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2014-2015 Award Ceremony Candy Bar Awards 1C.

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Presentation on theme: "2014-2015 Award Ceremony Candy Bar Awards 1C."— Presentation transcript:

1 Award Ceremony Candy Bar Awards 1C

2 Dove The “peacemaker” award goes to… Nicole Palma Javalera

3 Lifesaver The “lifesaver” award goes to… Bianca Escobedo

4 Kit Kat The “give me a break” award goes to… Seri Torres

5 M and Ms The “marvelous and magnificent” award goes to… Maria Escoto

6 Milky Way The “out of this world” award goes to… Noah Flores

7 Mr. Goodbar The “all around good citizen” award goes to… Ruben Juarez

8 Nerds The “intelligence and hard work” award goes to… Sophia Coutino

9 Starburst The “star student” who worked hard every day in all areas award goes to…. Shannon Maldonado

10 Three Musketeers The “working well with others” award goes to…
Isaiah Flores

11 Jolly Rancher The “being so happy to learn everyday” award goes to…
Hannah Salinas

12 Skittles The “rainbow of colorful ideas” award goes to…
Zolin Villalobos

13 Snickers The “sense of humor” award goes to… Isaac Reyes

14 Symphony The “love of humming and singing while working” award goes to… Mauricio Solis Cervantes

15 Sweet Tarts The “being sweet to everyone in class” award goes to…
Rubi Casarez

16 Congratulations to all of class on a GREAT year!

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