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Welcome to Viking Days 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Viking Days 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Viking Days 2016

2 Welcome Vikings! 8th edition of Viking Days
| 2 Welcome Vikings! 8th edition of Viking Days No less than 45 Vikings from 12 countries Back to basics (matchmaking, relevant themes, Nordic meeting in one) Not just back to basics but back to our Viking roots as well Practical information (toilets, the yard, coffee/tea/water)

3 Program Presentation Achievements, achievements, achievements
| 3 Program Presentation Achievements, achievements, achievements Bilateral meetings Back to our Viking roots 3:-) Networking!!! ZZZZzzzzz Breakout sessions (sector, EIMC, open), Nordic Meeting More bilateral meetings See you in ? in 2017

4 30 Seconds! Presentations Name Office and specialisation
| 4 Presentations Name Office and specialisation A bit about me 30 Seconds!


6 Definition An Advisory Services Outcome (ASO) is:
2016 | 6 Definition An Advisory Services Outcome (ASO) is: the result of a service rendered by a Network partner to a client that gives a significant and clearly demonstrable impetus to the client's competitiveness at European level, thus leading to an improvement of its economic situation

7 3 ASO requirements European/international dimension of the service
2016 | 7 3 ASO requirements European/international dimension of the service Extensive follow-up on the client Drafted and implemented advisory plan Expected impact on the client's business Questionnaire on expected impact

8 The ASO process in theory
2016 | 8 The ASO process in theory Client intake Draft an advisory plan Implement an advisory plan Fully Partially Do not implement it Report Questionnaire 1 on expected impact

9 Draft an advisory plan Mandatory items of the advisory plan:
2016 | 9 Draft an advisory plan Mandatory items of the advisory plan: 1) Planned actions and follow-up 2) Expected impact from the service on the client’s business 3) Justification and track of any adjustments/modifications (if applicable) No requirements on the format Agreed with the client

10 Sample advisory plan EEN actions Client actions
Actions implemented 1 2 3 Deviations/readjustments (if applicable): Client actions Actions planned Third party actions (if applicable) Expected impact for the client: Comments:

11 Implementation of the advisory plan
2016 | 11 Implementation of the advisory plan 1) Fully The provided service is reported as an ASO if it had also: EU/international dimension Expected impact on the client's business 2) Partially 3) Do NOT implement the plan The provided service is NOT reported as an ASO.

12 Fill in Questionnaire 1 on expected impact Submit the ASO report
2016 | 12 Report Fill in Questionnaire 1 on expected impact Submit the ASO report Client's confirmation on the completed service -> Questionnaire 2 on actual impact

13 Client 1 - Expected Impact Questionnaire
I. Market improvement Is the support of the Network expected to contribute to:     1. Improving your company's positioning on the market? No     2. Increasing your company's market share?     3. Increasing your company's turnover? Yes, Estimate (in %):30000 II. Cost savings Is the support of the Network expected to contribute to:     4. Reducing your production costs (costs of materials, energy or labour) linked to a product/service?     5. Consolidating your position in the current markets?     6. Increasing the added value associated with products/services?     7. Developing your potential to enter into new markets?     8. Generating cost savings which will make your company more competitive? III. Job creation or maintenance Is the support of the Network expected to contribute to:     9. Maintain/preserve jobs in your company? Yes, Estimate (number):1     10. Create new jobs in your company? IV. Quality improvement Is the support of the Network expected to have a significant positive impact on your company in terms of:     11. Satisfaction of clients or business partners? Yes     12. Environmental record, working conditions or health and safety standards?     13. Quality of products/services? V. Innovation Is the support of the Network expected to enable your company increasing its competitiveness or sustainability by:     14. Embracing an innovation or an innovative technology/process?     15. Improving its innovation strategy or innovation (management) capacities?

14 ASO report WHO: Client WHY: Summary of client’s needs
2016 | 14 ASO report WHO: Client WHY: Summary of client’s needs WHAT: Description of the advice HOW: Implementation results Advisory plan fully implemented or Advisory plan partially implemented – why? 5. Follow-up 6. Findings from Questionnaire n°1 on expected impact

15 ASO or not? A Narnian company reads an article about IPR and contacts their local EEN as they have heard that they should check this. The EEN interviews the company and it turns out that the company has no real IPR problems to worry about. The company is very pleased and writes a mail to the EEN, thanking them for their effort. Is this an ASO or not?

16 ASO or not? A small business in Westeros needs funding to develop their business, selling dragon eggs. They consult their local EEN office which creates an action plan for them, advising them on various programmes. One of the programmes is a local funding scheme suitable for their needs. They apply with the help of the EEN and are successful. The company is now able to produce dragon eggs at a competitive price and they launch their products into the market in Westeros, where they earn a lot of money. They are very happy with the EEN services… Is this an ASO or not?

17 ASO or not? A small business in Mordor needs funding to develop their company which makes precious rings. They consult their local EEN office which creates an action plan for them, advising them on various programmes including the Horizon 2020 programme, under the subcall ”Open disruption in the hobbit jewellery industry”.They are provided with several weeks of assistance by their local region, and submit their application. The head of the company says that he has never experienced this high level of support from any business support organisation and is very confident that the application will kick start his business in the future. Is this an ASO or not?

18 2016 | 18 Registered ASOs in 2015 914

19 Important points: PA > ASO – you can change ASO to PA, but not the other way around; ASO have to show: Activity plan Impact European dimension ASO can take a long time and sometimes it’s just better to wait… No signatures on any Achievements – no-one can demand it from you

20 Bilateral Meetings Session 1
| 20 Bilateral Meetings Session 1 Meetings will take place here in Himmelev Please respect the bell Networking outside 

21 | 21 CoffeeBreak! 

22 | 22 Bilateral Session 2

23 Back to our viking roots
| 23 Back to our viking roots Meet in the lobby no later than 15.35 Bus people follow Louise Walking people follow Bogdan Tour will finish at –30 min. walk to get back to the hotel Dinner at 19.00 3:-) Networking

24 Good Morning Vikings! Any PAs yet ? Breakoutsession
| 24 Good Morning Vikings! Any PAs yet ? Breakoutsession Sector discussions EIMC Nordic Meeting in Room K7 Open Topic Meet back here at Bilateral sessions start at 11.15

25 | 25 Viking Days 2017 in ???

26 | 26 Lunch and Goodbye

27 Thank you for participating
| 27 Thank you for participating And see you soon 3:-)

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