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Imagery Candy Poem.

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Presentation on theme: "Imagery Candy Poem."— Presentation transcript:

1 Imagery Candy Poem

2 List Make a list of all of the candy and sweets that you can think of.
Types; not necessarily brands Chocolate, cotton candy, soda, chocolate chip cookies, cherry pie, vanilla pudding, etc.

3 Imagine a nature area…like the forest, beach, desert, mountains, jungle, etc.
Make a list of what you see, smell, hear, taste, or feel. Also, think of the wildlife that would live there!

4 Replace Now replace anything real from your nature scene with candy or sweets. Mountains can become upside down snowcones. Rivers can be made of chocolate milk instead of water. Sand can be made of fun dip. You can have gummy bears swimming in the ocean.

5 Think Candy Land!! Your poem must be 3 stanzas long.
Each stanza must have at least 4 lines counting repetition. You must decorate your final poem to reflect the land you created.

6 Example In my world… Stars are made of yellow rock candy
Lakes shimmer of honey Trees taste like giant popsicles. The air smells of cotton candy Soft, fluffy marshmallows float in the air Oceans taste of peppermints. Gummy Bears splash in the chocolate river Powdered sugar coats the mountain peaks A soft drizzle of Dr. Pepper rains down every hour.

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