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FREIGHTSTREAM 5353 W. Imperial Hwy. Suite 100 Los Angeles, CA 90045

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Presentation on theme: "FREIGHTSTREAM 5353 W. Imperial Hwy. Suite 100 Los Angeles, CA 90045"— Presentation transcript:

1 FREIGHTSTREAM 5353 W. Imperial Hwy. Suite 100 Los Angeles, CA 90045
Tel / Fax Rev. 01 (02/22/2007)

2 System Information FREIGHT STREAM Issue B/L, T.E., Labels
Accounting A/R, A/P Pickup / Delivery Notes IMS Manager Inbound / Outbound Flight details Irregularities Pre-Alert s Customer Accessible Web Link

3 Freight Stream – Main Page
Useful Shortcuts F2 – NEW F3 – EDIT F5 – SEARCH F6 – M->H; H-M F7 – Accounting View F12 - SAVE

4 Freight Stream – MAWB Detail Page (1/2)
1. Reference Number: Created automatically by FS Control# to link MAWB with HAWB 2. MAWB Type: -Consol: when there is HAWB attached -Direct: shipping with only MAWB -Co-Load: Co-load through another agent 3. B/L Date: B/L Issue Date MAWB Date should be equal or later than HAWB Date 4. Agent: Destination agent 5. Carrier: Airline that will carry the cargo 6. Issuing Carrier: B/L issuing agent (ex. PNLA, PNL Mia) 7. MAWB No.: MAWB number issued by the airline 8. Airport of Dept: Airport of Departure (ex. LAX, MIA) 9. Airport of Dest: Airport of Destination (ex. MEX) 10. No of PKGS: Piece count and wight 11. IATA Rate: Rate that is printed in the B/L 12. Other Charges: Other charges that needs to be printed (ex. Fuel and Security charges) 1 2 3 10 4 5 6 7 8 11 9 12

5 Freight Stream – MAWB Detail Page (2/2)
1 2 1. Handling Information: Handling information requested by destination agent or consignee 2. Other Charges: list any other charges including fuel surcharge and security surcharge

6 Freight Stream – HAWB Detail Page (1/3)
2 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1. Reference Number: Control# to connect MAWB 2. HAWB Type: -Company: Issuing carrier shown as PNL -Agent: Issuing carrier shown with Agent #5 info -Third Party: Issuing carrier as third party 3. B/L Date: HAWB B/L Issue Date HAWB Date should not be after MAWB Date 4. Agent: Destination or shipping agent (depending auto billing) 5. HAWB NO.: HAWB number from origin or use AUTO 6. Customer: Customer name 7. Export Ref. No.: Customer Invoice number 8. L/C No.: Customer L/C Number 9. Shipper: Shipper information 10. Consignee / Notify Party: Consignee information 11. Airport of Dept: Airport of departure Reforwarding (origin departure port) 12. Airport of Dest: Final Destination 13. Commodity: Commodity of the cargo 14. Pcs and WGT: Piece and weight 15. Dimensions: Dimension in inches 16. Cust. Rate: Rate to be shown in the B/L 17. Term: Select Prepaid or Collect 18. DCL Customs: Customs declared rate Rate shown in the invoice.

7 Freight Stream – HAWB Detail Page (2/3)
1 3 2 4 1. Handling Information: Handling information requested by destination agent or consignee 2. Marks: Any marks requested by the shipper or consignee 3. Description: Description/Contents of the cargo 4. Term: Freight Term

8 Freight Stream – HAWB Detail Page (3/3)
1 3 2 1. Shown on B/L: Check marks to show rate on B/L or print B/L as “AS AGREED” 2. Details of the other charges: Details of other charges will be listed (ex. Trucking charge, etc) 3. Incoterm: Auto-Billing requirement only

9 IMS – Re-Forwarding/LAX Console
1 2 4 5 1. Destination Tab 2. Consol: Listed consolidation for each MAWB 4. Change: Schedule change 5. Departure: Departure confirmation

10 IMS – HAWB Detail 1. Type: A. Air B. Sea & Air C. LA Outbound
3 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 1. Type: A. Air B. Sea & Air C. LA Outbound D. Outbound O. Ocean 2. HAWB#: HAWB Number 3. General Information: Invoice number and other general HAWB information 4. MAWB Info: Origin MAWB information 5. 2nd MAWB Info: Second MAWB information 6. Origin Departure Information: Estimate: left side Actual: right side 7. Trucking Info: Trucking information if truck is used to move from one port to other 8. Departure Information: Reforwarding departure information

11 IMS – Outbound Pre-Alert Email Generator
1. Agent AWB Pre-Alert Only send to Destination Agent 2. MAWB Details 3. Consignee AWB Pre-Alert Only send to Customers 1 2 3

12 IMS – Web Tracking Service for Customers
IMS Log-in Page Address: ID/Pass: Different for each customer IMS Data Main Page for SEM(Mexico) HAWB details shown

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