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Classrooms in the Outdoors:

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1 Classrooms in the Outdoors:
The successes and challenges of creating gardens at elementary schools within the San Diego Unified District

2 Outline Background of the topic Introduction of the study Objectives
Methods Outcomes Benefits Challenges Approach Successful gardens References

3 Background of the topic
School gardens are growing nationwide Just in California alone there are around 4,000(Skinner and Chi,2012) Some studies show positive outcomes of students and teacher from a nature-base learning environment (Skinner and Chi, 2012)

4 Introduction of the study
The Clairemont Mesa Education Foundation is supporting the community by creating and designing gardens at elementary schools They provide outdoor instructional space This presentation focuses on the successes and challenges of the four school gardens in Clairemont Mesa during the second school year of the project

5 Objectives of the study
Motivation and engagement of young students in academics through school gardens Use gardens as vehicle to spark student’s interest in STEM Engage students in building positive relationships through work and cooperation

6 Methods Case study Qualitative data Participatory research Experential learning through hands on gardening Second part Interviews Qualitative and Quantitative data from students and faculty at the end of school year.

7 Expected Outcomes based on other similar studies
Improve learning outcomes Develop a strong sense of belonging, self-confidence Intrinsic motivation Sense of autonomy and relatedness Collaboration leads to friendships and less prejudiced attitudes Cross-curricular connections Awareness of environmental changes Better attitudes toward nature Recycling and composting skills Learn about microorganisms essential for life

8 Challenges I have seen so far
Commitment and responsibility to maintain the gardens Water resource/District and high water bills Soil, seeds, tools and garden boxes PTA Trained teachers that can manage children outdoors

9 Successful gardens Parents Involvement
Parent involvement has been associated with children's motivation as well as their grades and achievement (Grolnick, 2014) Faculty and staff Faculty and parents’ involvement in the gardens are determinants for gardens to succeed

10 Extra component for the success of gardens
Technical support Teachers and faculty rely on the knowledge and support from: Master Gardener Association The Mesa Education Foundation School District Landscaping Management

11 Results/data so far: School A much ahead from the others

12 School B and C interest and enthusiasm from teachers, but they need support to keep the gardens going

13 School D Struggling have no soil need to break cement long process

14 Gardens bring people together!

15 Moving forward: Continue to observe the maintenance of the gardens at school A and B Keep training teachers to learn techniques and tips on how to teach in the outdoors in the four different schools Teachers will relate science class material to the real world

16 Next Project: four more schools for 2017-2018
Curriculum Standar NGSS (Next generation science standar) Common core curriculum

17 Acknowledgment: Honors Program
SEEDS Scholar/Mentors: Program founded by the USDA NIFA Award San Diego Master Gardener Association(UCCE)

18 References: Grolnick, W. (2014). Mother´s motivation for involvement in their children´s schooling: mechanisms and outcomes. Motivation and Emotion, 39: Skinner, Ellen A., and Una Chi. “Intrinsic Motivation and Engagement as ‘Active Ingredients’ in Garden-Based Education: Examining Models and Measures Derived from Self-Determination Theory.” The Journal of Environmental Education, vol. 43, no. 1, 2012, pp Tozer, Frank. The Organic Gardener’s Handbook. 2nd Ed Green Man Publising . Santa Cruz.

19 Contact: Claudia Nieto SEEDS Scholar Biology Major

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