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Grading and Feedback Work Team

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Presentation on theme: "Grading and Feedback Work Team"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grading and Feedback Work Team
Year in Review

2 The Kleenex Effect on Grades

3 Strategic Plan Goals Research and implement improved grading practices that provide feedback that clearly communicates student performance related to course goals, standards, and Mission-related outcomes. Increase parent involvement and communication regarding assessment and assessment results (to begin June 2012) Review and revise student progress reporting systems to communicate student growth toward Stage 1 desired results and criteria in all courses (including longitudinal rubric development)

4 Participants Dr. Randy Eikel Terry Martinez Kevin Beckner
Martha Leader Dr. Becky Litherland Nancy Urnes Bridgett Kovis Beth Knes Patrick Shelton Dr. Bonnie Maxey Jason Adams

5 Research and Literature Reviews
Districts Nation Wide Grain Valley School District, Missouri Moraga School District, California San Diego Public Schools, California Park Hill School District, Missouri Middleton Public Schools, Rhode Island Littleton Public Schools, Colorado Montgomery County R-2, Missouri Derry Township School District, Pennsylvania Santa Barbara Public Schools, California School District of Marshfield, Wisconsin Paramus Public Schools, New Jersey Kirkwood School District, Missouri

6 What is the Purpose of Grading. What Influences Grades
What is the Purpose of Grading? What Influences Grades? Why is Grading Important?


8 Our Hope: What is the purpose of grading?
Accurately reflects and informs what students have learned Continual and ongoing Informs instruction Student self-assessment, reflection and goal setting Removes bias Not punitive Immediate feedback given Consistency Assesses multiple areas separately….academic vs. behavior All students have an opportunity to learn Support learning

9 Our Hope: What Influence Grades?
What students have learned relative to standards Evidence of transfer Multiple measures Accurate data provided

10 Our Hope: What Is Grading Important?
Communication about learning Common understanding of standards and how they are measured Young people are given a sense of achievement and capable of being successful Tool for future learning Reflect “all students” learning

11 This We Believe About Grading Practices
Principle #1: Anything that distorts the ability of the grade to accurately communicate student achievement should be excluded from the grade calculation. Example: Zeros, Late work, dishonesty, comparisons to others, extra credit, and behavior. Principle #2: Academics and Learning Behaviors should be separate in grade calculation. Principle #3: A grade is best communicated by individual standard. Principle #4: Grades should reflect: Current level of achievement reality rather than average of performance over time. “Collection” of best evidence regarding student’s achievement of standard. Example: Alternative assessments, professional judgment, retaking assessments.

12 Five Year Plan: Communication
Grading Summits (beginning next year) Teacher Feedback Community Feedback Student Feedback

13 Five Year Plan: Professional Learning
Common Vocabulary Grading Practices Best Assessment Practices Support with Report Card

14 Five Year Plan: Report Card Development
Aligned with Common Core Electronic Developed and rolled out in stages K-5 Middle High School Or K-2 3-5

15 Five Year Plan: Rubric Development
Curriculum Action Teams Descriptors and definitions for each standard listed on the report card


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