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Published byJoy Cox Modified over 7 years ago
Overview and Preparation for the 2016–2017 DLM Alternate Assessment
Teacher Module
Preparation for DLM This presentation gives information on the use of DLM materials to prepare students for the spring alternate assessment. This presentation contains an overview of information on the required teacher training. Online training Moodle Training – Fall Policy 2340 Professional development videos (optional) Your District Test Coordinator can help answer any questions you may have.
DLM Information Presentations addressing the administration of the DLM and use of required forms will be posted after December 2016. This presentations should be viewed by Assessment Coordinators and Test Administrators (teachers administering the test). Teachers must follow Policy 2340 (provided locally) and all information outlined in this presentation.
List of Topics Basic Information Practice Testlets
Staff Roles and Responsibilities Required Training Preparation for Instruction and Assessment Professional Development and Educational Resources DLM Access Profile and First Contact Surveys Practice Testlets Instructional Testlets Engagement Activities Manuals and Resources Reminders
Basic Info The Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) is a computer-based assessment based on the Essential Elements (EEs). The WV state page is located at Grade specific test blueprints are available for English language arts (ELA), math and science. WV uses the Year End (YE) DLM model for spring assessment. Students in grades participate in ELA & Math. Students in grades 5, 8 and 10 participate in science. Test administration occurs between April 3 to June 9, 2017 DTC must provide the Policy 2340 training.
DLM-Computer Based Testing
The assessment is a computer adaptive assessment. The process is: A small set of items, called a testlet, then the system takes into account the level of difficulty of the test items and the students performance (correct or incorrect answers). Based on the student’s performance another testlet is selected, which contain items that are around the same level, somewhat easier, or somewhat harder than the last testlet (same, lower, or higher level skills are selected). An iterative process until the testlets address all Essential Elements in the YE test blueprint
Teacher Administered Tests
Some students will be assessed outside the DLM system via Teacher Administered tests. When this occurs a teacher will be asked to gather objects to use during the test. A student may sometimes have a teacher administered testlet, and other times not, based on the adaptive nature of the test and the level of testlet assigned to the student. Please note that this will fluctuate depending on the information about the student based on data entered in the First Contact Survey. Information on teacher administered testlets is found in the DLM Test Administrator’s Manual on the state webpage.
DLM Educator Roles Teachers are the Test Administrators and administer the assessment to their students. Other designated roles: District/School Assessment Coordinator District/School Data Manager District/School Technology Representative Principal Building Level Coordinator
Roles and Responsibilities
There are four specific roles for district educators in the DLM testing process. Your Assessment Coordinator should let you know how to contact them. Technology Representative Oversees computer and other technology device components to ensure district technology readiness and implementation (IT staff) See DLM site for required training manual Data Manager District administrator who collects and delivers all necessary data files to DLM and maintains accurate records for others Assessment Coordinator Point of contact for the school regarding DLM Oversees and assists teachers in their roles Schedules teacher training
Roles and Responsibilities
Test Administrator(Classroom Teacher) Individual teacher administers assessments to students and assists in the selection of accessibility features and necessary supports Complete Surveys Verify applicable students are on your assigned rosters Administer practice tests See DLM website for Test Administrator Manual (TAM)
Timeline - Teachers Summative Assessment April 3 - June 9, 2017
Gather manipulatives, administer student practice tests, and draft schedule for operational assessment Complete FC and AP student surveys Policy 2340 Summative Assessment Review student enrollment data and rosters Review manuals Use the ITI interface for instruction (Educator Portal User Guide pp.62-73). Complete DLM Required Training DLM professional development modules
Are You a “New” or “Returning” Test Administrator for 2016-2017?
In , if you: passed all four DLM modules AND clicked on the certificate links, you are a Returning Test Administrator. In most cases you administered DLM last year. However if you were designated as a back up TA, passed the modules/clicked certificates, but did not administer DLM, you are still considered a Returning Test Administrator. Read the Guide to Required Test Administrator.
Are You a “New” or “Returning” Test Administrator for 2016-2017?
In , if you did not pass all four DLM modules, OR you did not click on all of the certificate links, then you are considered a New Test Administrator
Are You a “New” or “Returning” Test Administrator for 2016-2017?
If you are working in a different district than you were last year, and In you passed the post tests and clicked on the certificates, and are listed in Moodle as a New Test Administrator this can be revised. Show the Moodle information to your Assessment Coordinator, and contact the Office of Assessment to request we change you in the system to a Returning Test Administrator. The DTC from the previous district may have a copy of the certificate from last year.
Required Reading Read the Guide to DLM Required Test Administrator Training Manual for important information on logging into Moodle, resetting passwords, post tests, facilitated versus self-directed training, etc.
DLM Required Training for Returning Test Administrators
In Moodle, the DLM required training has one module titled Returning Test Administrator Training – Review of the DLM Alternate Assessment System. This module takes approximately 45 minutes. View a refresher video about DLM assessments. Earn at least 80% on your first attempt of the refresher module and take the science module, you will have met all training requirements for If you score below 80% accurate the DLM system will provide and require additional training and post-tests.
DLM Required Training for New Test Administrators
In Moodle, the DLM required training has four modules. Part 1 – About the DLM System Part 2 – Understanding and Delivering Testlets Part 3 – Test Administration and Scoring Part 4 – Preparing to Administer the Assessment Modules are approximately 2.5 hours. After each module the teacher must independently complete a post test. If you score below 80% accurate on any post test, you must review the training materials again and retake the post test(s). You may take the tests as many times as necessary.
New Test Administrators Modules – Related Resources
New Test Administrators Modules Related Resources
Assessment Coordinator (DTC)Scheduled Training
Assessment Coordinators may train everyone as one group (Returning and New Test Administrators) using all four modules. After which you must independently and separately login in to Moodle click on Facilitated training (which in essence tells the system you don’t need to view the modules as someone else showed them to you) then take your assigned post test(s) one or four depending on your status
Assessment Coordinator Scheduled Training
Assessment Coordinators may choose to split the group into Returning Test Administrators and New Test Administrators for training. After which you must independently and separately login in to Moodle click on Facilitated training (which in essence tells the system you don’t need to view the modules as someone else showed them to you) then take your assigned post test(s).
Independent Training Your Assessment Coordinator may also choose to assign a time for you to separately view the module(s) then take the post test(s). If so then you need to login into Moodle, select Self-Directed training, view the module(s), then take the post test(s). Print out and retain the completion report for your records. Provide a copy or a screenshot of the completion to the DTC.
How Do I Access the Required Training Modules and Post Tests?
See the Guide to DLM Required Test Administrator Training for information on use of your login ID, password updates, Moodle site link, etc. Moodle accounts are created once the Educator Portal account for the teacher is activated. Allow five days.
Required Training Log in to Moodle at Total training time for new test administrators is estimated at approximately two and a half hours Returners should expect 45 minutes.
Instruction and Assessment
Preparation Instruction and Assessment
Teacher/Test Administrator
What do I need to do this school year to prepare? Review the training materials and PowerPoint presentations designed to prepare you for instruction and administration of the DLM. Prepare your students by providing instruction linked to the related DLM Essential Elements (EEs). See slides related to test blueprints and professional development modules on delivery of content. Develop instructional lessons related to the EEs and nodes. Incorporate math manipulatives, familiar texts, and writing tasks into your instruction.
Teacher/Test Administrator What do I need to do to prepare?
View 2-3 minute Instructional and Informational videos in preparation for assessment. Complete the First Contact Survey and Access Profile for each student on your rosters. Give students DLM practice tests. Check WV DLM webpage for training material updates. Provide instruction on the Essential Elements. See resources developed by WV educators at
Instructional Program Preparation
The Learning Map is a network of sequenced targets that show a learning landscape in which multiple skills are related to many other skills. Teachers and school program staff must review the Essential Elements (EEs) and Learning Map provided on the DLM website and implement individualized instruction related to the EEs. The Essential Elements are skill statements written to reflect an appropriate linkage level for students with significant cognitive disabilities. Review of the DLM skill statements in light of the test blueprint will guide the selection of appropriate skills for each student within the specific conceptual areas assessed.
DLM Web Page Sections
Essential Elements & Learning Maps
Learning Map and Test Blueprints
To obtain the YE assessment blueprints go to the DLM page then scroll down to obtain the blueprints for each subject. To obtain the learning map and mini-learning maps (small sections of the subject map), also contains the list of nodes (skills) and the sample mini-maps. Go to the essential element and click on the standards.
Test Blue Print
EEs, Nodes, and Mini-Maps
Below is an example of how the EE connects to the Common Core. It also includes some of the DLM skills (nodes) that relate to the EE, showing the two lowest levels. The five levels from lowest to highest are Initial Precursor, Distal Precursor, Proximal Precursor,Target, and Successor.
Mini Maps Sample Mini Map for Math Sample Mini Map for ELA
Use of the Learning Map Use of the learning map, the Essential Elements, nodes (skill statements related to the map), and the YE test blueprint will guide instruction, assist in selecting individualized targeted skills related to the Essential Elements and help prepare students for the DLM assessment. School program staff and specialists will assist in the development of instructional plans based on the DLM learning map and YE test blueprints. The DLM provides Professional Development Modules that are designed to teach conceptual areas related to Essential Elements.
Which EEs are Tested? Use the educator resource page for ELA and math to review which EEs are tested on the DLM. The screenshot below shows how the EE’s are assigned to specific grade levels.
Instructional Videos The DLM has created new Instructional and Informational videos that can be obtained through the Educator Resource page related to the following: Accessing and maneuvering through Ed Portal Testlet Overviews Viewing these videos would be beneficial prior to taking the training modules.
Videos on the Educator Resource
All this information will guide you through the system Videos on the Educator Resource Surveys •Overview of Testlets Overview of the DLM-AAS •Verifying Data and Rosters •How to Access Testlets
DLM Materials for Review
Math glossary and information provided on the use of manipulatives The math glossary and list of grade-level manipulatives are useful to know as you provide student instruction. Use of the glossary terms and manipulatives during instruction will help students learn and also help prepare for the assessment.
Educator Resources: Math Glossary and Materials
General Information The DLM Educator Resource page contains important information including Essential Elements, Learning Maps and resources. Familiar Texts used for ELA assessment Optional Instructionally Embedded Window Materials Writing testlet administration Sample testlet information pages Tested Essential Elements The total number of testlets for each grade, etc.
Familiar Texts •These links will provide you with access to the familiar text for each grade level
Test Administrators Educator Resource Page for YE ELA & Mathematics
Math glossary Familiar texts Writing FAQs & Video Sample testlets Instructional Videos: Educator Portal , ITI, data validation, etc. Educator Resource Page for Science Sample testlets, practice activities and essential elements Instructional activities
Professional Development Modules
DLM professional development (PD) modules support the design and delivery of this instruction. These modules are different from the required DLM training modules, they are recommended, but are not mandatory. The PD modules on topics related to math, writing, and reading instruction provide information that is useful for classrooms and school programs. Topics are broad and include information about alternate pencils (writing topic), algebraic thinking, predictable chart writing, place value, etc. Topic selection is based on a teacher’s interest in specific areas. Modules are arranged by DLM Claim or alphabetically.
DLM Professional Development
PD Checklist A checklist that lists the titles of all of the professional development modules is available. This may help you decide which ones you want to view, and which ones you have completed.
Professional Development
Recap of Materials Using the following DLM resources will help to instruct your students and prepare them for assessment Professional Development Modules Essential Elements which note the grade level and target skills Mini Maps which connect the EE’s five linkage levels
Accessing and Using Educator Portal
After the District Data Manager completes the student enrollment file updates and the rosters, you will need to do the following in Educator Portal Review the student rosters and verify that all your students who are taking the DLM are on your rosters. check spelling of students’ first and last name, grade and other demographics. Then teacher completes the students’ First Contact survey assists/selects the accessibility features and necessary supports to be delivered during DLM testing by completing the Access Profile for each student. See Test Administrator Manual, the Accessibility Manual, and other pertinent information on the state webpage.
Accessing and Using Educator Portal
All passwords for Educator portal need to be updated through the link ed from KITE in July. If link is expired, click on Forgot Password and then follow directions from new Please write down and save password in a secure location and do not share it. The online DLM Security Agreement needs to be completed in Educator Portal; you must physically click on “I agree” and then click save. If agreement does not automatically pop-up, then go to “My Profile” on the right hand side of the screen and then update Security Agreement. Once enrollment has been completed, your Data Manager will let you know when you can verify your student rosters.
Accessing and Using Educator Portal
All teachers need to complete the AP and First Contact surveys for each student once rosters become available. New Teachers will need to receive an from the Data Manager and DLM with their username and password, then activate the login account, in order to complete required work. Description of the surveys: First Contact Survey (FCS): A survey used to collect background information about students who are eligible for DLM alternate assessments.The survey asks questions about the student’s level of skills in ELA and Math and assists in the selection of the level of test items (node linkage levels) Access Profile (AP): The Access profile was formerly the Personal Needs Profile (PNP): Student-specific information that tells KITE Client about individual users’ needs which includes information needed to make the student’s user interface compatible with his or her accessibility needs. These surveys need to be completed by February 2017.
Accessing and Using Educator Portal
•This is an example of the DLM “student record” for someone on your roster. •It shows if you have completed the Access Profile and First Contact Survey. If RESTRICTED appears next to your username and password, this indicates that either you •did not yet pass the mandatory modules (80% correct) or •did not agree to accept the security agreement when initially logging into Educator Portal •Both of these issues must be fixed in order to continue your tasks. •More information can be found by viewing the Personal Learning Profile video in Ed Resources.
Accessibility Supports
DLM offers a variety of accessibility supports during assessment. These supports are delivered through the KITE system and are determined by responses to the First Contact and Access Profile (AP) survey. Troubleshooting solutions in selecting supports can be found in the Accessibility Manual.
Accessibility Supports
•You must review the Accessibility Manual for important information regarding completing the AP survey and administering the DLM. The manual includes Six Steps to Customize DLM Accessibility Supports for Students: •Step 1: Include Eligible Students in the DLM Alternative Assessment •Step 2: Learn About the Accessibility Supports •Step 3: Discuss and Select appropriate Supports: Considerations for IEP Teams •Step 4: Selecting and viewing supports in the KITE System •Step 5: Prepare for the Assessment: Using the Chosen Accessibility Supports •Step 6: Evaluate the Accessibility Supports Used After the Assessment
Making sure students can access the test
DLM Practice Testlets
Practice Activities & Released Testlets
Practice testlets are available on the DLM KITE system and should be administered to the students prior to testing. Practice testlets include specific accessibility features. Select the practice testlets (“demos”) based on the Access Profile features. The purpose of using the practice items are to confirm that a specific accessibility feature used in the practice testlet is appropriate for the student. If not you may revise the Access Profile before administering the first operational (non-practice) testlet. give the student experience with the online test experience prior to answering live test questions. This allows the student and teacher to be aware of the computer features, and helps to determine whether the student or teacher would “drive” (use the computer mouse) during testing. •57
Practice Testlets Refer to the Test Administration manual along with the Guide to Practice Activities & Released Testlets for information on accessing practice testlets. Guide to Practice Activities & Released Testlets YE (pdf) Practice testlets login ID always start with “demo” for the login info. Personalized practice testlets are not available in the DLM system.The practice test button seen on screen after logging in to a student’s account does not function. DO NOT use the student’s login ID and password when looking for practice tests! •58
Engaging the Students DLM engagement activities are present in the
math and ELA reading testlets. The engagement activities do not require a student response to a DLM test question. The test administrator will engage the student in the activity and may ask factual questions but not lead them to answers. The activities are meant to give the student a context for the questions, taps and activates prior knowledge and experience, and/or introduces the concept(s) to be addressed. •59
Engagement in Math Each math testlet will have an engagement
activity prior to the first test question. The test administrator may choose to ask the student factual questions about the text and graphics to facilitate interaction with the material. The engagement activity does not require a DLM test question response; it is meant to give the student a context for the questions and activate prior knowledge. •60
Engagement in Math Scenario
The picture above shows an example of the first page prior to the test questions that can be utilized as the engagement activity in Math. A Test Administrator can only ask factual questions such as: Who is in the picture? Where does Jay work? What does Jay do? •61
Engagement in ELA - Reading
The first time the text is read acts as the engagement activity. This first read-through is considered a shared reading activity. The test administrator may ask factual questions about the text and graphics. This is to facilitate student interaction and engagement with the information, with the hope of promoting student comprehension. For example,“what is the boy holding in the picture?”,“how many turtles are on the rock?”, etc. •62
ELA Reading Engagement – Video of Classroom
The web link below brings you to a video of a elementary school student and his teacher as she demonstrates how to correctly engage the student in an ELA text. She is engaging the student in the first read of the text. As you listen to the video, notice the factual questions she asked her student about the text and graphics. Reminder that you may not provide the same level of interaction the second time the student reads the text. The second read is strictly for assessment purposes, and the student must read/listen to the text and answer the questions without teacher engagement. •63
Prompting Not Allowed Verbal, gestural, model, and physical prompting is not allowed during the administration of any DLM testlet. Students may not be given any help to answer the questions. If a student does not answer a question, the test administrator may repeat the test question and then pause an appropriate amount of time for a student to process the question and select an answer. If the student still does not answer the question the teacher must mark “no response” when it is listed as one of the response options; else if “no response” is not one of the options, then do not mark any option. Continue to the next test question after leaving the prior answer blank. •64
Clarification Allowed If Needed
Some test item directions ask the teacher to say “Show me the ….” This may not be the language you typically use when asking a student a question. When necessary, after stating the phrase “Show me the …,” you may restate the phrase for clarification by saying either of the following: “Look at the …” “Point to the …” “Touch the …” For example, the teacher may say “Show me the red marker.” Then for clarification the teacher says “Point to the red marker.” •65
Test Administrators Manuals and Resources
Required Reading It is imperative that all DLM manuals and documents be reviewed as they provide the most detailed information related to preparation and test administration. Specialized video and taped webinars on specific topics are also available. WV Alternate Summative Assessment materials are also important as they provide WV specific policy and information as well as highlight DLM content. Prior to contacting your district/school Assessment Coordinator for assistance please ensure you have referred to all provided resources and cite which manual was accessed for clarification.
DLM Materials for Review
The DLM state webpage contains updated manuals and information as well as some files that are not yet updated. As DLM or WVDE revises documents you will see a note to the right of the title with the date of the update. Please make sure you access only current materials, and if need be wait to download some documents until you see the new version indication.
Website Navigation DLM state web page: includes required WV training materials, important forms, manuals, and helpful hint documents and videos..
Accessibility Manual Accessibility Manual-Make sure to retrieve the most recent version which is designated by date in RED. Be sure to use the practice prior to the test that matches the accessibility features selected.
Test Administrator Manual (TAM)
Located on DLM state home page Scroll all the way down the page to the Test Administrator Manual Make sure to retrieve the most recent version which is designated by date in RED.
Which Site Should You Use?
DLM State Website Educator Portal Moodle KITE Client Subscribe to Test Updates Various Forms Student Rosters Training Modules Student Operational Testlets Technology Specs Resources AP/FC Surveys Certificates Practice Testlets (demo.lisa) Manuals WV PPTs. Student TIPs Page Utilize Student Usernames and passwords PDs Instructional and Informational Videos Retrieval of Student Username and Passwords EE’s/ Blueprints WV Security Agreements Student Record Overlay Policy 2340 DLM Security Agreement
KITE Client versus Educator Portal
“KITE is for Kids” Access student operational testlets Practice testlets (e.g., demo.lisa) Utilize student usernames and passwords “Educator Portal is for Educators” Utilize teachers username and passwords Access to student rosters Access Profile/First Contact Surveys TIPs page Retrieval of student usernames and passwords
Resources for How to Navigate Educator Portal
Instructions for getting started in Educator Portal is a step by step video located on the Educator Resource page. Scroll down and click onto the desired video, transcript and or slides.
Educator Resource Videos
Is KITE Client and Educator Portal Operating Normally?
The status code indicates if the KITE system and Educator Portal is operating normally. Check the status before logging in to either system. A code of yellow or red will indicate any problems and whether the system is unavailable for use.
Technology Updates If experiencing any technology issue, please see your Assessment Coordinator and/or Technology Representative. New Technology specs have been released and updates need to be completed by the district/school Technology Representative. Visit the state webpage to obtain KITE Client requirements and instructions.
DLM Reminders Educators must regularly check the DLM state webpage for material updates. Teachers should subscribe to the automatic test updates on the DLM state webpage. The website contains all training materials, web links, and important information regarding preparation and implementation of the DLM. Educators must frequently review the website for updated resources and manuals; no single presentation can deliver all details needed for DLM administration. If you download, make sure you always use the most recent version (updates are identified in RED).
WV Resources The instructional resources include an interim assessment for each standard. All of the resources are provided to support instruction of the essential elements.
Questions? Melissa Gholson
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