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Junior Parent Night Class of 2018

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1 Junior Parent Night Class of 2018


3 Counseling Staff Counselors A-F Mrs. Lura Wilkes G-I Ms. Robi Anderson
J-P Mrs. LeeAnn Belknap Q-Z Mrs. Hope Huey 9th grade Mr. Anthony Finley Records Secretary – Judy Callaway Counseling Office Paraprofessional – Kristin Hatten

4 Junior Year Checklist Maintaining your grades during your Junior year is important. Make sure that you’re challenging yourself academically. Focus on post-secondary research As you research education & career options, discuss ideas with your family

5 Graduation Requirements
4 English Credits 4 Math Credits 4 Science Credits 3 Social Studies Credits 1 Health/Personal Fitness Credit 7 Elective Credits (3 of the credits must be in World Language, Career Tech or Fine Arts) 23 Credits are Required to Graduate Students are required to take Georgia Milestones Assessments in the following areas: 9th Grade Literature, Coordinate Algebra (Accelerated), Biology, Analytic Geometry (Accelerated), Physical Science, American Literature, U.S. History, Economics These assessments count 20% of the student’s final average.

6 Transcripts Name Date of Birth Classes Credits Name Date of Birth
GPA (Weighted / Unweighted) Courses Grades Credits (Attempted / Earned) Name Date of Birth Classes Credits

7 McIntosh High School Does Not Calculate HOPE GPA!
HOPE Scholarship 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale in all English, Math, Science, Social Studies, World Language, and Dual Enrollment/MOWR Courses All AP courses will have GPA weighting removed and .5 added to the new GPA not to exceed 4.0 All MOWR courses (formerly Dual Enrollment) count in HOPE GPA and a .5 is added not to exceed 4.0 Must take 4 classes from the Academic Rigor Course list: Advanced Algebra, Pre-Calculus, Statistical Reasoning, Chemistry, Physics, Microbiology, Anatomy, 2nd year and beyond of World Language, AP courses, MOWR McIntosh High School Does Not Calculate HOPE GPA! Log on to to check your HOPE GPA.

8 Zell Miller Scholarship
Graduate as Valedictorian or Salutatorian of your class; OR 3.7 GPA on 4.0 scale in English, Math, Science, Social Studies, World Language, and MOWR courses; AND Receive a minimum 1200 on the SAT (Critical Reading and Math Score only) or 26 composite score on the ACT in a single test administration before graduation All AP Courses will have GPA weighting removed and .5 added to the new GPA not to exceed 4.0 All MOWR courses (formerly Dual Enrollment) count in HOPE GPA and a .5 is added not to exceed 4.0 Must take 4 classes from the Academic Rigor Course list: Advanced Algebra, Pre-Calculus, Statistical Reasoning, Chemistry, Physics, Microbiology, Anatomy, 2nd year and beyond of World Language, AP courses, MOWR

9 HOPE and Zell Miller Scholarship Awards
The HOPE Scholar program will pay at an eligible public postsecondary institution a percentage amount of the standard tuition charges from the previous year. The HOPE Scholar program currently pays $ at an eligible private postsecondary institution. The Zell Miller Scholar program will pay at an eligible public postsecondary institution 100% of the standard tuition charges. The Zell Miller Scholar program currently pays $ at an eligible private postsecondary institution. .

10 HOPE GRANT No GPA requirement from high school
Maintain a 2.0 at Technical College Enrolled in a Certificate or Diploma program Award amount is equal to the HOPE Award Rate found on

11 Zell Miller Grant Attending a Technical College and in Certificate or Diploma program Must earn a 3.5 GPA at Technical College to obtain Full Standard Tuition Charges

12 Post Secondary Options
4 Year College 2 Year College Technical College Work Military

13 College Research

14 Career Research

15 Off Campus College Visits
Schedule visit through College Admission Office Obtain form from MHS Attendance Office PRIOR to visit Have all 6 teachers and parent sign form Turn in to Attendance Office prior to visit Second half of form should be completed OFFICIALLY by college – no business cards, etc. Turn in second half of form to Attendance Office when you return to school This visit will count as a field trip – no penalty for exams 2 days are allowed for college visits Junior/Senior Years Deadline for using the 2 days is in mid April

16 MHS Campus College Visits
MHS Website – Counseling Calendar (sign up online) Bulletin Board in the Guidance Office Morning Announcements Edmodo (code located on MHS Guidance Homepage) Remind 101 Must sign up in the Guidance Office a minimum of the day before the scheduled visit. NO EXCEPTIONS!

17 Scholarships McIntosh Counseling Webpage

18 Military Service Academies

19 Reserve Officer Training Corp (ROTC)
4 year, 3 year, and 2 year scholarships Scholarship recipients receive monthly stipend Military service obligation upon commissioning Contact college/university ROTC department Army – Navy/Marine Corps – Air Force –

20 United States Armed Forces
Administrative Machine operator Combat Specialty Media/public affairs Electronic/Electrical Equip Repair Protective services Engineering, science, technical support services Healthcare Transportation Human resources development Vehicle and machinery mechanic and many more options!

21 Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
3 hour test; Reading, Writing and Language, Math and Optional Essay (take at least once) Maximum Score = 1600 You can retake the test to improve scores No wrong answer penalty

22 Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
Use the CEEB code for McIntosh (112360) Cost is $57.00 (with essay) 4 Free Reports to colleges if done at time of registration $12.00 for each additional report to college

23 SAT Subject Tests SAT Subject Tests™ are given on the same day as the SAT (except March). You cannot take subject test and a SAT on the same day. You can take up to three subject test in one day except for the listening test which is limited to one. English Literature Biology E/M Chemistry Physics U S History World History Math Level 1 Math Level 2 French German Italian Latin Modern Hebrew Spanish Chinese with Listening French with Listening German with Listening Japanese with Listening Korean with Listening Spanish with Listening

24 American College Testing (ACT)
Take Spring of Junior Year 2 hour and 55 minute test; English, Math, Reading, Science and Optional Writing Test (take at least once) No wrong answer penalty Maximum Score = 36 You can retake test to improve score

25 American College Testing (ACT)
Use the CEEB code for McIntosh (112360) Cost is $56.50 (with essay) 4 Free Reports to colleges if done at time of registration $12 for each additional report sent to colleges

26 MOWR Program (Formerly Dual Enrollment)
Students are allowed to earn high school and college credit Can be structured all day or partial day Must work closely with Mrs. Huey, counselor, for course approval For more information visit County-Wide Mandatory Parent/Student Meetings Tues. Dec. 6th – Sam’s Auditorium at the LEC – 6:30 pm Thurs. Jan. 12th – SCHS – 6:30 pm Thurs. Jan. 19th – SMHS – 6:00 pm Tues. Feb. 28th – MHS – 6:30 pm You and your parent must attend one of these meetings if you plan to be in the MOWR Program!!!

27 NCAA for Athletes Register for NCAA Eligibility at
Transcript request form goes to Mrs. Husted in front office with $6 Always check with NCAA for any eligibility questions

28 NCAA Changes For complete and up to date information visit

29 Steps to Success for Junior Year and Beyond!
Get involved at MHS and/or in the community Seek leadership positions in clubs/organizations Search for summer program opportunities (posted through Edmodo) Apply for an internship or a job Research post secondary options Complete items on Junior Checklist

30 The American Legion Georgia Boys’/Girls’ State
What: One week “learn by doing” government seminar Who: Boys’/Girls’ after junior year; 3.0 GPA / Top 1/3rd When: Usually 2nd week of June Why: Great experience, resume builder, fun!!; Ask last summer’s alumni for more reasons. How: Contact Counselors’, early spring semester ‘17 POC: Mr. Vince Compagno, American Legion Post 105 More: PS: It’s FREE! (sponsored by The American Legion, Auxiliary, & donors)                             

31 Important Dates Dec 6th MOWR Mtg at SAM’s Auditorium(LEC) 6:30 PM Dec 13th Financial Aid Meeting 6:30 PM Auditorium Jan 12th AP Parent Night Mtg 6:00 PM Auditorium Jan 21st Club Z Mock SAT 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM Auditorium

32 More Important Dates Jan 26th Credit Recovery Meeting 6:00 PM Cafeteria Jan 27th Credit Recovery Meeting 7:45 AM Counseling Office Feb 28th MOWR Meeting at MHS 6:30 PM

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