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Tom Demark Alternative Trading Strategies NH FUTURES.

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Presentation on theme: "Tom Demark Alternative Trading Strategies NH FUTURES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tom Demark Alternative Trading Strategies NH FUTURES

2 THE TEAM Linh Shin Ashutosh Zi Xiao Nick Daniel
Before we start, I would like to present our team. My name is dina & I will be starting off the presentation, followed by grace, amanda, cheryl, joyce & aveline. Zi Xiao Daniel Nick

3 1. 2. 3. Single strategy back-test Combined strategy back-test
Product introduction 2. 3.

4 1. Introduction

5 ABOUT NIKKEI 225 1949 Reflect Japanese stock market Price-Weighted
Top 225 top-rated blue chip stocks Tokyo stock exchange

6 ABOUT NIKKEI 225 Ticker Symbol : NKD
Size: $5 x Nikkei 225 stock average Tick size: 5 pt = $25 Trading hrs: M-F 5pm Last trading days: 4.15pm prior to 2nd Friday of contract month Months: 4 quarters Min block trade: 50 contracts Price limits: 8/12/16% up/down Settlement: Cash settled = determined on 2nd Friday by Osaka Security exchange

7 LIQUIDITY Second most active Nikkei futures
Volume 10k-20k contract per day Daily turn over 23 billion USD (SGX & CME) > turnover of top 5 ETF tracking Nikkei 225 Growing open interest among asset managers Net position >= 40% in the past years

8 Mutual offset system Special arrangement btw CME & SGX
Take position & close position on either exchange Execute in both markets

9 Market participants Purpose Institutional clients & investors
Hedge funds Purpose Speculative Hedging

10 BENEFITS International exposure Global availability
Mutual offset system Sophisticated trading Security central clearing

11 2. Single strategy back-test

12 Signal generation Number of signals Time(min)

13 Camouflage BUY T-stat(no comm)
T-stat negative  consider flipped signals  Sell at every buy signal

14 Camouflage BUY - flipped
Best holding period: 17 T-stat: 1.39 Probability of win: 64% Average gain: $201.73 Average loss: $143.43 Total P&L: $2551.4 Number of trades: 55 T-stat & P&L(after com)

15 Camouflage BUY - flipped
Equity Curve Sharpe Ratio Max drawdown:

16 Camouflage SELL Best holding period: 3 T-stat: 2.83 (after comm)
Probability of win: 76.7% Average gain: $47.62 Average loss: $43.32 Total P&L: $633.90 Number of trades: 38 T-stat & P&L

17 Camouflage SELL Equity Curve Sharpe Ratio: 0.46 Max Drawdown:


19 CLOPWIN BUY T-stat & P&L both negative T-stat & P&L (after com)
Best holding period: 16 T-stat: (after comm) T-stat before comm: 0.655 Probability of win: 48.7% Average gain: $105.37 Average loss: $115.52 Total P&L: -$ Number of trades: 4820 T-stat & P&L (after com)

20 CLOPWIN BUY Equity Curve Sharpe Ratio: Max Drawdown

21 CLOPWIN SELL T-stat & P&L after com Best holding period: 17
T-stat: 2.07 (after comm) Probability of win: 53.6% Average gain: $153.17 Average loss: $131.54 Total P&L: $ Number of trades: 2119 T-stat & P&L after com

22 CLOPWIN SELL Equity Curve Sharpe Ratio : 0.045 Max Drawdown

23 Clop BUY T-stat & P&L after com Best holding period: 1
T-stat: 2.56 (after comm) Probability of win: 60.5% Average gain: $51.58 Average loss: $46.92 Total P&L: $1522.2 Number of trades: 212 T-stat & P&L after com

24 Clop BUY Equity curve Sharpe Ratio: 0.176 Max Drawdown

25 Clop sell T-stat & P&L Best holding period: 1
T-stat: 5.06 (after comm) Probability of win: 70.4% Average gain: $52.21 Average loss: $53.28 Total P&L: $ Number of trades: 243 T-stat & P&L

26 Clop SELL Equity curve Sharpe Ratio: 0.176 Max Drawdown

27 Open BUY T-stat T-stat negative  consider flipped signals
 Sell at every buy signal

28 Open BUY - FLIPPED T-stat & P&L Best holding period: 9
T-stat: (after comm) Probability of win: 53.5% Average gain: $118.9 Average loss: $110.92 Total P&L: $2005.1 Number of trades: 274 T-stat & P&L

29 OPEN BUY - FLIPPED Equity curve Sharpe Ratio: 0.176 Max Drawdown

30 Open SELL T-stat & P&L Best holding period: 1
T-stat: (after comm) Probability of win: 53.5% Average gain: $54.48 Average loss: $49.73 Total P&L: $875.5 Number of trades: 284 T-stat & P&L

31 OPEN sell Equity curve Sharpe Ratio: 0.060 Max Drawdown

32 trap BUY T-stat Best holding period: 1 T-stat: 1.77 (after comm)
Probability of win: 55.1% Average gain: $89.9 Average loss: $76.78 Total P&L: $ Number of trades: 657 T-stat

33 trap BUY Equity curve Sharpe Ratio: Max Drawdown

34 trap sell T-stat Best holding period: 19 T-stat: 2.62 (after comm)
Probability of win: 58.3% Average gain: $328.05 Average loss: $226.02 Total P&L: $ Number of trades: 692 T-stat

35 trap sell Equity curve Sharpe Ratio: 0.099 Max Drawdown

36 5.06 STRATEGY SELECTION T-stat > 2 Highest T-stat Camouflage sell
CLOP SELL 5.06 Clop buy Trap sell Clop sell Clopwin sell

37 outsample testing Holding period: 1 Equity Curve
T-stat: (after comm) Probability of win: 56.86% Average gain: $57.73 Average loss: $47.30 Total P&L: $376.40 Number of trades: 77 Equity Curve

38 3. Combined strategies back-test

39 SIGNAL GENERATION Short strategies Long strategies
Difficult to get common signals

40 CLOP BUY – OPEN BUY Equity Curve T-stat & P&L

41 CLOP SELL – OPEN SELL Equity Curve T-stat & P&L


43 evaluation Flipped strategy is not exactly 1:1
Commissions do play a role in choosing the right strategies Risks associated to traders Strategies Selection Process – purely based on t-stat Points for improvement: considering other factors such as DeMark Sequential

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