure of Education
Sources of Data & Information
Expansion of government-financed education to various categories of learners Sources of Data & Information Selected Educational Statistics, MHRD, Government of India DISE (EMIS) Reports 6th & 7th All India School Education Survey Education (NCERT)
Development in Education since Jomtien (1990) or Dakar (2000)
Data will be collected from MHRD, DISE and All India School Education Survey All relevant Indicators as given in the Templates would be developed Analysis will be done to measure the progress on the basis of indicators.
Open Schooling and Use of ICT in education
Recently, the open school system has been expanded through establishment of state Open Schools. Emphasis on networking and collaboration for use of distance education and information and communications technology (ICT) for basic education. At the national level, the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) offers open basic education equivalent to grade VIII level through distance education mode. The target group belongs largely to disadvantaged and marginalized sections of society. It also caters to the education and vocational needs of adult literates through its Open Basic Education Programme (OBEP). Source: National Institute of Open Schooling, New Delhi
Use of ICT in education…Contd.
Some of the recent initiatives for enrichment of basic education programmes through use of ICT and distance mode are: (i) Development of education programmes having special focus on education of the disadvantaged such as minority groups, girls, women, street and working children,children and youth from tribal and socio-economically is advantaged communities; (ii) Adoption of ICT as a major plan of its strategy to reach the unreached;
Development in Education Since Jomtien (1990) and Dakar (2000)
Sources of Data EFA Year 2000 Assessment EFA National Plan of Action, India, June 2003 DISE Reports from 2001 to 2006 6th & 7th All India School Education Surveys
Unreached Groups Sources of Data
Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India (Department of Women and Child Development, Department of Elementary Education and Literacy) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, GOI Ministry of Labour, GOI Counterparts from respective state governments Ministry of Tribal Affairs
Education Policy, Laws and Legislation
The Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) recognised that the World Declaration on EFA was, from the national point of view, a reaffirmation of the policy orientation given to elementary education in the National Policy on Education (NPE) in CABE endorsed the Declaration and called for further strengthening of the processes initiated through the NPE CABE highlighted the need for increased financial inputs to achieve the goals of EFA and formulated a broad operational framework for receiving financial assistance from international agencies for undertaking large scale projects to achieve the goals of EFA. Further, CABE emphasised that the additional resources generated through external assistance should be utilised for educational reconstruction, which should go beyond the conventional measures such as opening new schools, construction of school building and appointing teachers. The goals, targets and strategies enunciated in the National Policy on Education have been incorporated into successive Five Year Plan proposals.
Education Policy, Laws and Legislation
The 86th Constitutional Amendment Act 2002 has provided for free and compulsory education of all children in the age group of six to fourteen years as a Fundamental Right under Article 21A of the Constitution while expanding the provision for children upto the age of 6, to include ECCE within the directive principles. The Right to Education Act 2005: An Act to put into effect the Right to Free and Compulsory Education to All Children in the Age Group of Six to Fourteen Years
Education Financing Sources of Data
Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India (Analysis of Budgeted Expenditure different volumes) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India Ministry of Social Justice and Women Empowerment, GOI Ministry of Labour, GOI Counterparts from respective state governments
Meeting Dakar Goals: The Indian Perspectives
Integrated Chold Development Schemes being universalised- ECCE is an important component of the Scheme (Goal-1) Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (Movement for Education for All) launched with the aim of providing 8 years of quality education to all children in the age group 6-14 by 2010 (Goal 2 & 6) A comprehensive plan for adolescents, especially girls, in the 10th Five Year Plan ( ) (Goal 3) National Literacy Mission to provide functional literacy to all illiterates adults in the age group (Goal 3 & 4) * Achieve sustainable threshold level of 75% literacy by 2007 Special schemes targeted at girls, apart from general schemes, * Removal of all disparities, including gender, in primary (class I-V) by 2007 and elementary (I-VIII) by 2010 (Goal 5)
EFA Coordination MHRD National EFA Forum
NUEPA Team under the Guidance of Prof. R. Govinda State Level Nodal person State/Regional UNICEF Offices
Analysis of Six EFA Goals
EFA-MDA : India Country Report Part I. Will present an overview of Progress in the country with respect to the 6 EFA goals based on the technical guidelines for assessment prepared by UNESCO. Part II. Will consist of a series of thematic reviews papers Part III will consist of short analytical papers covering all states of India. Each thematic review as well as state level analytical review will be prepared by an established expert in the respective area/state in close collaboration with national and state governments.
Part-II Core and Additional Indicators for the Six Dakar Goals
Goal 1: Indicators for Early childhood Care and Education
Indicators to be Developed Gross Enrollment Rate (GER) in ECCE Programmes Percent of New Entrants to Grade 1 who have attended some form of organized ECCE programmers Private Enrolment as percentage of Total Enrolment in ECCE Programmes Percentage of Trained Teachers in ECCE Programs Pupil-Teacher Ratio (child-caregiver / child ratio)
Indicators for Early childhood care and Education..Contd
Under-five mortality Proportion of infants with low birth weight Vitamin A supplementation coverage rate Proportion of 1-year old children immunized against DPT3, Polio, Measles, Hepatitis, and other vaccine Proportion of population using improved drinking water sources Proportion of population using adequate sanitation facilities Proportion of children 0-6 months exclusively breastfeeding Proportion of under 5 children with anemia Birth registration rate
Goal2: Indicators for Universal Elementary Education
Gross Intake Rate (GIR) at elementary education (Number of new entrants to Grade 1 as a ratio of total population of 6yr old children) Net Intake Rate (NIR) elementary education Gross Enrolment Rate (GER) in elementary education [Lower Primary (Grade 1-5) Upper Primary (Grade 6-8) Lower Primary + Upper Primary] Net Enrolment Rate (NIR) in elementary education ( Lower Primary (Grade 1-5)Upper Primary (Grade 6-8)Lower Primary + Upper Primary) Repetition Rate (RR) by Grade in elementary education [Lower Primary (Grade 1-5), Upper Primary (Grade 6-8), Lower Primary + Upper Primary]
Indicators for Universal Elementary Education… Contd…
Survival Rate from Grade 1 to 5 Survival Rate from Grade 6 to 8 Survival Rate from Grade 1 to 8 Transition Rate (Lower Primary to Upper Primary ,Upper Primary to Secondary) Enrolment according to management type (Government, Private with Government aid, Private – self financing) Per cent of Trained Teachers Pupil-teacher ratio (Lower primary, Upper primary) Public Expenditure on Elementary Education as per cent of total Expenditure on Education
Additional Indicators - for Universal Elementary Education
Survival rate by grade Per cent of schools offering complete elementary education (Grade 1 to 8) Per cent of primary/elementary schools offering education in mother tongue Percentage distribution of students according to average distance between school and home
Goal 3: Indicators for Education of Adolescents and Young People
Youth Literacy Rate (15 – 24 yrs.) Youth unemployment rate Availability and utilization of school and community based counseling services for young people Participation rate of (out-of-school) adolescents and young people in accredited NFE programmes Incidence of substance abuse among young people Knowledge of HIV prevention practice among young people Estimated HIV prevalence rate
Goal 3 & 4: Indicators for Adult Literacy and Lifelong Learning
Adult Literacy Rate (15 years and above) Availability of continuing education facilities for adults (per 1000) Number of learners participating in literacy and continuing education programmes Percentage of completers out of total learners in literacy/continuing education programmes Number of literacy/continuing education programme facilitators Percentage of Facilitators with training Per cent of people who have passed basic literacy test after participating in the programme
Goal 5: Indicators for Gender Parity and Equality
Percent of female enrolment in ECCE elementary education secondary education higher/technical education Ratio of girls to boys in ECCE Repetition rate for girls as compared to boys Secondary education
Goal 5: Indicators for Gender Parity and Equality.. Contd..
Survival Rate for Girls as compared to Boys – reaching Grade 5 Grade 8 Percent of female teachers in elementary education secondary education higher/technical education Percentage of Schools with separate toilet for girls and boys Gender Parity Index for GER in ECCE
Goal 5: Indicators for Gender Parity and Equality.. Contd..
Gender Parity Index for NER in Elementary education secondary education Gender Parity Index for Transition rate from LPS to UPS Transition Rate from Elementary to Secondary Gender Parity Index for survival rate To Grade 5 To Grade 8
Goal 6: Indicators for Quality Education
Survival Rate in Elementary Education to Grade 5 to Grade 8 Percentage of teachers having the required academic qualification lower primary upper primary Percentage of teachers who possess according to national standards (NCTE) in ECCE Lower Primary Upper Primary Secondary
Goal 6: Indicators for Quality Education Contd..
Pupil- Teacher Ratio lower primary upper primary Secondary Pupil- Classroom Ratio Pupil- Textbook Ratio lower primary upper primary Public Expenditure on Education as per cent of Total Expenditure on Education Percentage of schools with drinking water facilities Lower primary upper primary Secondary Percentage of schools with sanitation facilities lower primary upper primary Secondary
Goal 6: Indicators for Quality Education Contd..
Percentage of teachers who have attended in-service training in the current year
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