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Instructional Coaching, Integrated and Designated

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1 Instructional Coaching, Integrated and Designated
Sam Nofziger, MA. Ed. Founder and President Consultants; Sandra Alonzo, MA, Ed. Elizabeth Andrade-Stiffler, MS, Ed. Barbara Cole, MA, Ed. Donning Day, BA Paul Garcia, Ed. D. Emy Lopez-Phillips, Ed.D. Osa Martinez, BA Nydia Mendoza, MA. Ed. Susana, Montanez, MA. Ed. Tina Nakashian, MA, Ed. Pam Rieker, MA, Ed. Margie Salinas, B.A. Camilla Sutherland, MA, Ed. Blanca Tolpezninkas, MA. Ed. Gloria Watts, MA, Ed. Instructional Coaching, Integrated and Designated English Language Development Kings canyon unified school district Instructional coaches October 15, 2015

2 Agenda Instructional Coaching: A Definition for KCUSD
Integrated and Designated English Language Development (ELD) Developing a Plan for sharing this information with a school site.

3 Key Themes in the 2014 CA ELA/ELD Framework
Meaning Making Effective Expression Foundational Skills Content Knowledge Language Development

4 Purpose of the 2014 ELA/ELD Framework (from Chapter 2 of the 2014 CA ELA/ELD Framework)
Number off 1-7 Read your assigned section Make notes on the organizer Be prepared to share your thoughts with others.

5 Key Themes in the 2014 CA ELA/ELD Framework
Meaning Making Content Knowledge

6 Designated and Integrated ELD
10/20/2017 Designated and Integrated ELD Designated ELD “As a part of the core program provided through general funds, each English Learner receives a program of instruction in English Language Development in order to develop proficiency in English as rapidly and effectively as possible.” (CA, FPM, VII-EL19, July ) This instruction continues until the English Learner reaches the district’s criteria for Re-Classification (Re- Designation)

7 Designated ELD- Elementary
How have we been “doing it?” Deployment? In classroom differentiation? Pull-Out? Push In? “Not doing it is not an option!” ELD is CORE for all EL’s.

8 Designated ELD- Secondary Schools
ELD Courses at the Secondary Level Usually for B, EI, and I Separate Course, ELD I, II, or III Usually elective credit at HS ELA Courses at the Secondary Level Usually for I, EA, and A Integrated Course into ELA Course Usually HS ELA Credit ELD is CORE for all EL’s.

9 Integrated ELD Integrated ELD The language components needed to be successful in grade level content: Academic Vocabulary Academic Syntax Register Promoting Collaborative Discussion Support Comprehension and Interpretation of Complex Text Supporting Academic Writing and Speaking

10 Designated and Integrated ELD
Jigsaw Reading CA ELA/ELD Framework, Chapter 2 Make groups of seven (7) Count off 1-7 Integrated ELD Promoting Collaborative Discussion Support Comprehension and Interpretation of Complex Text Supporting Academic Writing and Speaking ELD, p. 91 ELD, p. 94 Grouping for Designated ELD Be ready to share your reading section with your group.

11 School and Classroom Application
What does this Designated and Integrated ELD mean to your school/classroom? What needs to be in place? What needs to be monitored? What needs to be supported? What is needed for full implementation at your site?

12 Planning For Implementation
Discuss: When will you share this information with your teachers/staff? How will you share this information with your teachers/staff? What supports do you need for full implementation? Discuss with a partner… share with the whole group.

13 ©The English Learner Group, 2015
Original presentation prepared by: Sam Nofziger Founder and President The English Learner Group, Inc. mobile ©The English Learner Group, 2015

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