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Vaccinations for Immigrants

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1 Vaccinations for Immigrants
Joanna Regan, MD, MPH Medical Assessment and Policy Team Immigrant, Refugee, and Migrant Health Branch Panel Physician Workshop March 2017 National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases Division of Global Migration and Quarantine

2 Learning Objectives Explain the origins of vaccination requirement
After this workshop, you should be able to Explain the origins of vaccination requirement Use the Vaccine TI table and ACIP tables to determine which vaccines are needed and how to give them Complete the DS 3025 ACIP= Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices

3 Vaccinations are recommended for their health
Question I An adult applicant at your panel site is completing their medical exam. They ask if vaccinations are recommended or required in order for them to immigrate to the United States. Which is the best answer to their question? Vaccinations are recommended for their health The vaccinations are required I’m not sure Answer=B

4 Vaccinations in Immigration Law
Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) amended in 1997 Immigrants not admissible if They fail to present documentation of having received vaccination against vaccine-preventable diseases including Mumps, measles, rubella, polio, tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, influenza B*, hepatitis B Vaccines recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) * Interpreted to mean Haemophilus influenzae type B

5 A. Diversity visa (DV) applicants
Question 2 The INA vaccine amendment applies to all of the following applicants EXCEPT: A. Diversity visa (DV) applicants B. Special immigrant visa (SIV) applicants C. Fiancé K visa applicants D. Adoptees Answer = C Fiance applicants do not have to be vaccinated before coming to the US

6 Those Included in the INA Amendment
INA amendment applies to all immigrants including Immigrant visa (IV) applicants Diversity visa (DV) applicants Special immigrant visa (SIV) applicants Adoptees INA amendment does not apply to Refugees Asylees Parolees Nonimmigrants K visa The k visa is the fiancé visa

7 Refuse to provide consent for examination
Question 3 Two U.S. parents bring a 9-year-old orphan they are adopting into your office. You review the child’s vaccine records. The parents state they want the child vaccinated in the United States. How do the parents accomplish this? Refuse to provide consent for examination Write to CDC for a waiver on medical grounds Apply for a waiver for all vaccinations on religious or moral grounds Sign an affidavit Answer = D

8 Vaccination Exemption for Adoptees
Amendment to INA Adoptees 10 years of age and younger Parents sign an affidavit Vaccinations will be provided after arrival to the United States Adoptees 11 years of age and older Follow Vaccine Technical Instructions

9 Clarifying ACIP Recommendations in the Context of Immigration
ACIP recommends many vaccinations for many circumstances INA does not specify which ACIP recommendations to follow for applicants General public Travelers Special circumstances Immigrant vaccine requirements needed further clarification with new criteria

10 Criteria for Required Vaccinations for Immigration
2009 Federal Register Notice Criteria The vaccine must be age-appropriate for the immigrant applicant The vaccine must protect against a disease that has the potential to cause an outbreak in the US The vaccine must protect against a disease that has been eliminated or is in the process of being eliminated in the United States

11 No, YF is not a required vaccination for US immigration
Question 4 You live in a country that is endemic for yellow fever (YF). You examine an applicant who is 30 years old and last received a YF vaccine >10 years ago. Should you require the applicant to get a YF vaccine? No, YF is not a required vaccination for US immigration Yes, to protect the health of the individual applicant Yes, to protect the US population from re-introduction of YF No, the applicant doesn’t need another YF vaccine dose as an adult Answer = A

12 Required Vaccinations for US Immigration
Mumps Measles Rubella Tetanus Diphtheria Meningococcal disease Pneumococcal disease Haemophilus influenzae type B Rotavirus Varicella Influenza Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Pertussis Polio

13 Vaccine Technical Instructions (TI)
Developed by the CDC MAP team based on INA amendment and PRN criteria Goal Interpret the US immigration vaccine requirements into usable instructions for panel physicians about how they must vaccinate applicants Ensure applicants can present documentation of having received the age-appropriate required vaccinations for immigration

14 Issues Vaccine TIs created to Address
What is allowed as previous documentation? Who gives the vaccines? What vaccine recommendations are followed: In-country, World Health Organization (WHO), or ACIP? Which vaccines are required for applicants of different ages?

15 Process as Defined in the Technical Instructions
Determine applicant’s age Review his/her vaccination records and medical history Determine the vaccines applicant needs by referring to Vaccine TI table Current age-appropriate ACIP schedule Assess contraindications and precautions Determine if testing for laboratory evidence of immunity is indicated Provide needed vaccines Complete DS 3025

16 Vaccination Records

17 Experience: Which of the following applies to your practice?
Question 5 Experience: Which of the following applies to your practice? We have never seen applicant vaccination records that we thought were fraudulent We rarely see vaccine records that we think are fraudulent We frequently see vaccine records that we think are fraudulent I am not a panel physician Answer = A

18 Vaccination Records Acceptable for applicants to have received vaccinations prior to the panel physician encounter Applicants with appropriate documentation of receipt of vaccinations do not need to repeat those doses Examination of vaccination records is very important

19 Examination of Vaccine Records
Are the dates of vaccination reasonable? Were the vaccines available on the dates of administration? If the record has handwriting: Is all the ink the same color? Does all the ink appear to have been written at the same time? Is handwriting different for different vaccines (at different times)? Is the format consistent with other records?

20 Advise applicant to apply for a vaccine waiver
Question 6 You examine a 24-year-old applicant. He does not provide a vaccination record but is adamant he has been vaccinated. What should you do? Advise applicant to apply for a vaccine waiver Provide influenza and MMR vaccines Refuse to complete the medical examination before he provides vaccination records Write for advice Perform laboratory testing for immunity Answer = E

21 Laboratory Evidence of Immunity
Acceptable for the following diseases: Measles Mumps Rubella Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Polio Varicella Use kits that have regulatory approval in your country

22 We have immunity tests available, but we never use them
Question 7 Experience: Which of the following statements best describes your practice? We have immunity tests available, and we frequently use them for applicants We have immunity tests available, but we never use them We don’t have immunity tests available I am not a panel physician Answer = A

23 In which arm would you like the varicella shot?
Question 8 You examine a 24-year-old female applicant who mentions that she can’t wait to start a family in the US. She has no record of varicella vaccine, and states she had chicken pox at 7 years-old. What should you ask her next? In which arm would you like the varicella shot? Can you describe the symptoms you had at 7? Do you have any chicken pox scars? Were you seen by a doctor when you had chicken pox? B, C, and D Answer = E

24 Countries of Origin of Cruise Ship Crew Members with Varicella Reported to CDC, January 2010-February 2016 Note there is some bias because more crew members are from the Philippines and India, however, map reflects the trend of varicella occurring at older age in tropical countries Total number of cases = 422

25 Varicella Vaccination
Keep in mind the following: For varicella, credible history of the disease is adequate at this time Ask questions to make sure applicant describes a clear history of the disease Exposure is likely to occur, so make sure the applicant understands the risk If history is uncertain, test for immunity can be used

26 Exercise: Review of Vaccination Records

27 Break

28 How to Use Vaccine TI Table and ACIP Recommendations

29 Vaccination Table in Vaccination Technical Instructions

30 ACIP-recommended Immunization Schedule for Persons Ages 0 Through 18 Years – United States, 2016

31 ACIP-recommended Adult Immunization Schedule – United States, 2016

32 ACIP routine immunization schedule for children
Question 9 You examine a 13-year-old applicant who has documentation of receiving 1 polio vaccine, but no other vaccines. What table should you follow to determine the diseases she must be vaccinated against in order to immigrate to the US? ACIP routine immunization schedule for children WHO Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) schedule ACIP catch-up immunization schedule Vaccine TI table Answer = D

33 Vaccine TI Table and ACIP Tables
Vaccine TI table provides structure for meeting US immigration immunization requirements Where differences exist between vaccine TI table and ACIP tables: Follow vaccine TI table ACIP tables are comprehensive for that vaccine, including for contraindications Use as detailed resource once you commit to giving a specific vaccine based on the TI table

34 Vaccine TI Table Strengths Quick way to determine diseases an applicant must be vaccinated against All age groups are on one table Weaknesses Does not provide number of doses Does not explain spacing of doses Does not provide detailed information about contraindications

35 ACIP Tables Strengths Provides number of vaccine doses, spacing and catch up schedules Comprehensive information for specific vaccines including contraindications Weaknesses Multiple documents, lots of detail U.S. domestic recommendations for individual patient health, not immigration requirements Some differences from TIs (e.g., HPV, zoster)

36 Summary of Process for Using Vaccine TI and ACIP Tables
Refer to Vaccine TI table Shows you which diseases an applicant must be vaccinated for by age Go to ACIP tables Age Number of doses needed, spacing, contraindications Where there are differences between vaccine TI table and ACIP tables Follow vaccine TI table

37 How to Complete the DS Forms

38 To understand her infectious disease risk Your nurse is confused
Question 10 A 22-year-old K visa applicant presents for her examination. She has been to the CDC website and knows she does not have to be vaccinated, so she did not bring her record. She asks why your nurse requested her vaccination record. What do you tell her? To understand her infectious disease risk Your nurse is confused To provide required vaccinations for U.S. immigration To provide a comprehensive vaccination record in English which she will need in the US Answer=D

39 DS 3025 Officially: Documents whether or not applicant is inadmissible
Documents that applicant has received required vaccinations In addition: Comprehensive vaccination record Resource for applicant after arrival to the United States Captures vaccine doses given as part of special program for U.S.-bound refugees

40 For All Applicants Obtain vaccine history Document vaccine history Provide a copy of the DS 3025 to the applicant

41 DS 3025 Page 1 Vertical orientation All diseases listed must have a vaccine disposition Panel physician must sign and date the form

42 Immunization Record Record vaccines previously given to applicant in the first four columns Immigrants will only receive one dose of a specific required vaccine by the panel physician before travel Thus, only one column for vaccines you give

43 Blanket Waiver To our knowledge, no applicant has completed every required vaccine series at the time of the panel physician examination Therefore, “Blanket Waiver” is needed to allow immigration process to continue Blanket waivers for the specific reasons defined are given by the panel physician

44 Blanket Waiver Category Examples
A – Age not appropriate If applicant does not need specific vaccine B – Insufficient time interval to complete series Child receives dose in series but will travel before next dose is due C – Contraindicated D – Not routinely available In country or region Specific vaccine not licensed for age of applicant F – Not flu season Influenza season is fall-winter in either hemisphere Tropics: Give if product available in your country Not responsible for stocking both hemisphere vaccines H – Known chronic hepatitis B virus infection Document if known, but do not test

45 Coordinate with a new supplier or local pharmacy to obtain vaccine
Question 11 The panel physician has trouble ordering MMR vaccine from his usual supplier. Other physicians in the community have supplies. How is the DS 3025 documented? Coordinate with a new supplier or local pharmacy to obtain vaccine Mark Blanket waiver “A” not age appropriate Mark Blanket waiver “B” insufficient time interval Mark Blanket waiver “D” not routinely available Answer = A

46 Maintain stock of both Northern and Southern Hemisphere vaccine
Question 12 You practice in a tropical country. An applicant visits you in September for a medical examination. What do you do about influenza vaccine? If available, provide either Southern Hemisphere vaccine or Northern Hemisphere vaccine Maintain stock of both Northern and Southern Hemisphere vaccine Provide Northern Hemisphere vaccine because applicant will immigrate to Northern Hemisphere Perform laboratory testing for immunity Answer = A

47 Summary for Immigrant Visa Applicants
Complete, but requests a Blanket Waiver Applicant is admissible U.S. vaccination requirements not complete Individual waiver Must be opposed to all vaccinations Applicant should discuss the waiver process with the Consular Section Adoptee exemption Applicant refuses vaccinations – Not Admissable!

48 Refugee Vaccine Initiative
CDC partnering with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and U.S. Department of State to vaccinate refugees Doses provided through that program are documented in these columns Initiative uses different guidance provided by CDC than what is in the Vaccine TI

49 DS 3025 Page 2

50 Cases

51 Helpful Resources Pink Book page explaining all contraindications and helpful screening questions in a box Table of contraindications Guidelines for Vaccinating Pregnant Women Vaccine Storage and Handling Toolkit Pink Book= Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases

52 Thank you
For more information please contact Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road NE, Atlanta, GA Telephone: CDC-INFO ( )/TTY: Visit: | Contact CDC at: CDC-INFO or The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases Division of Global Migration and Quarantine

53 Answers B C D A E

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