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Loflin Middle School Parent Meeting

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1 Loflin Middle School Parent Meeting 2017-2018

2 Volleyball 7th Grade Practice starts August 22nd, 2nd day of school.
Practice in the morning (on the Court at 6:30 am) doors open at 6:15 am. Drop off in the back on the Caddo Side of the school. Practice will be over at 7:50 to give time to eat breakfast and change clothes. There will be no practice the day after games. ****** We will take girls for 7th grade.

3 Volleyball 8th Grade Practice starts August 22nd, 2nd day of school.
Practice afterschool 4:15pm – 5:30pm. Pick up on the Caddo Side of the school. Please try to be there by 5:45 pm or make arrangements for them to be picked up. Wednesdays- Kids may leave early for church. The kids just need to let their coach know ahead of time. No practice on Game days or Fridays.****** We will take girls for 8th grade.

4 Volleyball GAME DAYS Game times: (C)5:00, (B)6:00, and (A)7:00.
Schedules are on LMS athletic webpage. Food: Food is to be brought to the back on the Caddo Side of the school at the designated times. Athletes will meet you to get their food, then head to the locker rooms to get changed. Attire: Athletes will dress up on HOME GAME DAYS (Church like attire, No Jeans and No T-Shirts) Athletes will be allowed to wear a spirit shirt and jeans on days that we have AWAY Games.

5 Volleyball GAME DAYS Continued….
Sign Out Away Games: Parents may sign them out. They must have Travel Release form filled out and turned in the day before the game. Parents have to sign them out after their game. If they stay they will sit with their teammates and watch/support the rest of the games. They will not be allowed to walk around. They will be able to go to RR/Concessions between games. If picking up after the game at school we will give you an estimated time of arrival back to school (via Remind). Pick up will be at the Caddo Side of the school. Please be there on time or make arrangements.

6 Basketball During Offseason:
Athletes will be expected to work out everyday. If an athlete forgets their clothes, an alternate assignment will be given, and 5 points will be taken from their grade. Try-outs 7th grade: 6:30am – 7:50am, doors open at 6:15am. 8th grade: 4:15pm – 5:30pm

7 Basketball Game Day Attire: Athletes will dress up on HOME GAME DAYS (Church like attire, No Jeans and No T-Shirts) Attire: Athletes will be allowed to wear a spirit shirt and jeans on days that we have AWAY Games. Sign Out Away Games: Parents may sign them out. They must have Travel Release form filled out and turned in the day before the game. Parents have to sign them out after their game. If riding home with someone other than the designated guardian, a new travel release must be filled out and turned in the day before the game. If picking up after the game at school we will give you an estimated time of arrival back to school (via Remind). Pick up will be on the Caddo side of the school. Please be there on time or make arrangements.

8 Track & Soccer Track Practice after school, pick up at 5:45pm.
Meets are on Thursdays. District - Qualifier and District meet: Monday-Tuesday. Soccer 8th grade ONLY Start after track season. Practice after school to 5:45pm.

9 Communication Remind 2017-2018 LMS Girls Athletics
Text to 81010 8th Grade Volleyball Text to 81010 7th Grade Volleyball Text to 81010 Remaining sports will be created after try-outs

10 homecoming Homecoming is October 29.
Need parents and volunteers to organize Decorating and floats for 7th and 8th Volleyball. We will need one 40 ft goose neck trailer and someone to pull it. If you are interested in helping please Coach Montanez or Coach Watts.

11 Contact information Joshua ISD: Jeff Stanley Chelsey Montanez Ext Ashley Watts Ext: Amanda Caywood

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