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txGradebook for Teachers

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1 txGradebook for Teachers
Information Systems

2 Benefits txGradebook is real time! This means as soon as a student is enrolled in your class by the office, he/she will be in your gradebook. txGradebook will be part of an integrated system. This means that the information available comes from the district database. Teachers will have access to student information such as attendance, special population indicators, contact information and STAAR scores. Teachers will create and maintain their own security access. Teachers will post attendance online. Available from home 24 Hours a Day txGradebook has a parent portal component so that parents will be able to monitor student’s grades and attendance. The parent portal is txConnect. Parents can also use txConnect to register to receive a PDF version of report cards and progress reports.

3 Accessing the txGradebook
Click txGradebook link under For Staff OR ITCCS txGradebook shortcut on the Favorites bar. On your first login, click on link under New User. All teachers must sign in as a new user the first time of the new school year.

4 Create User ID Enter 9-digit Employee ID number. Use leading zeros. (Example: ). Enter Last Name and First Initial. This should be your legal name. Click Next. * If you can’t get past Step 1 check with the Campus Data Clerk to make sure you are in the ITCCS teacher file correctly.

5 Create User ID Type User ID. Type Password
Type Password again to confirm. Type PIN number. Type in your District address Be sure to follow the criteria for each field! Be sure to write down your login information!

6 Hint: Answers are case sensitivity
Create User ID Select and answer 3 hint questions from the dropdown box. One of these questions will appear if you forget your password. Hint: Answers are case sensitivity

7 Home Page District and campus announcements Options are: Attendance
Grades Reports Settings Teacher name and campus name are displayed in top right corner. If you teach at multiple campuses, there will be a drop down option at campus name.

8 Posting Attendance Go to Attendance.
Date will default to current date. Posting to prior dates is not allowed. According to TEA, teachers are responsible for the accuracy of their attendance. All tardies and absences are posted to the online system.

9 Posting Attendance Secondary: A student will be counted absent for any class period to which he/she is 15 or more minutes late. The student shall be counted tardy when he/she is less than 15 minutes late to any class period. Elementary: Attendance is posted once a day to the Attendance Posting period at 9:30 a.m. PK Afternoon must be posted at 1:00 p.m. Remember to go to Settings/Update Profile and uncheck Combine Courses in Attendance.

10 Posting Attendance Student attendance will default to Present. Teacher will mark student absent or tardy as applicable. After all students have been marked correctly, enter PIN and click Post Attendance. You must post attendance even if all students are present. After posting, changes must be sent to the office clerk. Pre-posted attendance will display on the screen and cannot be changed by teacher. New students will be indicated with NEW beside name. New students cannot be posted absent.

11 Posting Attendance – Printing reports
Report can be printed after posting attendance by clicking on PRINT. Reports can be printed for future days – they will include blank lines next to each attendance option.

12 Settings - Seating Chart Setup
If setting up before the first day of school, select August 22th. The date will default to the current date. If you are going to Combine Courses in Attendance, it is recommended you flag before setting up seating charts. Select the Semester and Period. Under Layout Options, select from the dropdown box your preferred layout. If you select Blank, students will be listed to the right of the seating chart and you can drag/drop students to the desired seat. Enter the number of Rows and Columns. Click Preview Layout to display seating chart. You can move around student boxes to change the seat location. Student boxes are color-coded by gender. Click on the student id for demographic information. Click Show Pictures to view pictures instead. Enter PIN number and SAVE when completed.  To print the seating chart, select Reports – Seating Charts

13 Settings - Seating Chart Setup

14 Student Information Screens
For each screen with students, the student id is hyperlinked. Click on the student id to view student information. Student information screens available are demographic information including special programs, attendance, schedule, and assessment scores. Examples of screens that contain the student information link are attendance posting, assignment grade posting and cycle grade posting.

15 Student Information Screens - Attendance
Teacher can select From and To Date when printing attendance reports. Totals of Unexcused absences, Excused absences and Tardies for the specified date range will display.

16 Student Information Screens - Schedule

17 Student Information Screens – STAAR Objectives

18 Student Information Screens – STAAR Scores

19 Student Information Screens – STAAR 3-8 Scores

20 Student Information Screens – PSAT

21 Student Information Screens – Restrictions
Screen includes student’s chosen mailing restrictions.

22 Course Groupings Go To Settings > Course Grouping

23 Course Groupings Name Your Group and click “Add Group”
Now click the spy glass to edit your new group and add the desired courses Once you have the courses you want click save in the lower right hand corner You have successfully created a group

24 Categories Go to Settings > Administrator Categories

25 Categories – select course/assign weight type
Select a course-section from the dropdown box. If the course is part of a group, you will receive a message that maintenance will be done to all courses. Select a Weighting Type. For examples of formulas, use the help screen. Percentage - If you select percent-based weighting, you will assign percentages to each category. Point - If you select point-based weighting, a point value for each category will be updated automatically with each assignment entered. The average for the category will be calculated based on the total possible points. See formula example located in the HELP screen. Multiplier - If you select multiplier-based weighting, you will provide a multiplier number (between 1-9) for each category. For multipliers greater than one, the individual assignment grades are counted multiple times.

26 Categories - add categories
Select from the Available Categories list. Click and drag the category to the Selected Categories Box. Repeat this step for each desired category. If desired, select a color code for each category. You can delete a category if no assignments have been added.

27 Categories – assign category weights
When you choose your categories, assign the weight for each category and number of drops. Number of drops will be the number of lowest assignment grades dropped from the cycle average. Click the double-arrow to apply to other cycles. Enter PIN number and click SAVE when completed. Click on the link to copy categories to other course-sections. Category set-up will automatically be applied to other courses in the group.

28 Categories – copy to other course sections
To copy the existing category set up, click on the copy box for each applicable course section for the current semester. Enter PIN and click COPY. The existing categories will now be applied to the selected course sections. Click Back to Categories when finished.

29 Categories - Reminders
Since categories can only be deleted if they have no assignments, it is easier for you to have categories set correctly before you begin to add assignments. Categories are campus defined. Percentage weights for categories must equal 100%. Category settings affect the calculation of the cycle average. If you need multiple categories to count equally, use the multiplier and assign all categories a value of 1. Some Campuses may have fixed weighted categories check with your administration.

30 Assignments Go to Settings > Administer Assignments

31 Assignments – add assignments
Select the course from the dropdown box. Type the assignment name. Give each assignment a unique name. Select the appropriate category from the dropdown box. Enter Date Assigned and/or Date Due. Click on the calendars provided, if needed. These date fields are optional and if no date is entered, the field will remain blank. Sort options are available if dates are present.

32 Assignments – add assignments
Enter Total Points allowed. Check box if assignment is for extra credit. Click Add New Assignments button to continue adding assignments. When finished, enter PIN and click SAVE. Click on link to copy assignments to other course sections.

33 Assignments – copy to other course sections
Check the boxes for the assignments to copy. Check the cycles for each course section that apply or check the box under cycle for all courses. Enter your PIN. Click Copy. Click the link Back to Assignments to return.

34 Assignments – Reminders
Once assignment grades have been added, the assignment cannot be deleted unless assignment grades are deleted. If assignment has a Date Due, grades will not be calculated for students that enroll after that date. A teacher may enter as many or as few assignments as they want during a session. They do not have to be entered for an entire cycle or semester. There has to be at least one category created before assignments can be added. If a category has a specified number of drops, all assignments in that category should have the same total point value or the cycle average may be different than expected. For example, for best functionality all assignments in that category would have a total point value of 100.

35 Posting Assignment Grades
Go to Grades > Assignment Grades.

36 Posting Assignment Grades – Entering Grades
Select the course section or course group. The current semester cycle will default. Click Retrieve Data. Design the screen to display individual or all for fields: category, assignment, specific due date or student. Elect to display withdrawn students. When keying grades by assignment, press ENTER or up/down arrow keys. To enter grades by student, press TAB. Enter PIN and click SAVE to update.

37 Posting Assignment Grades – Features
Calculate Average button shows cycle averages before updating. At the bottom, select to sort the page by due date. Button to fill in grade. Option to Exclude all students from the assignment. Assignment average at the bottom. Select the number of assignments to display. Use the Next/Previous links to move between screens. Select to Hide the Menu. Cycle grades below 70 will be in red.

38 Posting Assignment Grades – Transfer Students
For transfer students, click on the T icon to display the Transfer Walk In Average screen. If the student is transferring from the same course, the current cycle average will be displayed. Teachers can elect to accept the transfer grade and also choose the cycle weight to assign to the grade. If student was not previously in that course or at that campus, teachers can enter a transfer grade and assign cycle weight. This transfer grade will be averaged into the student’s cycle grade based on the designated weight. Transfer students will automatically be exempt from any assignments due before the entry date. Exemption is denoted by an “X” by the assignment grade. If no due date was entered, exemptions can be added by clicking on the Note Icon and selecting Exclude.

39 Posting Assignment Grades – Comments
The note icon beside each grade allows the teacher to post a comment and/or indicate if the assignment is exempt, late, redo or accommodated. The comment box has an option to include comments on a progress report and will be viewable on the parent access website. Able to import CSV and Text Files

40 Posting Assignment Grades – Reminders
To update grades, you must enter PIN and click SAVE. Cycle averages will be updated each time a grade change is made. Students will be shaded until posted. If an assignment is for extra credit, enter only the amount of points to be added to the average of the category. Extra credit points will be added to the students overall category grade total but will not be counted in the number of assignments when averaging. Extra credit points can be added to a regular assignment. Grades should be posted by Monday each week. Numeric or alpha grades can be entered. The cycle average will still be calculated numerically based on the value of the alpha character. Alpha grades are calculated into the average based on the district value assigned. “M” (Missing) entered as an assignment grade will be calculated as a zero, “I” (Incomplete) entered as an assignment grade will result in an “I” as the cycle average, and blank assignment grades will not be calculated at all in the cycle average. Lowest grades “dropped” will be italicized. Working cycle average will print on the system generated withdrawal form.

41 Posting Cycle Averages
Go to Grades > Cycle & Semester Averages.

42 Posting Cycle Averages – Posting Grades
The screen will default to the current semester/cycle. Select the course section from the drop down box and click RETRIEVE. Previous cycle grades and current semester average will be displayed. The current cycle average will be the student’s working cycle average to date. To override the cycle grade, enter in the new grade in the override field. Citizenship will be keyed on this screen. It will default to “S”. (Elementary key only to Language – Period 1) Enter PIN and click SAVE to update any changes to the screen.

43 Posting Cycle Averages – More Features
Click on Calculate Semester Average to view the semester average before saving any changes. Click on the PRINT button to print the screen. When it is time to post, click on Ready to Post. It will only appear when cycle has been opened to post. Enter PIN to verify.

44 Posting Cycle Averages – Reminders
Teachers may continue to post grades until the campus cut off time. After that, changes must be made by office data clerk. Even if there are no changes, teachers must still go to this screen and click ready to post!! Teachers must click Ready to Post for all courses. Pre-posted exam grades will be displayed and cannot be changed by the teacher. Secondary - Semester Exam Grades are added to the Cycle Grade screen

45 Interim Progress Reports
Go to Grades > IPR Comments

46 Interim Progress Reports – Comments
Select course section. Working cycle average is displayed. Enter comment codes. Click on the Comment Code Legend tab for descriptions. Click on icon under NOTE for an additional comment box. To update comment codes, enter PIN and click SAVE. To clear all comments and notes, click on the link Clear All Comments and Notes.

47 Interim Progress Reports
Go to Grades > Print IPR or Print IPR by Average. Print IPR Average will allow to select students in all course sections with a working cycle average below the amount entered. Information Systems will provide Progress Reports for campuses at 3 week interim. Campus staff will notify you of cut off times.

48 Interim Progress Reports - Printing
To select only students in the course by grade average, enter a grade in the Select Students Below…” field. Select the appropriate box for the type of IPR desired. This Class prints a detailed IPR of the selected course section. All My Classes will print an IPR with cycle averages for each of the student’s courses taught by the teacher. If selecting all classes, the box for detailed view becomes available. This will print a detailed IPR for all classes. A CHECK ALL box is available at the column heading for each selection. Click PRINT SELECTED IPRs to print.

49 Printed IPR Comments entered IPR Wide Note field will print on all student IPRs. Select option to print a parent signature line. Any comments entered for individual assignments that were elected to be displayed will print on the IPR. If the assignment was marked as Late or Redo an X will appear in the column. If the assignment was marked exclude, it will have “excluded” in the grade column. “Dropped” will appear beside dropped grades. Click PRINT button to print IPRs. Printed copy will include campus heading, To the Parents of mailing address and parent signature line. Campus heading includes the date/time IPR was produced.

50 Student Groups Settings > Student Group Manager

51 Settings - Student Group Manager
Allows you to create and maintain groups of students for reporting purposes. Groups can be created campus wide with administrator authorization. Create as many groups as you want. You can monitor those students with the following reports: Attendance Summary Student Grades UIL report

52 Settings - Student Group Manager
1) Click Add Group and give your group a name. 2) Click the Edit button (spyglass) for a list of available students. 3) Select students by clicking under Add column and use the Add arrow to move to your group. Use Search options to minimize your list.

53 Reports Teacher can generate their own reports. Available reports are: Blank/Missing Assignment Grades, Cycle Grade Range, Assignment Grades, Missing Exam, Class Roster and UIL Reports. UIL reports are only available to select teachers. Class Roster report has the Excel export option. To access reports, click on Reports. Select the desired report.

54 Reports –Blank/Missing Reports

55 Reports –Cycle Grade Range Reports

56 Reports – Assignment Grade Reports

57 Reports - UIL Report (only for selected teachers)

58 Reports – Class Roster

59 Reports – Missing Exam Grades

60 Reports – Attendance Verification
This report must be run for 2nd period each 6 weeks, signed and turned in to attendance clerk. This is an audit document. Make sure to include withdrawn students.

61 Reports – Attendance Verification

62 Help Screens Help Screens are available at any screen in txgradebook.
Click on ? on the top right-hand corner.

63 Update Profile Update profile allows the teacher to change the password or hint questions at any time. Teacher can also enter a phone number or notes which will be viewable on the parent access website.

64 Reset Password If your sign-on becomes inactive, contact campus data clerk to reset you. After the clerk as reset your user id, select the link under Forgot your Password on the login screen to assign yourself a new password.

65 Reset Password At the first screen, enter Staff ID (9 digit employee ID number) and User ID. The next screen will ask a hint question. The hint answers are case sensitive. If this question is answered correctly, the next screen will prompt you to change the password. The password cannot be the same password previously used.

66 Conclusion If you need additional help involving categories, assignments or assignment grades in txgradebook, contact your campus Instructional Technology specialist. If you have questions regarding the posting of attendance or cycle grades, speak to your office data clerk. If need be, they will contact Information Systems. URL for home access is Check System Requirement under the HELP screen. NOTE: Information Systems and Instructional Technology will not be able to provide support for access from home.

67 Contacts – Common Issues
Campus Data Clerk Account is locked Error on Registration Step 1 Staff ID: To make sure you are in the iTCCS system with the correct employee id. IT Help Desk Account is Locked txGradebook site is not available Information Systems Errors occur on the screen “How To” questions Instructional Technology Specialist Suggestions for best practices


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